


Emulator Issues #11372 » shield_interpreter.txt

eludias, 09/05/2018 06:25 AM

09-05 08:22:28.025 17684 19010 I DolphinEmuNative: Running : /storage/SUPER/WII/New SUPER MARIO BROS. Wii [SMNP01]/SMNP01.wbfs
09-05 08:22:28.358 673 734 D PowerManagerNotifier: onWakeLockReleased: flags=536870922, tag="WindowManager", packageName=android, ownerUid=1000, ownerPid=673, workSource=WorkSource{10115}
09-05 08:22:28.749 357 357 E powerHAL::common: Unknown power hint: 0x8
09-05 08:22:28.751 673 734 D PowerManagerNotifier: onWakeLockAcquired: flags=536870922, tag="WindowManager", packageName=android, ownerUid=1000, ownerPid=673, workSource=WorkSource{10115}
09-05 08:22:28.752 673 698 I ActivityManager: Displayed org.dolphinemu.dolphinemu/.activities.EmulationActivity: +784ms
09-05 08:22:28.878 17684 19011 D : PlayerBase::PlayerBase()
09-05 08:22:28.878 17684 19018 I Dolphin : Number of configurations: 1
09-05 08:22:28.878 17684 19011 D : TrackPlayerBase::TrackPlayerBase()
09-05 08:22:28.878 17684 19018 I Dolphin : Number of Interfaces: 4
09-05 08:22:28.878 17684 19011 I libOpenSLES: Emulating old channel mask behavior (ignoring positional mask 0x3, using default mask 0x3 based on channel count of 2)
09-05 08:22:28.878 17684 19018 I Dolphin : Number of Interfaces from conf: 4
09-05 08:22:28.878 17684 19018 I UsbDeviceConnection: Claim USB interface 57e:306:null
09-05 08:22:28.879 17684 19018 I Dolphin : Interface 0 endpoint count:1
09-05 08:22:28.879 17684 19018 I UsbDeviceConnection: Claim USB interface 57e:306:null
09-05 08:22:28.879 17684 19018 I Dolphin : Interface 1 endpoint count:1
09-05 08:22:28.879 17684 19018 I UsbDeviceConnection: Claim USB interface 57e:306:null
09-05 08:22:28.879 17684 19018 I Dolphin : Interface 2 endpoint count:1
09-05 08:22:28.879 17684 19018 I UsbDeviceConnection: Claim USB interface 57e:306:null
09-05 08:22:28.879 17684 19018 I Dolphin : Interface 3 endpoint count:1
09-05 08:22:28.879 429 483 I NvAudioPolicyManager: getOutputForAttr() device 0x400, samplingRate 48000, format 1, channelMask 3, flags 104 strategy 0x0
09-05 08:22:28.879 429 1057 W AudioFlinger: createTrack_l(): mismatch between requested flags (00000104) and output flags (00000006)
09-05 08:22:28.879 429 1057 I AudioFlinger: AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST accepted: frameCount=512 mFrameCount=256
09-05 08:22:28.879 17684 19011 I AudioTrack: AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST successful; frameCount 512 -> 512
09-05 08:22:28.880 17684 19011 D AudioTrack: Client defaulted notificationFrames to 256 for frameCount 512
09-05 08:22:29.044 17684 17684 D ViewRootImpl[EmulationActivity]: changeCanvasOpacity: opaque=true
09-05 08:22:29.201 17684 19018 I DolphinEmuNative: Wii Remote 1 connected
09-05 08:22:29.201 17684 19018 I DolphinEmuNative: Wii Remote 2 connected
09-05 08:22:29.203 17684 17700 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
09-05 08:22:29.298 17684 19019 F RefBase : decStrong() called on 0x21ac70cca0 too many times
09-05 08:22:29.299 17684 19019 F libc : Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 in tid 19019 (AudioTrack)
09-05 08:22:29.351 19032 19032 I crash_dump64: obtaining output fd from tombstoned
09-05 08:22:29.352 451 451 I /system/bin/tombstoned: received crash request for pid 17684
09-05 08:22:29.352 19032 19032 I crash_dump64: performing dump of process 17684 (target tid = 19019)
09-05 08:22:29.352 19032 19032 F DEBUG : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
09-05 08:22:29.352 19032 19032 F DEBUG : Build fingerprint: 'NVIDIA/darcy/darcy:8.0.0/OPR6.170623.010/3019194_1174.8512:user/release-keys'
09-05 08:22:29.352 19032 19032 F DEBUG : Revision: '0'
09-05 08:22:29.352 19032 19032 F DEBUG : ABI: 'arm64'
09-05 08:22:29.352 19032 19032 F DEBUG : pid: 17684, tid: 19019, name: AudioTrack >>> org.dolphinemu.dolphinemu <<<
09-05 08:22:29.352 19032 19032 F DEBUG : signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 (SI_TKILL), fault addr --------
09-05 08:22:29.356 19032 19032 F DEBUG : Abort message: 'decStrong() called on 0x21ac70cca0 too many times'
09-05 08:22:29.356 19032 19032 F DEBUG : x0 0000000000000000 x1 0000000000004a4b x2 0000000000000006 x3 0000000000000008
09-05 08:22:29.356 19032 19032 F DEBUG : x4 0000000000000000 x5 0000000000000000 x6 0000000000000000 x7 7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f
09-05 08:22:29.356 19032 19032 F DEBUG : x8 0000000000000083 x9 26b6430d21c9576f x10 0000000000000000 x11 0000000000000001
09-05 08:22:29.356 19032 19032 F DEBUG : x12 ffffffffffffffff x13 ffffffffffffffff x14 ff00000000000000 x15 ffffffffffffffff
09-05 08:22:29.356 19032 19032 F DEBUG : x16 000000218bca12f8 x17 000000218bc435d0 x18 00000000000003fe x19 0000000000004514
09-05 08:22:29.356 19032 19032 F DEBUG : x20 0000000000004a4b x21 00000021bbdc4ec0 x22 0000000000000000 x23 000000218bd52870
09-05 08:22:29.356 19032 19032 F DEBUG : x24 00000021a970eb44 x25 0000000000000000 x26 0000000000000001 x27 0000000000000005
09-05 08:22:29.356 19032 19032 F DEBUG : x28 0000000000000000 x29 00000021bc1f8cf0 x30 000000218bbf7994
09-05 08:22:29.356 19032 19032 F DEBUG : sp 00000021bc1f8cb0 pc 000000218bc435d8 pstate 0000000060000000
09-05 08:22:29.363 19032 19032 F DEBUG :
09-05 08:22:29.363 19032 19032 F DEBUG : backtrace:
09-05 08:22:29.363 19032 19032 F DEBUG : #00 pc 00000000000695d8 /system/lib64/ (tgkill+8)
09-05 08:22:29.363 19032 19032 F DEBUG : #01 pc 000000000001d990 /system/lib64/ (abort+88)
09-05 08:22:29.363 19032 19032 F DEBUG : #02 pc 0000000000007eec /system/lib64/ (__android_log_assert+304)
09-05 08:22:29.363 19032 19032 F DEBUG : #03 pc 0000000000010084 /system/lib64/ (_ZNK7android7RefBase9decStrongEPKv+168)
09-05 08:22:29.364 19032 19032 F DEBUG : #04 pc 0000000000052d98 /system/lib64/ (_ZN7android10AudioTrack12obtainBufferEPNS0_6BufferEPK8timespecPS3_Pm+508)
09-05 08:22:29.364 19032 19032 F DEBUG : #05 pc 000000000005397c /system/lib64/ (_ZN7android10AudioTrack18processAudioBufferEv+1684)
09-05 08:22:29.364 19032 19032 F DEBUG : #06 pc 0000000000055a7c /system/lib64/ (_ZN7android10AudioTrack16AudioTrackThread10threadLoopEv+196)
09-05 08:22:29.364 19032 19032 F DEBUG : #07 pc 0000000000013f00 /system/lib64/ (_ZN7android6Thread11_threadLoopEPv+280)
09-05 08:22:29.364 19032 19032 F DEBUG : #08 pc 0000000000065f88 /system/lib64/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+36)
09-05 08:22:29.364 19032 19032 F DEBUG : #09 pc 000000000001ed24 /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+68)
09-05 08:22:30.346 451 451 E /system/bin/tombstoned: Tombstone written to: /data/tombstones//tombstone_09
09-05 08:22:30.347 673 19033 W ActivityManager: Force finishing activity org.dolphinemu.dolphinemu/.activities.EmulationActivity
09-05 08:22:30.349 673 695 I BootReceiver: Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_09 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)
09-05 08:22:30.446 673 745 W InputDispatcher: channel '4c964d3 org.dolphinemu.dolphinemu/org.dolphinemu.dolphinemu.ui.main.TvMainActivity (server)' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred. events=0x9
09-05 08:22:30.446 673 745 E InputDispatcher: channel '4c964d3 org.dolphinemu.dolphinemu/org.dolphinemu.dolphinemu.ui.main.TvMainActivity (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!
09-05 08:22:30.446 673 745 W InputDispatcher: channel '6423c0a org.dolphinemu.dolphinemu/org.dolphinemu.dolphinemu.activities.EmulationActivity (server)' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred. events=0x9
09-05 08:22:30.446 673 745 E InputDispatcher: channel '6423c0a org.dolphinemu.dolphinemu/org.dolphinemu.dolphinemu.activities.EmulationActivity (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!
09-05 08:22:30.455 365 750 E SurfaceFlinger: Failed to find layer (SurfaceView - org.dolphinemu.dolphinemu/org.dolphinemu.dolphinemu.activities.EmulationActivity#0) in layer parent (no-parent).
09-05 08:22:30.455 365 1021 E SurfaceFlinger: Failed to find layer (Background for - SurfaceView - org.dolphinemu.dolphinemu/org.dolphinemu.dolphinemu.activities.EmulationActivity#0) in layer parent (no-parent).
09-05 08:22:30.455 673 1524 I ActivityManager: Process org.dolphinemu.dolphinemu (pid 17684) has died: fore TOP
09-05 08:22:30.455 673 4363 I WindowManager: WIN DEATH: Window{6423c0a u0 org.dolphinemu.dolphinemu/org.dolphinemu.dolphinemu.activities.EmulationActivity}
09-05 08:22:30.455 673 4363 W InputDispatcher: Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel '6423c0a org.dolphinemu.dolphinemu/org.dolphinemu.dolphinemu.activities.EmulationActivity (server)'
09-05 08:22:30.459 673 4363 D PowerManagerNotifier: onWakeLockReleased: flags=536870922, tag="WindowManager", packageName=android, ownerUid=1000, ownerPid=673, workSource=WorkSource{10115}
09-05 08:22:30.465 907 924 D RSMouse : mFeatureEnabled=true mPackageEnabled=false
09-05 08:22:30.466 673 818 I WindowManager: WIN DEATH: Window{4c964d3 u0 org.dolphinemu.dolphinemu/org.dolphinemu.dolphinemu.ui.main.TvMainActivity}
09-05 08:22:30.466 673 818 W InputDispatcher: Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel '4c964d3 org.dolphinemu.dolphinemu/org.dolphinemu.dolphinemu.ui.main.TvMainActivity (server)'
09-05 08:22:30.483 322 322 I Zygote : Process 17684 exited due to signal (6)
09-05 08:22:30.488 673 1524 I ActivityManager: Start proc 19041:org.dolphinemu.dolphinemu/u0a115 for activity org.dolphinemu.dolphinemu/.ui.main.TvMainActivity