[General] LastFilename = D:\Platforms\GC/Legend of Zelda, The - The Wind Waker (USA).iso ShowLag = False GCMPathes = 2 RecursiveGCMPaths = False NANDRootPath = C:/Users/Dane/Documents/Dolphin Emulator/Wii WirelessMac = GCMPath0 = E:\Platforms\GC GCMPath1 = E:\Platforms\Wii ShowFrameCount = False ISOPaths = 2 RecursiveISOPaths = False ISOPath0 = D:\Platforms\GC ISOPath1 = D:\Platforms\Wii DumpPath = WiiSDCardPath = C:/Users/daneb/Documents/Dolphin Emulator/Wii/sd.raw [Interface] ConfirmStop = True UsePanicHandlers = True OnScreenDisplayMessages = True HideCursor = True AutoHideCursor = False MainWindowPosX = 555 MainWindowPosY = 86 MainWindowWidth = 1179 MainWindowHeight = 954 Language = 0 ShowToolbar = True ShowStatusbar = True ShowLogWindow = False ShowLogConfigWindow = False ThemeName40 = Clean ExtendedFPSInfo = False PauseOnFocusLost = False LanguageCode = ThemeName = Clean [Hotkeys] Open = 79 OpenModifier = 2 ChangeDisc = 0 ChangeDiscModifier = 0 RefreshList = 0 RefreshListModifier = 0 PlayPause = 349 PlayPauseModifier = 0 Stop = 27 StopModifier = 0 Reset = 0 ResetModifier = 0 FrameAdvance = 0 FrameAdvanceModifier = 0 StartRecording = 0 StartRecordingModifier = 0 PlayRecording = 0 PlayRecordingModifier = 0 ExportRecording = 0 ExportRecordingModifier = 0 Readonlymode = 0 ReadonlymodeModifier = 0 ToggleFullscreen = 13 ToggleFullscreenModifier = 1 Screenshot = 348 ScreenshotModifier = 0 Exit = 0 ExitModifier = 0 Wiimote1Connect = 344 Wiimote1ConnectModifier = 1 Wiimote2Connect = 345 Wiimote2ConnectModifier = 1 Wiimote3Connect = 346 Wiimote3ConnectModifier = 1 Wiimote4Connect = 347 Wiimote4ConnectModifier = 1 BalanceBoardConnect = 348 BalanceBoardConnectModifier = 1 ToggleIR = 0 ToggleIRModifier = 0 ToggleAspectRatio = 0 ToggleAspectRatioModifier = 0 ToggleEFBCopies = 0 ToggleEFBCopiesModifier = 0 ToggleFog = 0 ToggleFogModifier = 0 IncreaseFrameLimit = 0 IncreaseFrameLimitModifier = 0 DecreaseFrameLimit = 0 DecreaseFrameLimitModifier = 0 LoadStateSlot1 = 340 LoadStateSlot1Modifier = 0 LoadStateSlot2 = 341 LoadStateSlot2Modifier = 0 LoadStateSlot3 = 342 LoadStateSlot3Modifier = 0 LoadStateSlot4 = 343 LoadStateSlot4Modifier = 0 LoadStateSlot5 = 344 LoadStateSlot5Modifier = 0 LoadStateSlot6 = 345 LoadStateSlot6Modifier = 0 LoadStateSlot7 = 346 LoadStateSlot7Modifier = 0 LoadStateSlot8 = 347 LoadStateSlot8Modifier = 0 LoadStateSlot9 = 0 LoadStateSlot9Modifier = 0 LoadStateSlot10 = 0 LoadStateSlot10Modifier = 0 SaveStateSlot1 = 340 SaveStateSlot1Modifier = 4 SaveStateSlot2 = 341 SaveStateSlot2Modifier = 4 SaveStateSlot3 = 342 SaveStateSlot3Modifier = 4 SaveStateSlot4 = 343 SaveStateSlot4Modifier = 4 SaveStateSlot5 = 344 SaveStateSlot5Modifier = 4 SaveStateSlot6 = 345 SaveStateSlot6Modifier = 4 SaveStateSlot7 = 346 SaveStateSlot7Modifier = 4 SaveStateSlot8 = 347 SaveStateSlot8Modifier = 4 SaveStateSlot9 = 0 SaveStateSlot9Modifier = 0 SaveStateSlot10 = 0 SaveStateSlot10Modifier = 0 LoadLastState1 = 0 LoadLastState1Modifier = 0 LoadLastState2 = 0 LoadLastState2Modifier = 0 LoadLastState3 = 0 LoadLastState3Modifier = 0 LoadLastState4 = 0 LoadLastState4Modifier = 0 LoadLastState5 = 0 LoadLastState5Modifier = 0 LoadLastState6 = 0 LoadLastState6Modifier = 0 LoadLastState7 = 0 LoadLastState7Modifier = 0 LoadLastState8 = 0 LoadLastState8Modifier = 0 SaveFirstState = 0 SaveFirstStateModifier = 0 UndoLoadState = 351 UndoLoadStateModifier = 0 UndoSaveState = 351 UndoSaveStateModifier = 4 SaveStateFile = 0 SaveStateFileModifier = 0 LoadStateFile = 0 LoadStateFileModifier = 0 ToggleThrottle = 9 ToggleThrottleModifier = 0 SelectStateSlot1 = 0 SelectStateSlot1Modifier = 0 SelectStateSlot2 = 0 SelectStateSlot2Modifier = 0 SelectStateSlot3 = 0 SelectStateSlot3Modifier = 0 SelectStateSlot4 = 0 SelectStateSlot4Modifier = 0 SelectStateSlot5 = 0 SelectStateSlot5Modifier = 0 SelectStateSlot6 = 0 SelectStateSlot6Modifier = 0 SelectStateSlot7 = 0 SelectStateSlot7Modifier = 0 SelectStateSlot8 = 0 SelectStateSlot8Modifier = 0 SelectStateSlot9 = 0 SelectStateSlot9Modifier = 0 SelectStateSlot10 = 0 SelectStateSlot10Modifier = 0 SaveSelectedSlot = 0 SaveSelectedSlotModifier = 0 LoadSelectedSlot = 0 LoadSelectedSlotModifier = 0 VolumeUp = 0 VolumeUpModifier = 0 VolumeDown = 0 VolumeDownModifier = 0 VolumeToggleMute = 0 VolumeToggleMuteModifier = 0 FreelookDecreaseSpeed = 49 FreelookDecreaseSpeedModifier = 4 FreelookIncreaseSpeed = 50 FreelookIncreaseSpeedModifier = 4 FreelookResetSpeed = 70 FreelookResetSpeedModifier = 4 FreelookUp = 69 FreelookUpModifier = 4 FreelookDown = 81 FreelookDownModifier = 4 FreelookLeft = 65 FreelookLeftModifier = 4 FreelookRight = 68 FreelookRightModifier = 4 FreelookZoomIn = 87 FreelookZoomInModifier = 4 FreelookZoomOut = 83 FreelookZoomOutModifier = 4 FreelookReset = 82 FreelookResetModifier = 4 IncreaseDepth = 0 IncreaseDepthModifier = 0 DecreaseDepth = 0 DecreaseDepthModifier = 0 IncreaseConvergence = 0 IncreaseConvergenceModifier = 0 DecreaseConvergence = 0 DecreaseConvergenceModifier = 0 [Display] FullscreenResolution = Auto Fullscreen = False RenderToMain = False RenderWindowXPos = 4006 RenderWindowYPos = 36 RenderWindowWidth = 791 RenderWindowHeight = 527 RenderWindowAutoSize = False KeepWindowOnTop = False ProgressiveScan = False DisableScreenSaver = True ForceNTSCJ = False PAL60 = True [GameList] ListDrives = False ListWad = True ListWii = True ListGC = True ListJap = True ListPal = True ListUsa = True ListFrance = True ListItaly = True ListKorea = True ListTaiwan = True ListUnknown = True ListSort = 3 ListSortSecondary = -3 ColorCompressed = True ColumnPlatform = True ColumnBanner = True ColumnNotes = True ColumnID = False ColumnRegion = True ColumnSize = True ColumnState = True ListAustralia = True ListGermany = True ListInternational = True ListNetherlands = True ListRussia = True ListSpain = True ListWorld = True ListElfDol = True ColumnFileName = False [Core] HLE_BS2 = True CPUCore = 2 Fastmem = True CPUThread = True DSPThread = False DSPHLE = True SkipIdle = True DefaultGCM = DVDRoot = Apploader = EnableCheats = False SelectedLanguage = 0 DPL2Decoder = False Latency = 2 MemcardAPath = C:/Users/daneb/Documents/Dolphin Emulator/GC/MemoryCardA.USA.raw MemcardBPath = C:/Users/Dane/Documents/Dolphin Emulator/GC/MemoryCardB.USA.raw SlotA = 1 SlotB = 255 SerialPort1 = 255 BBA_MAC = SIDevice0 = 6 SIDevice1 = 6 SIDevice2 = 6 SIDevice3 = 0 WiiSDCard = False WiiKeyboard = False WiimoteContinuousScanning = False WiimoteEnableSpeaker = True RunCompareServer = False RunCompareClient = False FrameLimit = 0x00000001 FrameSkip = 0x00000000 GFXBackend = D3D GPUDeterminismMode = auto SyncOnSkipIdle = True DefaultISO = Overclock = 1.00000000 OverclockEnable = False GameCubeAdapter = True GameCubeAdapterThread = True SyncGPU = False SyncGpuMaxDistance = 200000 SyncGpuMinDistance = -200000 SyncGpuOverclock = 1.00000000 OverrideGCLang = False AgpCartAPath = AgpCartBPath = AdapterRumble = True TimingVariance = 40 FPRF = False AccurateNaNs = False AdapterRumble0 = True SimulateKonga0 = False AdapterRumble1 = True SimulateKonga1 = False AdapterRumble2 = True SimulateKonga2 = False AdapterRumble3 = True SimulateKonga3 = False EmulationSpeed = 1.00000000 PerfMapDir = EnableCustomRTC = False CustomRTCValue = 0x386d4380 [Movie] PauseMovie = False Author = DumpFrames = False ShowInputDisplay = False DumpFramesSilent = False ShowRTC = False [DSP] EnableJIT = False DumpAudio = False Backend = No audio output Volume = 100 CaptureLog = False DumpUCode = False [FifoPlayer] LoopReplay = True [NetPlay] Nickname = Dane Address = ConnectPort = 2626 HostPort = 2626 TraversalChoice = direct TraversalServer = stun.dolphin-emu.org TraversalPort = 6262 HostCode = 00000000 [Input] BackgroundInput = True [Analytics] ID = 3c3d4ee4b999f11864de6b2ae05f654d Enabled = True PermissionAsked = True [Network] SSLDumpRead = False SSLDumpWrite = False SSLVerifyCert = False SSLDumpRootCA = False SSLDumpPeerCert = False [BluetoothPassthrough] Enabled = False VID = -1 PID = -1 LinkKeys = [Sysconf] SensorBarPosition = 1 SensorBarSensitivity = 50331648 SpeakerVolume = 88 WiimoteMotor = True WiiLanguage = 1 AspectRatio = 1 Screensaver = 0