Emulator Issues #10687
closed5.0-5874 broke Tales of Symphonia
5.0-5833 is last working version.
Now I get "Invalid read from 0x01fe0206, PC = 0x800f7ed0", "Invalid read from 0x01fe0202, PC = 0x800f7ed0" dialog boxes right at startup, I click "OK" and then nothing. Even screen doesn't turn black. No FPS counter working and etc.
Updated by markwest76 over 7 years ago
Do you get that error every time you start the game? I ask because I've just tried with 5.0-5989 and the game seems to work ok...
Updated by metafalica over 7 years ago
Yes, for me it 100%. Same happens with "Baten Kaitos - Eternal wings and the lost ocean".
This is very strange if it works for you...
Updated by Helios over 7 years ago
- Status changed from New to Questionable
- Regression changed from No to Yes
Works fine on my machine.
Updated by metafalica over 7 years ago
Since it works for you, I will say my PC specs:
Windows 10 x64
i5 660 3.3GHz
Radeon HD 5750
Updated by markwest76 over 7 years ago
The issue template is there for a reason, if you don't write anything about your Dolphin and PC configuration it will be hard to understand what's goin' on
Updated by metafalica over 7 years ago
That's true, now I understand it. When I created this ticket I though since it worked in previous version and I even bisected which is last working, then it for sure Dolphin problem and not related to my PC specs.
Updated by metafalica over 7 years ago
I try PAL version of TOS.
Updated by LuismaSP over 7 years ago
metafalica wrote:
Just tested 5.0-6031, still the same.
I can confirm this issue, after 5.0-5874 it hangs for me (Blackscreen)
With my custom settings for TOS: Hangs, and sometimes gives me "Unhandled exception"
With a dolphin clean install: Invalid read from 0x01fe0206, PC = 0x800f7e98 and Invalid read from 0x01fe0202, PC = 0x800f7e98
My specs:
GTX 970
Windows 10 x64
i7 4790k
Updated by LuismaSP over 7 years ago
metafalica wrote:
Just tested 5.0-6031, still the same.
And yes, Baten Kaitos - Eternal wings and lost ocean hangs too.
Updated by LuismaSP over 7 years ago
markwest76 wrote:
For "custom settings" what do you mean?
Ir 3x
Texture cache accuracy = (middle)
Hybrid Ubershaders
Anisotropic = 16x
Updated by JMC4789 over 7 years ago
Can we confirm that it's only the PAL version broken? NTSC and NTSC-J versions boot fine here.
Updated by LuismaSP over 7 years ago
JMC4789 wrote:
Can we confirm that it's only the PAL version broken? NTSC and NTSC-J versions boot fine here.
My version is PAL too. But i donĀ“t know if the problem is only with PAL version.
Updated by JMC4789 about 7 years ago
- Status changed from Questionable to Fixed
We fixed this a few progress reports ago. I need to look up the version number.