Emulator Issues #10704
closedKirby 64: The Crystal Shards OpenAL Garbled Audio
Game Name?
Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards
Game ID? (right click the game in the game list, properties, info tab)
MD5 Hash? (right click the game in the game list, properties, info tab, MD5 Hash: Compute)
4c1defbd71d273ce881f26c17fd59ceb (wad unsigned by Nintendo)
What's the problem? Describe what went wrong.
Audio with OpenAL is garbled, but seems to play fine with all other backends.
This should be irrelevant if / once the CubeB backend can replace OpenAL.
What steps will reproduce the problem?
Play with audio set to use OpenAL.
Is the issue present in the latest development version? For future reference, please also write down the version number of the latest development version.
Is the issue present in the latest stable version?
What are your PC specifications? (CPU, GPU, Operating System, more)
i7-6700K, NVIDIA 970, Windows 10
Updated by Billiard26 about 1 year ago
- Is duplicate of Emulator Issues #10205: Sound suffering from cracks since 3345 added