



Emulator Issues #1076


Eternal Darkness

Added by tommyhl2.SS over 15 years ago.

% Done:


Operating system:
Issue type:
Relates to usability:
Relates to performance:
Relates to maintainability:
Regression start:
Fixed in:


What steps will reproduce the problem?
1.Boot the game
2.Watch the emulator keep on running but the game never displays anything

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
The game used to boot and almost get in-game in R179, but now it seems to
be broken. Maybe if one the devs can take a quick look at this game to see
what the problem is? As I said, the emulator never crashes for this game so
maybe it might not be too difficult to debug and might help other games run
as well.

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
R3643 - WinXP 32-BIT

Please provide any additional information below.

Related issues 4 (0 open4 closed)

Has duplicate Emulator - Emulator Issues #916: Eternal Darkness boots to black screen.Duplicate

Has duplicate Emulator - Emulator Issues #1159: Eternal DarknessDuplicate

Has duplicate Emulator - Emulator Issues #1911: Eternal Darkness - loop prevent game from bootingDuplicate

Has duplicate Emulator - Emulator Issues #2193: Eternal Darkness unplayable (black screen and no sound or very slow)Duplicate

Actions #2

Updated by lpfaint99 over 15 years ago

Issue 916 has been merged into this issue.

Actions #3

Updated by lpfaint99 over 15 years ago

Issue 1159 has been merged into this issue.

Actions #4

Updated by sl1nk3.s over 15 years ago

the game stopped working in
so that's another game broken due to FIFO changes :/

Actions #5

Updated by ayuanx about 15 years ago

  • Status changed from New to New
  • Issue type set to Other

The black screen of Eternal Darkness seems to have something to do with DI, as it
reads from DTK music (as voice) immediately when boot.
In r4797, you can boot in interpreter mode (even with DX9)

Actions #6

Updated by ayuanx about 15 years ago

Issue 1911 has been merged into this issue.

Actions #8

Updated by skidau almost 15 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Work started
  • Category set to gfx
  • Operating system N/A added
Actions #9

Updated by skidau almost 15 years ago

Issue 2193 has been merged into this issue.

Actions #10

Updated by tommyhl2.SS almost 15 years ago

The game still boots in interpreter with RC1. How's it going, any progress or Screen
shots to offer on the progress?

Actions #12

Updated by youruguayo over 14 years ago

The game runs,( well crawls . .) in interpreter mode. r5686

Actions #13

Updated by oehrgmbh over 14 years ago

everyone gets to that screen in interpreter. infinite loop there though. enjoy!

Actions #14

Updated by skidau over 14 years ago

Have a look here for a build of Dolphin which plays Eternal Darkness:

Actions #15

Updated by nintendo4ever over 14 years ago

Is this the code Dolphin actually uses?

It may not be related, but i have a similar issue in NeoGamma when loading the game from a disc on a Wii.(<-don't overlook that!)

When i don't touch 0xCC006020 on Request Audio Status calls, the game works(without streaming audio, but that's not possible for me anyways). If i correctly set 0xCC006020 to 1 if the subcmd is 0(which i need to do to get Ikaruga to work), i get an infinite loop of the game calling Request Audio Status over and over:
dvd_audio_status_orig1 call subcmd 0x00010000 callback 0x80209450
dvd_audio_status_orig1 call subcmd 0x00000000 callback 0x80209450

So it might be worth trying for you to not change 0xCC006020 on Request Audio Status.

Well i'm sure it doesn't work, because both projects don't handle Request Audio Status with subcmd 1 correctly.(or it's at least one of the error sources)


Actions #16

Updated by fagoatse over 14 years ago

mark as fixed.

Actions #17

Updated by oehrgmbh over 14 years ago

signed. works now. its still a bit buggy but it works:

  • enable twilight bloom hack
  • do not use 60hz if it asks
  • set watermark to 40 if 50 doesn't work
Actions #18

Updated by over 14 years ago

I'm using NTSC version of the game with R6154 x86 on XP SP3
Without Twilight bloom hack i can play the game but without title menu (total black screen ... i was able to understand what i did only hearing the sounds).
The game runs BUT (without bloom hack) i can't see every text of the game (no menu, no save load BUT I CAN see the USE / CHECK menu inside the game) The graphic's nearly perfect but as i said before: without any the game's unplayable (STUCKED and losing myself around the mansion without understand what i need to do "the star scope")

With BLOOM HACK i can see every text and the main menĂ¹ BUT the graphic's total corrupted: she moves physically her "MODEL and TEXTURE" around the rooms but without animation...simply "she walk around without any walk animation...looks like a ghost which moves herself without walking).
Also the cinematics sequence are with STATIC MODELS (only eyes are moving INSIDE AND OUTSIDE THE BODY...brrrr...real horror!!)

Actions #19

Updated by over 14 years ago

With last revision R6156 it works no more "Robot" movement without animations.
with MMU i have only the "ingame" menĂ¹ without any image or the "check, use" buttons.

Actions #20

Updated by castiglione over 14 years ago

In Mac OS - SVN 6128 - i still have the sound loop at the very start. This is with twilight bloom hack on, and whether or not I select progressive scan.

Actions #21

Updated by skidau over 14 years ago

  • Status changed from Work started to Fixed

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