Emulator Issues #11184
closedQt/macOS: First button on any pane appears selected and is highlighted blue
On macOS, the first button in any given pane will appear as if it is being clicked (colored blue) even though it is not. This doesn’t apply to panes without rounded buttons such as the games list.
For example when opening the controller config window, the “Configure” button for GameCube controller 1 will be colored blue.
See linked screenshot. The “Refresh” button has not been clicked in the picture, but when MappingWindow was opened it appeared blue.
Updated by BhaaL almost 7 years ago
- Easy changed from No to Yes
- Operating system OS X added
- Operating system deleted (
Updated by drylemon over 5 years ago
Can reproduce this on Gentoo Linux using Dolphin 5.0-10965. The highlighting is just less obvious compared to macOS. I'll be attempting to fix this.
Updated by ZephyrSurfer over 3 years ago
Same on Windows so this is not OS specific