Emulator Issues #11465
closedWith Mayflash 2-port GameCube adapter and genuine GameCube controllers, rumble works in Windows but not in Dolphin
Game Name?
I tested it in SSX3 because that was the quickest way I knew of off hand, but it is also broken in other titles, such as various Mario Party games.
Game ID? (right click the game in the game list, properties, info tab)
See above; SSX 3 is GXBE69
MD5 Hash? (right click the game in the game list, properties, info tab, MD5 Hash: Compute)
See above; SSX 3 is fb6ce25daf8550dae472b8d84596acc1.
What's the problem? Describe what went wrong.
When using the Mayflash 2-port GameCube adapter (Mayflash PC051), rumble works in Windows but not in game. (Not just the rumble test feature, which has been broken for the Mayflash 2-port adapter since 5.0-4607, but actually rumble in game.)
What steps will reproduce the problem?
Install the drivers for the Mayflash 2-port GameCube adapter (Mayflash PC051): http://www.mayflash.com/File.asp?Id=74
Plug in the Mayflash 2-port GameCube adapter (Mayflash PC051). It looks like this: http://www.mayflash.com/Up/day_120604/201206041210426725.jpg
Plug in a genuine GameCube controller.
Open the Windows Game Controllers properties. With the Mayflash driver installed, the tabs should look like this: https://i.postimg.cc/903K6CJ6/Mayflash-PC051.png
Try the rumble test in this Windows dialog box. The rumble feature should work. (It works fine for me.)
Unzip a clean installation of Dolphin 5.0-5509, and set up the GameCube controller mappings something like this: https://i.postimg.cc/5NKqynM0/rumble-works.png. (Anything just so the rumble feature is set to something.)
Start a game that uses controller rumble. (If you have SSX 3, starting a race is a super-quick way: the controller should rumble as soon as the race begins.) The rumble will work fine.
Then unzip a clean installation of Dolphin 5.0-5522, and play the same point in the same game. Rumble does not work.
Is the issue present in the latest development version? For future reference, please also write down the version number of the latest development version.
Yes, the issue is present in 5.0-9155.
Is the issue present in the latest stable version?
This issue was not present through 5.0-5509; it began in 5.0-5522 (https://dolphin-emu.org/download/dev/2b4bf8662a18b8b3a49e67133f3e2e2fa45322b6/).
What are your PC specifications? (CPU, GPU, Operating System, more)
i5-4690K @ 4.2 GHz, 2GB GeForce 960, Windows 7 x64
Updated by huginn over 6 years ago
I’m sorry, that’s a bad title: “not” should read “no longer”.
Updated by huginn over 6 years ago
Also, note that rumble does work for, say, the Mayflash 4-port Wii U adapter (Mayflash W012). It broke specifically for the 2-port adapter after 5.0-5522.
This is a big deal for my family for some games, because the 4-port adapter doesn’t allow the remapping of controls in “GameCube Adapter for Wii U” mode, whereas the 2-port adapter does allow it in “Standard Controller” mode—and for accessibility reasons we use the standard DirectInput controller mode to play with remapped controls on a number of titles.
Updated by JosJuice over 6 years ago
- Milestone set to Current
- Regression changed from No to Yes
- Regression start set to 5.0-5522
Updated by JosJuice over 6 years ago
- Related to Emulator Issues #10609: Wheel force feedback (Logitech DFGT) does not work added
Updated by Billiard26 over 6 years ago
- Operating system Windows added
- Operating system deleted (
Where can I acquire this adapter for testing? It seems to be unavailable on Amazon and eBay.
Updated by huginn over 6 years ago
Updated by Anonymous over 6 years ago
It's on Amazon.de as it was when I got the 4-port one couple of years ago.
Updated by huginn over 6 years ago
That one on Amazon.de is also on U.S. eBay and Amazon, but it’s not the older version I’m experiencing this problem with; it’s one with a Wii U/PC switch in the back (such as is in the back of the newer 4-port ones that are working fine).
I’m not sure whether that makes a difference, but I’m inclined to think it might. This issue seems to be affecting older DirectInput adapters specifically.
Updated by Billiard26 over 6 years ago
huggin, that eBay listing has sold and I'm not finding any more listings. :/
Updated by Techjar over 6 years ago
That bisect makes me suspicious. 5.0-5522 is just changes to expression handling, which makes me think the issue is not the device itself, but a configuration parsing issue. Could you provide your controller config file?
Also for what it's worth, the Mayflash 4-port adapter has a switch for Wii U and PC modes, which will allow you to use it like a normal DirectInput controller.
Updated by huginn over 6 years ago
- File GCPadNew.ini GCPadNew.ini added
Sure thing. Here’s my \Dolphin\User\Config\GCPadNew.ini file (that’s the one you’re wanting, yes?).
Using this file, if I paste the 5509 release into my Dolphin folder, controller rumble works.
Still using this file, if I paste the 5522 release (the next after 5509) into my Dolphin folder, controller rumble stops working.
Updated by huginn over 6 years ago
Okay, I set the newer (4-port) Mayflash controller to DInput (PC) mode, and it is experiencing the same problem: rumble works up through 5.0-5509 but stops from 5.0-5522 on.
So @Billiard26, I guess it doesn’t much matter which Mayflash adapter you get so long as you can run it in DInput mode?
Updated by huginn over 6 years ago
Also, as a preliminary check of the configuration file issue myself, I cleared all DInput mappings and mapped them from scratch using the newest build of Dolphin. Rumble didn’t work.
I then dropped build 5509 directly onto that installation and tried again without making any other changes (using the config file generated by from-scratch mapping in the newest build of Dolphin). Rumble worked.
When I dropped 5522 directly onto the 5509 installation, rumble broke again.
Is it possible that changes to the expression handling failed to update some routine that is called when Dolphin sends rumble instructions to the controller?
Regardless, thank you all those who are even taking a look at this issue. For now my family can just stick with 5509 (we have an accessibility issue that requires controller remapping), but it would be great, for long-term compatibility and a million other obvious reasons, to be able to stay current with the update track.
So I’m very grateful for anything you can do.
Updated by Billiard26 over 6 years ago
Updated by huginn over 6 years ago
Probably either would work, but I was able to replicate it just now using B00RSXRLUE (the 4-port).
I don’t want people to be out money on my issue, though. I would be happy to reimburse you for the expense of purchasing an adapter you yourself don’t even need—let me know and if so I can give you an e-mail address you can contact me at so I can PayPal you enough to cover the purchase of the adapter.
You would need a GameCube controller as well, though. I’m assuming you already have one? If so, then do you already have a different adapter that works?
Anyway, let me know and I’ll be happy to pitch in.
Updated by huginn over 6 years ago
For reference, using the 4-port adapter on Windows requires installation of Mayflash’s driver (http://www.mayflash.com/File.asp?Id=89) and possibly (I have) updating to the latest (years old now) firmware (http://www.mayflash.com/File.asp?Id=106).
To use the adapter in DInput mode, the switch in the back should be set to “PC”.
Updated by Billiard26 over 6 years ago
The 4-port adapter is on order to fix this. (ETA Dec 27) :)
Updated by Billiard26 over 6 years ago
- Related to Emulator Issues #10954: GameCube controller rumble very weak in-game unless motor is configured twice added
Updated by Billiard26 over 6 years ago
- Status changed from New to Work started
FYI, This is probably the same as issue 10954.
Updated by Billiard26 over 6 years ago
- Status changed from Work started to Fix pending
Updated by huginn about 6 years ago
Your PR 7640 (preview build linked by you in https://bugs.dolphin-emu.org/issues/10736) fixes this problem for me entirely.
From everyone at my house (and on behalf of all the other Dolphin users experiencing one of these nagging rumble-related issues that have persisted for so long), thank you for devoting your time and energy (and money) to overhauling Dolphin’s rumble capabilities. I’m very, very grateful. I owe you one, man.
Updated by Billiard26 about 6 years ago
- Status changed from Fix pending to Fixed
- Fixed in set to 5.0-9299
You're welcome. FYI, I didn't pay with my own money. The Dolphin foundation bought me the adapter. :P
Updated by huginn about 6 years ago
Cool—I didn’t know things worked like that.
Thanks, Dolphin Foundation!