Emulator Issues #11579
closedNon-recoverable Exceptions with The Twin Snakes
Game Name?
Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes
Game ID? (right click the game in the game list, properties, info tab)
MD5 Hash? (right click the game in the game list, properties, info tab, MD5 Hash: Compute)
What's the problem? Describe what went wrong.
Whenever entering loading sections, or after cutscenes finish playing the game will hang with Non-Recoverable Exceptions, it happens at random, it will also sometimes happen when loading sections when it requires Disc 2 to be loaded, entering a loading section where Disc 2 is required will sometimes hang the game.
What steps will reproduce the problem?
Entering cutscenes, or loading zones will trigger this, sometimes it's consistent, sometimes it's not.
Is the issue present in the latest development version? For future reference, please also write down the version number of the latest development version.
What are your PC specifications? (CPU, GPU, Operating System, more)
Linux Mint 19 (Cinnamon) 64-bit
ASUS Prime Z270-A II
Intel Core i7-7700K (Kaby Lake)
ASUS Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070 Snow Edition OC (8GB)
Trident-Z RGB 16GB
Samsung EVO 970 1TB
-- Vulkan Instance Version: 1.1.82
-- x11 (X.Org 1.19.6)
-- OpenGL 4.6.0
-- NVIDIA 415.27
Is there anything else that can help developers narrow down the issue? (e.g. logs, screenshots,
configuration files, savefiles, savestates)
55:53:569 Core/HW/EXI/EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:302 N[OSREPORT]: Non-recoverable Exception 7
55:53:570 Core/HW/EXI/EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:302 N[OSREPORT]: ------------------------- Context 0x801ec6f0 -------------------------
55:53:571 Core/HW/EXI/EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:302 N[OSREPORT]: r0 = 0x20000000 ( 536870912) r16 = 0x80000000 ( -2147483648)
55:53:572 Core/HW/EXI/EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:302 N[OSREPORT]: r1 = 0x817015c4 ( -2123360828) r17 = 0x00000000 ( 0)
55:53:573 Core/HW/EXI/EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:302 N[OSREPORT]: r2 = 0x802864a0 ( -2144836448) r18 = 0x3f400000 ( 1061158912)
55:53:574 Core/HW/EXI/EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:302 N[OSREPORT]: r3 = 0x00000000 ( 0) r19 = 0x00000000 ( 0)
55:53:575 Core/HW/EXI/EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:302 N[OSREPORT]: r4 = 0x00000000 ( 0) r20 = 0xcc000000 ( -872415232)
55:53:575 Core/HW/EXI/EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:302 N[OSREPORT]: r5 = 0x00000000 ( 0) r21 = 0x000000ff ( 255)
55:53:576 Core/HW/EXI/EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:302 N[OSREPORT]: r6 = 0x80000000 ( -2147483648) r22 = 0x00001176 ( 4470)
55:53:577 Core/HW/EXI/EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:302 N[OSREPORT]: r7 = 0x80001808 ( -2147477496) r23 = 0x816f27f0 ( -2123421712)
55:53:578 Core/HW/EXI/EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:302 N[OSREPORT]: r8 = 0x00000000 ( 0) r24 = 0x00000000 ( 0)
55:53:578 Core/HW/EXI/EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:302 N[OSREPORT]: r9 = 0x00000000 ( 0) r25 = 0x00001030 ( 4144)
55:53:579 Core/HW/EXI/EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:302 N[OSREPORT]: r10 = 0x00000007 ( 7) r26 = 0x00007fff ( 32767)
55:53:580 Core/HW/EXI/EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:302 N[OSREPORT]: r11 = 0x10000000 ( 268435456) r27 = 0x7f480000 ( 2135425024)
55:53:581 Core/HW/EXI/EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:302 N[OSREPORT]: r12 = 0x80000000 ( -2147483648) r28 = 0x000000ff ( 255)
55:53:581 Core/HW/EXI/EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:302 N[OSREPORT]: r13 = 0x80285dc0 ( -2144838208) r29 = 0x00000005 ( 5)
55:53:582 Core/HW/EXI/EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:302 N[OSREPORT]: r14 = 0x00000000 ( 0) r30 = 0x801ec6f0 ( -2145466640)
55:53:582 Core/HW/EXI/EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:302 N[OSREPORT]: r15 = 0x80002370 ( -2147474576) r31 = 0x80000000 ( -2147483648)
55:53:582 Core/HW/EXI/EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:302 N[OSREPORT]: LR = 0x80001a9c CR = 0x90042402
55:53:583 Core/HW/EXI/EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:302 N[OSREPORT]: SRR0 = 0x80001948 SRR1 = 0x00001030
55:53:583 Core/HW/EXI/EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:302 N[OSREPORT]:
55:53:583 Core/HW/EXI/EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:302 N[OSREPORT]: GQRs----------
55:53:583 Core/HW/EXI/EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:302 N[OSREPORT]: gqr0 = 0x00000000 gqr4 = 0x00000000
55:53:583 Core/HW/EXI/EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:302 N[OSREPORT]: gqr1 = 0x00000000 gqr5 = 0x00000000
55:53:583 Core/HW/EXI/EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:302 N[OSREPORT]: gqr2 = 0x00000000 gqr6 = 0x00000000
55:53:583 Core/HW/EXI/EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:302 N[OSREPORT]: gqr3 = 0x00000000 gqr7 = 0x00000000
55:53:583 Core/HW/EXI/EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:302 N[OSREPORT]:
55:53:583 Core/HW/EXI/EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:302 N[OSREPORT]: Address: Back Chain LR Save
55:53:583 Core/HW/EXI/EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:302 N[OSREPORT]: 0x817015c4: 0x81701670 0x80001a9c
55:53:583 Core/HW/EXI/EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:302 N[OSREPORT]: 0x81701670: 0x81701678 0x80002ffc
55:53:583 Core/HW/EXI/EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:302 N[OSREPORT]: 0x81701678: 0x81701870 0x8002068c
55:53:583 Core/HW/EXI/EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:302 N[OSREPORT]: 0x81701870: 0x81701880 0x00000105
55:53:583 Core/HW/EXI/EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:302 N[OSREPORT]: 0x81701880: 0x817018a8 0x80020e54
55:53:583 Core/HW/EXI/EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:302 N[OSREPORT]: 0x817018a8: 0x817018b0 0x7f2f132c
55:53:583 Core/HW/EXI/EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:302 N[OSREPORT]: 0x817018b0: 0x817018e0 0x00000009
55:53:583 Core/HW/EXI/EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:302 N[OSREPORT]: 0x817018e0: 0x81701910 0x0000000c
55:53:583 Core/HW/EXI/EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:302 N[OSREPORT]: 0x81701910: 0x81701970 0x7f2f105c
55:53:583 Core/HW/EXI/EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:302 N[OSREPORT]: 0x81701970: 0x81701990 0x7f2f2594
55:53:583 Core/HW/EXI/EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:302 N[OSREPORT]: 0x81701990: 0x817019f0 0x7f0fd2e8
55:53:583 Core/HW/EXI/EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:302 N[OSREPORT]: 0x817019f0: 0x81701a10 0x7f0fd508
55:53:583 Core/HW/EXI/EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:302 N[OSREPORT]: 0x81701a10: 0x81701a30 0x8000d83c
55:53:583 Core/HW/EXI/EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:302 N[OSREPORT]: 0x81701a30: 0x00000000 0x80024158
55:53:584 Core/HW/EXI/EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:302 N[OSREPORT]:
55:53:584 Core/HW/EXI/EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:302 N[OSREPORT]: DSISR = 0x42000000 DAR = 0x7f114c00
55:53:585 Core/HW/EXI/EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:302 N[OSREPORT]: TB = 0x0056f55706256edf
55:53:585 Core/HW/EXI/EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:302 N[OSREPORT]:
55:53:585 Core/HW/EXI/EXI_DeviceIPL.cpp:302 N[OSREPORT]: Last interrupt (5): SRR0 = 0x7f2f1c0c TB = 0x0056f557062558f9
Updated by JMC4789 about 6 years ago
The speedrunning community tends to keep us up on bugs in this game and I've even played through it recently, do you have any cheats enabled or anything like that. Have you tried toggling off dualcore?
Updated by Alkaris about 6 years ago
JMC4789 wrote:
The speedrunning community tends to keep us up on bugs in this game and I've even played through it recently, do you have any cheats enabled or anything like that. Have you tried toggling off dualcore?
I've tried toggling the dualcore on and off to no effect. I don't have any cheats enabled bar a Gecko Code which adds a 16:9 Widescreen mode code hack to the game.
Updated by Alkaris about 6 years ago
issue still happened before I even added the 16:9 Widescreen Gecko code hack.
Updated by JMC4789 about 6 years ago
I have no clue what would be causing this, can you try downloading a fresh Dolphin build and making it portable (extract it, then put an empty file named portable.txt next to the executable.) You can configure your controller and search out your memory card, but other than that just leave as much untouched as possible. If you do that does it still crash?
I feel like this has to be a setup thing because if this game was crashing for everyone I should have run into it and a few people I know speedrun the game should have been yelling at me! Hopefully we can solve why this is happening in this particular case.
Updated by JMC4789 over 4 years ago
- Status changed from New to Invalid
I've been in communication with the speedrun community since this issue was reported.
What I was told was that this particular issue had to do with a mixture of MMU enabled and a lowish CPU clock override in order to make the game run smoother. Now that we have the JIT fixes in, the game shouldn't be nearly as demanding. And because I was told these crashes only happened with low CPU clocks, I don't think this issue should be kept open.
If the issue persists, I suggest disabling dualcore and restoring as many stock settings as possible on the latest development builds as they should be much more efficient. If you follow all of these steps and the issues STILL persist, please reopen the issue and I'll continue investigation.