Emulator Issues #11660
closedStar Fox Assault boot problems
Game Name?
Star Fox Assault (PAL/Europe)
Game ID? (right click the game in the game list, properties, info tab)
MD5 Hash? (right click the game in the game list, properties, info tab, MD5 Hash: Compute)
What's the problem? Describe what went wrong.
I'm on 5.0-9896 right now and wanted to play Star Fox Assault but the game doesn't boot.
I only get a black screen. I tried other backends and turning off FPRF but that didn't help.
All other games are working fine. So I used the bisect tool to track down the issue
and came up with two builds.
What steps will reproduce the problem?
Starting the game will either give an invalid write message or the game doesn't boot at all.
Is the issue present in the latest stable version?
If the issue isn't present in the latest stable version, which is the first broken version?
Since 5.0-5874, Dolphin shows the error message "Invalid write to 0x01fe0202, PC=0x80130780" before booting the game.
Since 5.0-6568, the game doesn't boot at all and only shows a black screen.
Updated by MayImilae almost 6 years ago
You did not list your system specifications, which is required. Please comment with your system specs below, or this issue will be closed.
Updated by Korados almost 6 years ago
I apologise. I thought it might not be necessary because I assume that the issue doesn't stem from my PC itself. Here are my PC's specs:
Alienware 17 R1
Intel Core i7-4900 @ 2.80 GHz (4.00 GHz Turbo Boost)
NVidia GeForce GTX 765M @ 2GB VRAM
Updated by JMC4789 almost 6 years ago
I'll investigate this, I don't know who else would have Starfox PAL. Can you bisect to the exact build that broke it?
Updated by JMC4789 almost 6 years ago
Turn on immediately present XFB copies. Should fix the issue. Prexisting bug, just different defaults.
Updated by Korados almost 6 years ago
I just tried immediately present XFB on 9002 but this didn't help. But I discovered something else: The build 6568 sets MMU as default.
When I deactivate it on 9002, the game boots again and works fine but still shows the error message I mentioned. So I guess the MMU might be the problem,
not the XFB.
By the way, I didn't encounter this issue with the NTSC-U version. It seems to apply to PAL only.
Updated by Techjar almost 6 years ago
The game is accessing invalid memory, therefore it crashes with MMU on due to exceptions being emulated. It works with MMU off because the invalid memory access just so happens to be non-fatal in this case.
Updated by JMC4789 almost 6 years ago
There's a bunch of PAL games that have this kind of issue. Better GPU timings will fix it.
Updated by eckso almost 6 years ago
Korados wrote:
What do you mean with better GPU timings?
I think "SyncGPU = true", it worked for me.
Updated by Korados over 5 years ago
Just for the protocol: This issue seems to be solved by itself. I don't know which revision fixed it but on 5.0-11325 it's perfectly fine.
Updated by Trapipo over 4 years ago
Hello, I still have this problem on "Star Fox Assault".
Here are my PC's specs:
Windows 1064-bit
AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6 Core Processor
Dolphin 5.0-12716
and olso on Recalbox with Dolphin 6.1.1-Dragonblaze-1016-dirty
I set up "SyncGPU = true"
Updated by Trapipo over 4 years ago
Does the problem come from the configuration, the emulator or the ROM?
Updated by Trapipo over 4 years ago
- File Capture.JPG Capture.JPG added
Are other people having the problem?
Updated by Trapipo over 4 years ago
Just so you know, I found the solution.
In the Dolphin settings, unchecking the Use Panic Handlers box solves the problem.