Emulator Issues #11743
closedQt: Move CPU Emulation Engine options to the Advanced tab
Currently these options are placed awkwardly inside of two boxes at the bottom of the General config window, first inside one called "Advanced Settings" (with no other options inside except the CPU Emulation Engine), and then inside of a respective CPU Emulation Engine box. (See "Before" screenshot).
This Advanced Settings box is unnecessary when we already have a tab called Advanced, so I made a mockup of what it would look like if the CPU Emulation Engine radio buttons were moved to there (See both "After" screenshots).
Not only does this look much cleaner and have a more logical layout, but it leaves more space available in the General tab should more options need to be added there in the future.
Unlike #11736 this is a change I am unable to make on my own (I tried and failed haha), so an actual developer will need to address this.
Updated by 8times9 almost 6 years ago
- File Dolphin 3.0.png Dolphin 3.0.png added
Here's a screenshot all the way back from Dolphin 3.0.
Back then there wasn't an Advanced tab, so the Advanced Settings box actually made sense and housed several other options. But later the addition of options like Custom RTC resulted in the Advanced tab being added, and I guess the CPU Emulation options just never got moved there.
Updated by Helios almost 6 years ago
- Priority changed from Normal to Low
- Relates to usability changed from No to Yes
- Easy changed from No to Yes
I agree. I don't see why JIT options should remain there these days, and it is definitely a function that nobody should ever touch unless they're specifically trying to help identify an issue with the JIT.
Updated by JMC4789 over 5 years ago
I initially disagreed, but, I can see why. Is there something else more useful we could put in the main page or do we need a much bigger restructuring at this point?
Updated by 8times9 over 5 years ago
I can't really think of any options that would be better suited in General, all of them already fit well in their current locations in Dolphin
Though, I'm probably not the best person to be answering this question.
Updated by JosJuice over 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to Fixed
- Fixed in set to 5.0-10996