Emulator Issues #11985
openWii System Transfer Startup
Game Name?
Wii System Transfer
Game ID? (right click the game in the game list, Properties, Info tab)
MD5 Hash? (right click the game in the game list, Properties, Verify tab, Verify Integrity button)
What's the problem? Describe what went wrong.
So I Wanted To try if the wii system transfer app needs the same "SetUid" as the wii u transfer tool and it seems that it needs some configuration to the code to work on the vwii app but i do expect that it uses a similar "SetUid" like the wii u transfer tool...
Using A Dumped vWii NAND with the vanila 4.3 Wii sysmenu.
What steps will reproduce the problem?
Start Wii System Transfer
(Happend before on the Wii U Transfer Tool Before the "SetUid" Fix)
Is the issue present in the latest development version? For future reference, please also write down the version number of the latest development version.
Dolphin 5.0-11669
Is the issue present in the latest stable version?
If the issue isn't present in the latest stable version, which is the first broken version? (You can find the first broken version by bisecting. Windows users can use the tool https://forums.dolphin-emu.org/Thread-green-notice-development-thread-unofficial-dolphin-bisection-tool-for-finding-broken-builds and anyone who is building Dolphin on their own can use git bisect.)
[First broken version number here (if applicable)]
If your issue is a graphical issue, please attach screenshots and record a three frame fifolog of the issue if possible. Screenshots showing what it is supposed to look like from either console or older builds of Dolphin will help too. For more information on how to use the fifoplayer, please check here: https://wiki.dolphin-emu.org/index.php?title=FifoPlayer
What are your PC specifications? (CPU, GPU, Operating System, more)
AMD Radeon R7 200 Series
Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-4130T CPU @ 2.90GHz
6 GB
Operating System
Windows 10
Is there anything else that can help developers narrow down the issue? (e.g. logs, screenshots,
configuration files, savefiles, savestates)
[Anything else here]
Updated by JosJuice about 5 years ago
Could you explain more clearly what the problem is (i.e. what is different from the desired behavior)? I can't seem to find that piece of information anywhere in the issue report.
Updated by pokechu22 about 5 years ago
I believe that their issue is that Wii System Transfer crashes on startup with the same message that Wii U Transfer Tool previously did (#10985), which was fixed via adding a SetUid exception. I can confirm that, yes, there should be a SetUid exception for the Wii System Transfer app (see IOS62; it has different exceptions on vWii: HCT* and HCZ* instead of HCS*). I'm not sure if just letting these use SetUid would be enough, though, because of the HCZ hidden channel (which there doesn't seem to be much information on).
It's probably worth testing builds prior to 5.0-3454 (PR 5317) which implemented SetUid in the first place (before it always just returned success without doing anything); the build right before it is 5.0-3463.
Updated by pokechu22 over 2 years ago
- Related to Emulator Issues #10985: Wii U Transfer Tool: Error Message added
Updated by JosJuice over 1 year ago
- Has duplicate Emulator Issues #13386: Wii system transfer error on startup added
Updated by JosJuice over 1 year ago
- Has duplicate Emulator Issues #13413: Wii system Transfer error added
Updated by JosJuice about 1 year ago
- Has duplicate Emulator Issues #13466: Wii system Transfer dosen't run on vwii nand added
Updated by DandelionSprout 12 months ago
Presuming this is indeed the "Wii System Transfer" app that would be found on Wii U consoles, getting even Wii System Transfer 1.0 (which gives an "An error has occured" message on launch) to launch seems to me like it'd be difficult, while what I think was Wii System Transfer 1.1 had added a Wii system detection check and would throw a different error if it detected it wasn't run on a Wii U: