



Emulator Issues #12150


Wasapi needs to either fallback to another audio backend or at least a functional error when the audio device isn't compatible

Added by badkarma12 almost 5 years ago. Updated over 4 years ago.

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At least on windows, several programs such as fx sound create virtual devices for audio that don't work correctly with wasapi, at least with dolphins config (it does work with other programs where it just goes through the list of audio devices and outputs to whatever works, no idea how that works). When you attempt to launch a game with the WASAPI backend on such a config causes dolphin to lockup and crash with no panic alert or anything.

Related issues 2 (1 open1 closed)

Has duplicate Emulator - Emulator Issues #12149: Wasapi needs a fallack to either cubeb or open al or at least a functional error message when the sound deviceisnDuplicate

Is duplicate of Emulator - Emulator Issues #11297: Dolphin hangs if WASAPI loses Exclusive ModeNew

Actions #1

Updated by JMC4789 almost 5 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Accepted
  • Priority changed from Normal to High

Seems reasonable.

Actions #2

Updated by JosJuice almost 5 years ago

  • Has duplicate Emulator Issues #12149: Wasapi needs a fallack to either cubeb or open al or at least a functional error message when the sound deviceisn added
Actions #3

Updated by JosJuice almost 5 years ago

  • Milestone set to Current
  • Operating system Windows added
  • Operating system deleted (N/A)
Actions #4

Updated by badkarma12 almost 5 years ago

It should be noted that starting a game in this config only crashes the emulation window but attempting to stop the emulation by hitting the stop window while dolphin is in this state also crashes the main dolphin dolphin window separately. I think this is actually a second bug with the shutdown procedure. Would you like a second bug report for that?

Actions #5

Updated by badkarma12 almost 5 years ago

As trying to stop emulation even of a frozen game shouldn't really crash the entirety of dolphin even if shit goes wrong.

Actions #6

Updated by JosJuice almost 5 years ago

Do you mean that it freezes rather than crashes? (The two windows can't crash independently.) If so, I don't think there's much we can do about this second issue.

Actions #7

Updated by filoppi almost 5 years ago

I've increased WASAPI compatibility so this shouldn't be an issue anymore.
I've also fixed the crashes when something changes in the device used by WASAPI.
Will push soon.

Actions #8

Updated by filoppi almost 5 years ago

Though falling back on another backend isn't worth it and would requite too much work. I'm aware that unfortunately dolphin basically just soft locks if WASAPI does not initializes correctly. Though unless you have an audio device (sound card) that doesn't support 16 bit PCM, which is basically impossible, there is no problem anymore.

Actions #9

Updated by filoppi almost 5 years ago

mmm maybe it would also break if you device does not support 2 channel only audio. How many channels is your audio device?

Actions #10

Updated by JosJuice almost 5 years ago

Actions #11

Updated by JosJuice almost 5 years ago

  • Status changed from Accepted to Duplicate

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