Emulator Issues #12322
closedReal Wiimote delay when below 100% speed
What's the problem? Describe what went wrong.
Real Wiimote inputs gradually increase in delay if the emulator is running under 100% speed. The delay will gradually decrease and eventually return to normal when the emulation speed is at 100% or higher.
What steps will reproduce the problem?
Connect a real Wiimote as a controller, open any Wii game, and configure the emulation speed to be below 100%.
Is the issue present in the latest development version? For future reference, please also write down the version number of the latest development version.
Yes, Dolphin 5.0-12997.
Is the issue present in the latest stable version?
If the issue isn't present in the latest stable version, which is the first broken version?
Dolphin 5.0-12902, broken by PR #9098
What are your PC specifications? (CPU, GPU, Operating System, more)
AMD Ryzen 5 1500x, GTX 1050TI, Windows 10 Insider Build, Mayflash Dolphinbar
Updated by Billiard26 over 4 years ago
- Assignee set to Billiard26
If games are running below 50% speed I can see how the Bluetooth report buffer will fill faster than it is emptied, but this shouldn't happen at e.g. 95% speed.
Regardless some logic could probably be tweaked to prevent the buffer from filling up.
Updated by AverageParticipant over 4 years ago
I've also had this issue since I updated to one of the newer versions of Dolphin, except it happens at normal speed as well.
It only returns to normal when I set the emulation speed to 120%.
Updated by AverageParticipant over 4 years ago
I've also had this issue since I updated to one of the newer versions of Dolphin, except it happens at normal speed as well.
It only returns to normal when I set the emulation speed to 120%.
When I reverted back from 5.0-13191 to 5.0-13178, the issue persisted when just earlier today it worked fine.
Updated by Billiard26 over 4 years ago
- Status changed from New to Fix pending
Updated by JosJuice over 4 years ago
- Fixed in set to 5.0-13221