



Emulator Issues #12576


Skyward Sword: Software Renderer produces a more accurate video than any other backend

Added by pooralmond over 3 years ago. Updated about 3 years ago.

% Done:


Operating system:
Issue type:
Relates to usability:
Relates to performance:
Relates to maintainability:
Regression start:
Fixed in:


Game Name?

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Game ID? (right click the game in the game list, Properties, Info tab)

SOUE01 (00010000534f5545)

MD5 Hash? (right click the game in the game list, Properties, Verify tab, Verify Integrity button)

e7c39bb46cf938a5a030a01a677ef7d1 (This is my dumped original disc.)

What's the problem? Describe what went wrong.

Difficult to describe. The colours and the light are not as accurate as the Software Renderer when comparing with the real console running on an LCD.
Funnily, the Software Renderer even reproduces the crappy jailbars that I get on my TV over Component (OEM) or Composite (OEM too) cables. You can read about those jailbars here:
and here
(I like the fact that it reproduces that.)
I tested the Software Interpreter while moving specifically to check whether it would reproduce the jailbars... As I wrote, it did!

What steps will reproduce the problem?

  1. Launch the game on Dolphin and load a save that is labelled as "Hylia's Realm; Defeat the revived Demise in the world of the past." (At least that's where I conducted my comparisons.) (Save is attached)
  2. Repeat step #1 using Software Renderer and another backend like Vulkan
  3. Notice the important differences in the colour and light reproduction.

Is the issue present in the latest development version? For future reference, please also write down the version number of the latest development version.

Yes. 5.0-14604

Is the issue present in the latest stable version?

Yes (5.0)

If your issue is a graphical issue, please attach screenshots and record a three frame fifolog of the issue if possible. Screenshots showing what it is supposed to look like from either console or older builds of Dolphin will help too. For more information on how to use the fifoplayer, please check here:

  1. "skywardsword-20210712.7z" contains the FIFO log
  2. "SOUE01_2021-07-12_12-13-03 (full software interpretation).png" is a screenshot taken while running the game on Cached CPU Interpreter and Software Renderer
  3. "SOUE01_2021-07-12_12-41-55.png" is a screenshot taker while running the game on JIT64 and Software Renderer
  4. "SOUE01_2021-07-12_16-06-22.png" is a screenshot of what was happening during the FIFO recording

What are your PC specifications? (CPU, GPU, Operating System, more)

  1. Intel i5-6600
  2. NVIDIA GeForce GTX970 (driver version 466.77)
  3. Windows 10 Pro 21H1 (19043.1083)

Is there anything else that can help developers narrow down the issue? (e.g. logs, screenshots,
configuration files, savefiles, savestates)

  1. I exported my save using the contextual menu. Hopefully this is in working condition. (It's "data.bin") (loading slot #2 is all you need to witness what I recorded)
  2. "20210712_112332.jpg" is a CRAPPY photo of my TV screen.

Tell me if anything else is missing... I really hope this is useful!


skywardsword-20210712.7z (1.65 MB) skywardsword-20210712.7z FIFO log pooralmond, 07/12/2021 08:08 PM
SOUE01_2021-07-12_12-41-55.png (443 KB) SOUE01_2021-07-12_12-41-55.png Screenshot taker while running the game on JIT64 and Software Renderer pooralmond, 07/12/2021 08:10 PM
SOUE01_2021-07-12_12-13-03 (full software interpretation).png (444 KB) SOUE01_2021-07-12_12-13-03 (full software interpretation).png Screenshot taken while running the game on Cached CPU Interpreter and Software Renderer pooralmond, 07/12/2021 08:10 PM
SOUE01_2021-07-12_16-06-22.png (417 KB) SOUE01_2021-07-12_16-06-22.png Screenshot of what was happening during the FIFO recording pooralmond, 07/12/2021 08:14 PM
data.bin (125 KB) data.bin exported savefile pooralmond, 07/12/2021 08:20 PM
20210712_112332.jpg (610 KB) 20210712_112332.jpg photo of my TV screen pooralmond, 07/12/2021 08:31 PM
00000000_2021-07-12_23-27-34_Software.png (337 KB) 00000000_2021-07-12_23-27-34_Software.png AdmiralCurtiss, 07/12/2021 09:29 PM
00000000_2021-07-12_23-26-23_6bit_RAM.png (338 KB) 00000000_2021-07-12_23-26-23_6bit_RAM.png AdmiralCurtiss, 07/12/2021 09:29 PM
00000000_2021-07-12_23-26-11_6bit_Tex.png (321 KB) 00000000_2021-07-12_23-26-11_6bit_Tex.png AdmiralCurtiss, 07/12/2021 09:29 PM
00000000_2021-07-12_23-24-38_8bit_RAM.png (256 KB) 00000000_2021-07-12_23-24-38_8bit_RAM.png AdmiralCurtiss, 07/12/2021 09:29 PM
00000000_2021-07-12_23-25-32_8bit_Tex.png (278 KB) 00000000_2021-07-12_23-25-32_8bit_Tex.png AdmiralCurtiss, 07/12/2021 09:29 PM
Skyward Sword HW.png (173 KB) Skyward Sword HW.png pokechu22, 01/29/2022 08:05 PM
Skyward Sword Software.png (174 KB) Skyward Sword Software.png pokechu22, 01/29/2022 08:09 PM
Skyward Sword Vulkan RAM.png (181 KB) Skyward Sword Vulkan RAM.png pokechu22, 01/29/2022 08:36 PM
Skyward Sword Vulkan tex.png (188 KB) Skyward Sword Vulkan tex.png pokechu22, 01/29/2022 08:36 PM

Related issues 3 (2 open1 closed)

Related to Emulator - Emulator Issues #12813: Skyward Sword (Wii) - Glitchy/brighter border in some (in-game) areas (Since 5.0-15484)Fixed

Related to Emulator - Emulator Issues #13128: Xenoblade Chronicles bloom on title screen is much stronger than consoleAccepted

Related to Emulator - Emulator Issues #13223: GoldenEye: 007 (Wii) - Bloom lighting effect is stronger than on consoleAccepted

Actions #1

Updated by AdmiralCurtiss over 3 years ago

Try turning off 'Force 24-Bit Color' under Enhancements in the Graphics options.

Actions #2

Updated by pooralmond over 3 years ago

Pikachu025 wrote:

Try turning off 'Force 24-Bit Color' under Enhancements in the Graphics options.

I'll double check later but I'm pretty sure toggling this setting on and off was part of the tests I did. I'll come back with a proper reply.

Actions #4

Updated by pooralmond over 3 years ago

Pikachu025 wrote:

Try turning off 'Force 24-Bit Color' under Enhancements in the Graphics options.

So I checked and Forcing 24-Bit Colors seems like an improvement (like when I previously checked), but it's not like on my TV.

Also, thanks a lot for producing new screenshots!

Pikachu025 wrote:

I'm not sure what this means in practice.

What do you mean?

Actions #5

Updated by pooralmond over 3 years ago

Sorry to ask here, but what is the difference between "_Tex" and "_RAM"? How do I reproduce each variation in Dolphin? Thanks!

Also, I'm not sure we can safely label Skyward Sword as a 5 stars out of 5 compatibility rating anymore, IMHO... I think I myself have been a bit too enthusiastic after the latest fix of the map. πŸ˜…

Actions #6

Updated by JMC4789 over 3 years ago

Because this doesn't look like a visual glitch and is such a minor difference, I don't think you can mark it down for that. I do think it might be worth noting that EFB2VRAM disabled (the option to do that is in Advanced if you want to mess with it) is much closer to software in colors.

I don't know how to really categorize this, though.

Actions #7

Updated by pooralmond over 3 years ago

JMC4789 wrote:

Because this doesn't look like a visual glitch and is such a minor difference, I don't think you can mark it down for that. I do think it might be worth noting that EFB2VRAM disabled (the option to do that is in Advanced if you want to mess with it) is much closer to software in colors.

I don't know how to really categorize this, though.

Thanks for the tips and your time. (I'm Bowi, on the forum, by the way.)

That game aged poorly! πŸ˜…

Can we somehow help you with the categorization? I have no idea what is your system.

I'm sure this issue could be an interesting quirk to analyse and reproduce for someone, but this is probably not high priority. I do think it should be documented on the Wiki, or at least here in the Issue Tracker. As for the compatibility rating staying at 5/5, hey, I don't personally mind. πŸ™‚

Actions #8

Updated by JMC4789 over 3 years ago

It's not my system, but it's hard to see a "bug" here. Just a slight rendering difference. I don't know if it's a consequence of something we're doing or and actual issue in the rendering pipeline.

Someone else might disagree but honestly it's hard to categorize this.

Actions #9

Updated by Jack over 3 years ago

I had tested Skyward Sword a month ago, and probably this went unnoticed because it’s such a minor difference. Just like JMC4789 said, I agree that it’s hard to see a β€œbug” here.

It was me only who had given this game compatibility rating of 5 because the map issue was fixed recently.
However you or other senior members are free to change it’s compatibility rating back to 4 stars.

Actions #10

Updated by pooralmond over 3 years ago

Jack wrote:

However you or other senior members are free to change it’s compatibility rating back to 4 stars.

Oh! 🀭 I'm definitely not a senior member. πŸ˜…

I cannot edit the wiki, yet, but I asked for permission. (I don't plan to change the compatibility rating because I don't feel like I have the legitimity.

Honestly, I just think it has to be documented just in case this could interest someone to look into it.

"Open" or "closed"; I wouldn't how to categorize this issue... What are the other options? Does it belong to "Working as intended"? I think it doesn't, but I might be wrong, considering I'm just an end-user.

Actions #11

Updated by pooralmond over 3 years ago

Here's an update...

I received a simple lag-free (it definitely feels lag-free) Component-to-HDMI converter (no scaling) this week and tried my Wii on two different monitors. The dithering artefacts and the curtain effects are just awful in this game. There's also a lot of banding and noise in dark locations of the game, precisely the one this ticket is based on.

Consequently, it is indeed difficult to categorize the ticket as a bug. Really, playing this game on Dolphin can either help hiding the shortcomings of the Wii version or highlighting them, depending on the chosen settings.

Some people said that other Zelda games (WW and TP) share problems on the original hardware, but I have yet to play them on an LCD panel.

Does Dolphin have CRT filters? I never cared about those before.

Actions #12

Updated by JMC4789 over 3 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Questionable

I'm going to mark this as "questionable" just so it's marked as something. I don't know if it's a bug or not, but obviously different rendering isn't great.

Actions #13

Updated by pooralmond over 3 years ago

JMC4789 wrote:

I'm going to mark this as "questionable" just so it's marked as something. I don't know if it's a bug or not, but obviously different rendering isn't great.


Actions #14

Updated by pooralmond about 3 years ago


Does this new feature has to potential to address my concern: ?


Actions #15

Updated by pokechu22 about 3 years ago

There's a chance that it could, but I wouldn't expect it to.

Actions #16

Updated by pooralmond about 3 years ago

I'll need to create a new issue report about some kind of bright line at the top on the screen with Vulkan and at the bottom, with OpenGL (IIRC). More to come... (Development Branch, native resolution, no enhancement or hack, except for the ones in the INI file.)

Actions #17

Updated by pooralmond about 3 years ago

pokechu22 wrote:

There's a chance that it could, but I wouldn't expect it to.

Yep. The difference between real hardware and emulation is still present.

Actions #18

Updated by pooralmond about 3 years ago


Even with CPU Interpreter (cached) and Software Rendering, the rendering isn't identical to the real hardware. I used the same monitor, with my PC using a DVI port and my Wii using a YPbPr-to-HDMI converter. The discrepancies don't look like something caused by the analog-to-digital conversion or the cables. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

The discrepancies are not obvious, but they still are present. πŸ˜…

What a weird game with weird visuals. :P (I would be curious to see high quality videos of the Switch version because I have no idea how they dealt with DoF and everything.

Updated by pokechu22 about 3 years ago

I did some testing with the hardware fifoplayer, which is capable of taking screenshots on real hardware by reading back the framebuffer (here's my code); this makes seeing things much easier. I've also used the same tool in Dolphin, to generate images with the same aspect ratio. Note that I had to delete Link (objects 172-267, 173-268 in the hardware fifoplayer) because he was causing issues - that's a separate issue with the hardware fifoplayer, though, and it seems like this problem is still visible with Link gone.

All screenshots were taken with the copy filter enabled and with force 24-bit color unchecked (both of these settings are more accurate). The software renderer and Vulkan with EFB copies to RAM only seem to be more accurate with regards to the fog (note that the software renderer always uses textures from RAM), but the jailbars don't seem to be quite accurate on any of them (at least, they don't seem to match with a single stationary screenshot; they may match better in motion).

Actions #20

Updated by pooralmond about 3 years ago

Thanks, pokechu22! πŸ˜ƒ (I ran the screenshots in XnViewMP to compare them with my own eyes.)

Actions #21

Updated by pokechu22 over 2 years ago

  • Related to Emulator Issues #12813: Skyward Sword (Wii) - Glitchy/brighter border in some (in-game) areas (Since 5.0-15484) added
Actions #22

Updated by pokechu22 over 2 years ago

  • Related to Emulator Issues #13128: Xenoblade Chronicles bloom on title screen is much stronger than console added
Actions #23

Updated by pokechu22 about 2 years ago

  • Related to Emulator Issues #13223: GoldenEye: 007 (Wii) - Bloom lighting effect is stronger than on console added

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