Emulator Issues #12865
closed"Perform Online Update" doesn't work anymore (Nintendo servers refusing connection)
I've seen a report on Reddit of an user being unable to perform an online update with 5.0-16101 on Android, just checked on Windows with Dolphin 5.0-16143 and the same is happening there too. Log says:
E[COMMON]: Failed to POST http://nus.shop.wii.com/nus/services/NetUpdateSOAP: Failed to connect to nus.shop.wii.com port 80: Connection refused
I don't know if this is something temporary or if Nintendo had pulled the update servers for good. If the latter, perhaps "Perform Online Update" should be hidden from the GUI to avoid confusion...
Updated by OatmealDome about 3 years ago
- Status changed from New to Accepted
Able to reproduce, macOS Monterey, Dolphin 5.0-15594.
Updated by mbc07 about 3 years ago
A few more tests:
Trying to access the Wii Shop Channel results in a blank page after the splash screen with the spinning wheel (no errors, no freeze -- it's still possible to return to Wii Menu via the Home button).
Trying to perform a system update from the Wii Menu Settings results in a hang at the "Testing connection" screen with the spinning squares (only way of getting out is a forced shutdown).
Accessing the online EULA (Wii Menu => Settings => Internet => User Agreement) still works.
Trying to access Nintendo WFC from vanilla ISOs (not patched to use Wiimmfi) still returns error 23400 as usual.
At least a part of the servers seems to be still running...
Updated by JosJuice about 3 years ago
- Status changed from Accepted to Invalid
I have reproduced the Wii Shop Channel behavior on my Wii U. So I'm afraid this issue is beyond our control...
Updated by JosJuice about 3 years ago
Correction: After waiting for a minute or two, it switched from a blank page to a page saying Error Code 209601.
Updated by JosJuice about 3 years ago
According to https://www.nintendo.com/consumer/network/en_na/network_status.jsp, there was a problem with the Nintendo eShop "Wednesday, March 16, 2022 9 :11 PM to Thursday, March 17, 2022 1 :48 AM Pacific Time" and with all network services "Thursday, March 17, 2022 12 :20 PM to Thursday, March 17, 2022 12 :34 PM Pacific Time". But Dolphin's online system update is still not working.
Updated by JosJuice about 3 years ago
Nintendo has acknowledged the issue. https://kotaku.com/wii-3ds-nintendo-shop-stores-down-servers-closed-2022-1848678116
Updated by JosJuice over 2 years ago
After nearly four months (!), the servers are now back up.
I should also mention that this PR was merged in the meantime as a workaround: https://github.com/dolphin-emu/dolphin/pull/10634