Emulator Issues #13068
closedAnalog sensitivity too great, approx. multiplied by 2 (RetroArch)
When playing GameCube content in RetroArch, with the default Input -> Analog Sensitivity setting of 1.0, tilting the gamepad's analog sticks about halfway results in what seems like a full tilt in the emulator, making fine-grained control difficult.
This seems to only affect the Dolphin core, or, at any rate, the ParaLLel64 core is not affected.
As a workaround I set the Analog Sensitivity to 0.5 or 0.6 when playing GameCube content.
Gamepad in use is a Sony PS3 DUALSHOCK 3 SIXAXIS, connected with USB cable.
System: Arch Linux
RetroArch and Dolphin are installed as official distribution packages, versions:
Updated by MayImilae over 2 years ago
- Status changed from New to Invalid
Sorry, but that fork was created without our knowledge and we have no control over it at all. There's nothing we can do.
We highly recommend you try our official Dolphin version, ideally our "Beta" builds, and see if that fixes your issue.
Updated by eomanis over 2 years ago
MayImilae wrote:
Sorry, but that fork was created without our knowledge and we have no control over it at all. There's nothing we can do.
Whoops, I wasn't aware this bug tracker is for the stand-alone Dolphin emulator, should have reported in the RetroArch issue tracker [1] instead.
Anyhow, I "automated" the workaround with core overrides as suggested in a related RetroArch feature request [2].
Thank you for your time and of course for Dolphin, it is running incredibly smoothly, crystal sharp and seemingly effortless.
[1] https://github.com/libretro/RetroArch/issues
[2] https://github.com/libretro/RetroArch/issues/9984