Emulator Issues #13676
closedDolphin freezes PC when using Windows Snipping Tool
Game Name?
Probably All (the ones tested were Rayman Origins, Little Kings Story, Super Paper Mario, Luigi's Mansion, Pokemon XD)
Game ID? (right click the game in the game list, Properties, Info tab)
SOJE41 (00010000534f4a45), RO3EXJ (00010000524f3345), R8PE01 (0001000052385045), GLME01, GXXE01
MD5 Hash? (right click the game in the game list, Properties, Verify tab, Verify Integrity button)
25e9ea48fc3528cc79e3d82d8a7f4858, 4c91b9fd3804035fe3547a93a6066b2f, 2740fc6cd66b1523cd358995f68c8840, eac9eeaf9783d81b2a61830057a3abdb, 80177e67b49833dbcf17b2141b24a21f
What's the problem? Describe what went wrong.
Whenever I use snipping tool on Dolphin, the current instance will freeze and I will be unable to exit the instance (including with Alt-F4 and Alt-Tab), requiring a full PC restart. Using snipping tool on something else while an instance is running works fine. Note that there was one time where this did not cause Dolphin to crash, however I was unable to replicate it.
What steps will reproduce the problem?
Use snipping tool on a fullscreen instance window of Dolphin. A windowed instance has no issue.
Is the issue present in the latest development version? For future reference, please also write down the version number of the latest development version.
Yes 2409
Is the issue present in the latest release? For future reference, please also write down the version number of the latest release.
Yes 2409-309
If the issue isn't present in the latest release, which is the first broken version? (You can find the first broken version by bisecting. Windows users can use the tool https://forums.dolphin-emu.org/Thread-green-notice-development-thread-unofficial-dolphin-bisection-tool-for-finding-broken-builds and anyone who is building Dolphin on their own can use git bisect.)
[First broken version number here (if applicable)]
If your issue is a graphical issue, please attach screenshots and record a three frame fifolog of the issue if possible. Screenshots showing what it is supposed to look like from either console or older builds of Dolphin will help too. For more information on how to use the fifoplayer, please check here: https://wiki.dolphin-emu.org/index.php?title=FifoPlayer
Due to the nature of the bug I was unable to do this, besides It's just a frozen screen.
What are your PC specifications? (CPU, GPU, Operating System, more)
R5 5600X, RX 6600XT, Windows 11
Is there anything else that can help developers narrow down the issue? (e.g. logs, screenshots,
configuration files, savefiles, savestates)
Due to the nature of the bug I could not get anything, maybe someone with multiple monitors would have more luck
Updated by AdmiralCurtiss 4 months ago
This sounds like Dual Core + multithreading lockup to me, does this still happen if you disable Dual Core?