Issue #13700
closedNotification before Removing Forum Account
Please send an email a week or two before a forum account is automatically deleted for inactivity. It's a lot more work to recreate a forum account than it is to just log in and reset the timer. Plus, people might consider their post history or PMs valuable and be upset if they're taken away without warning. Then, send an email once it's actually deleted as well so people don't have to wonder or waste time trying to log in to a deleted account later.
Updated by MayImilae 3 months ago
- Status changed from New to Won't fix
Seems like a good idea, but that is not a feature in our current version of MyBB. It's not something we can implement ourselves.
Maybe make a feature request to MyBB? If they add it, we'll use it.
Marked as "Won't Fix" simply because this is not something for us to fix, not as an evaluation of the feature request.