Emulator Issues #13732
openNetplay .dtm replays desync on Ninja Turtles Wii
Game Name?
Nickelodeon Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Game ID? (right click the game in the game list, Properties, Info tab)
What's the problem? Describe what went wrong.
If you record a .dtm replay of this game through Dolphin's netplay feature, it will desync when you play it back. I believe more games are affected than just this one, but I can't list more without further testing. I don't see any desync issues with this game when the replay is made offline.
What steps will reproduce the problem?
Start a new game while recording the replay through Dolphin netplay, and play the first stage, then try to play it back offline (making sure the save or lack of save matches what was originally used). The desync should be noticeable while fighting the first bad guys in the first stage. For these old Dolphin versions, turn off "store XFB copies to texture only" for better visibility.
Is the issue present in the latest development version? For future reference, please also write down the version number of the latest development version.
It is in 2412-246.
If the issue isn't present in the latest release, which is the first broken version? (You can find the first broken version by bisecting. Windows users can use the tool https://forums.dolphin-emu.org/Thread-green-notice-development-thread-unofficial-dolphin-bisection-tool-for-finding-broken-builds and anyone who is building Dolphin on their own can use git bisect.)
5.0-14089 is broken, but this works correctly on 5.0-14087
Is there anything else that can help developers narrow down the issue? (e.g. logs, screenshots,
configuration files, savefiles, savestates)
I have noticed in this particular game that the value at address 80299af0 will be just slightly different during the startup FMVs when you are first playing the game online compared with when you try to play back the replay, but on 5.0-14087, the value during the replay matches what it was when it was played online. On 5.0-14089, when I set this address to what it was when I was first playing the game, the replay would play without a desync. It is also possible to play back the replay on 5.0-14089 without a desync if you first save a state after you boot up the game and load it after starting to play the replay.
As far as I know, it doesn't matter whether or not you use a nunchuk, classic controller or a save file. My test replays with gameplay were done with a Classic Controller, though.
Updated by JMC4789 about 1 month ago
This might be a sysconf issue of some kind with the initialization of the Wii.
Updated by Billiard26 about 1 month ago
FYI, 5.0-14089 is https://github.com/dolphin-emu/dolphin/pull/9682
Updated by Billiard26 about 1 month ago
- Is duplicate of Emulator Issues #8655: Record Netplay Input Desyncs when Played Back added
Updated by JosJuice about 1 month ago
- Status changed from Duplicate to New
This issue has a bisect to a version that's much newer than the one in issue 8655. Treating the two issues as the same hides the important bisect result.
Updated by JosJuice about 1 month ago
- Is duplicate of deleted (Emulator Issues #8655: Record Netplay Input Desyncs when Played Back)
Updated by JosJuice about 1 month ago
- Related to Emulator Issues #8655: Record Netplay Input Desyncs when Played Back added