Emulator Issues #138
closedAnti-Aliasing For OGL plugin
Would be a huge + if it was implemented, right now graphics look dithered
Updated by Sonicadvance1 over 16 years ago
- Issue type changed from Bug to Feature request
- Priority changed from Normal to Low
- Category set to gfx
- Operating system N/A added
Right now the graphics are expanded from 640x480 all the way to whatever resolution
you have selected, I'm working on it right now
Updated by Anonymous over 16 years ago
i'm assuming you're working on getting the target resolution to whatever the user
selects. That's awesome. However, when it comes to AA (ie for the sake of this
issue), it would be great if it's actual AA, and not just multipling the resolution
by the AA amount. Just putting it on record :p
Updated by Sonicadvance1 over 16 years ago
Well, I'm not multiplying by the AA, it's going to be actual AA. I'm going to remove
4 unneeded variables from the OGL plugin.
Updated by Sonicadvance1 over 16 years ago
- Status changed from New to Accepted
So. I'm trying to get AA in the plugin, but getting AA using GLX is just a pain in
the butt for some reason, anything I try doing crashes or just doesn't work. The
people in the Xorg-devel channel and OpenGL channel in Freenode are too smug to help
me so it may take a while for AA in the plugin.
Updated by josh.lar.JL over 16 years ago
The whole resolution mod you did is fantastic! games look HD!!! But do you think you
will eventually fix the shadow problems because this is affecting quite a few games
(and making mario feel like he's on lsd or something) there are also occasional
shading problems in smash bros and sonic heroes is experiencing weird shading
artifacts too... so with this new res addon and with fixed shaders, I wouldn't mind
waiting a while for AA...
Updated by Sonicadvance1 over 16 years ago
I will be looking in to the shader problems in a while. AA may work a certain way,
I'll try putting it in and see if it works for anybody in a bit.
Updated by mudlord88 over 16 years ago
If you use FBOs, you can use ogl_framebuffer_object_multisample/blit to do the AA. I
have some example code if you's want to give it a go....
Updated by omegadox over 16 years ago
no XK.
glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT(GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, 8, GL_RGB,
glBindFramebufferEXT(READ_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, s_fbo);
glBindFramebufferEXT(DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, s_uFramebuffer);
glBlitFramebufferEXT(0, 0, nBackbufferWidth, nBackbufferHeight, 0, 0,
nBackbufferWidth, nBackbufferHeight, GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, GL_NEAREST);
something like that...
Updated by XTra.KrazzY over 16 years ago
omegadox: I tried replacing glRenderbufferStorageEXT to multisample but it didn't
work (also, I only found stencil/depth buffers as FBOs in Render.cpp, that's why I
suggested the simple MULTISAMPLE_ARB).
Updated by omegadox over 16 years ago
Which mudlord says no to, ask ector about how the plugin works.
Updated by Sonicadvance1 about 16 years ago
Revision 1320 begins this work. It's hella slow though. It's disabled so I can figure
out why it's slow and get it working with all games.
Updated by XTra.KrazzY about 16 years ago
- Status changed from Accepted to Work started
what about it?
Updated by XTra.KrazzY almost 16 years ago
Issue 622 has been merged into this issue.
Updated by zantezuken almost 16 years ago
Sorry, I did search for "alias" keyword and stupid google doesn't show anything :(
Updated by hrydgard almost 16 years ago
oh crap, I forgot that this issue existed when i created 685 :)
Updated by XTra.KrazzY almost 16 years ago
- Status changed from Work started to Duplicate
It's alright. Merged to yours since it's way more informative.