



Emulator Issues #1470


Going from windowed mode to fullscreen doesn't work properly in Dx9 plugin

Added by PianoGamer over 15 years ago.

% Done:


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What steps will reproduce the problem?
1.Start a game i windowed mode.
2.Press "fullscreen" on the Dolphin toolbar (alt + enter doesn't work)

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
The game's window should enter fullscreen mode, instead the Dolphin window
itself becomes fullscreen, meaning the whole screen goes light gray. If you
use "render to main window", Dolphin crashes.

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
r4322 (Vista 32-bit)

Please provide any additional information below.
Specs: Core2Duo E8400 3,0 Ghz;
4Gb RAM; NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260;
WinVista 32-Bit

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Has duplicate Emulator - Emulator Issues #1491: D3D Plugin : Changing to full screen while game is running will crash the emulator.Duplicatehrydgard

Actions #1

Updated by daco65 over 15 years ago

(the fullscreen button is esc. a silly move if you ask me)

Actions #2

Updated by Migs351 over 15 years ago

Actions #3

Updated by shaoranmps over 15 years ago

when i go to full screen the emulator just close and if I'm even able to get to full
screen when i try to go out guess what the emulator close again

Actions #4

Updated by Migs351 over 15 years ago

I fixed it here, I think it can be done better, but it definitely works (for all
windows builds):

Actions #5

Updated by Migs351 over 15 years ago

Oh, this only works with the Escape key, I forgot to add Alt Enter support, but I'm
sure you can change it to easily reflect the same changes.

Actions #6

Updated by Migs351 over 15 years ago

updated the patch a bit, much cleaner, made it into it's own function, much like the
OGL plugin.

Actions #7

Updated by hrydgard over 15 years ago

Issue 1491 has been merged into this issue.

Actions #8

Updated by PianoGamer over 15 years ago

Something else broken with fullscreen toogle: 2D stuff will start being pixelated
after you toggle, as in not smoothed out, same with some textures, the walls in
Metroid Prime looks like the walls in Dungeon Keeper, if you walk right up near them.

Actions #9

Updated by Migs351 over 15 years ago

Yeah, this is an issue with my patch, but what's strange is that if you re-size the
window, it will fix it :/

Maybe throwing another D3D Reset at it after it's done re-sizing would fix it? I
dunno why it does that...

Actions #10

Updated by Anonymous over 15 years ago

  • Category set to gfx
  • Issue type set to Bug
Actions #11

Updated by Anonymous over 15 years ago

Still an issue?

Actions #12

Updated by Migs351 over 15 years ago

On the SVN, Yes, it still just closes the emu.

Line 75, It's not a bug, it's coded to close the emu when you press Esc.

As far as my patch goes... it is very unstable. There's definitely a better way to
do it. It hardly even works anymore... I haven't updated it since I posted it here,
and there have been some significant modifications to how it renders now. I'd have
to re-write the patch to fix the crashing and blank screen problems that it has now.

Actions #13

Updated by PianoGamer over 15 years ago

This issue was fixed to the better for a while, but now toggling to fullscreen
doesn't work at all. Alt + enter do nothing, pressing fullscreen on the Dolphin
toolbar do nothing, Esc crashes the emulator. (r4590 x86)

Actions #14

Updated by MarioMadness1 over 15 years ago

Yeah, it seems like someone has disabled alt+Enter to full screen :(

Actions #15

Updated by sl1nk3.s about 15 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Fixed

This issue was closed by revision r4779.


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