



Emulator Issues #1961


Stop with no check if window is already open.

Added by justin.sweglar about 15 years ago.

% Done:


Operating system:
Issue type:
Relates to usability:
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Regression start:
Fixed in:


What steps will reproduce the problem?
1.Start up a game and press stop repeatedly.

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
It should have a check to make sure another stop window doesn't pop up.
Also maybe have the stop command pause the game until you decide to stop it
or not.(maybe fix the full screen stop command? shrug)

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?

Please provide any additional information below.
I believe in this file you'll find the source.


On line 632... I wanted to fix it myself but I'm to rusty in c. Used to do
mud coding in c / lpc. This stuff is a bit to confusing for me. But I'm
sure an if check would be enough to fix this simple issue. :)

Actions #1

Updated by BhaaL about 15 years ago

I dont even have time to hit the stop button a second time...

OpenGL, DirectX, Software Renderer?
Render-to-main, or separate window?
What do you mean with "stop window"?
FrameTools.cpp:632 is perfectly fine, and has nothing to do with stopping a game.

Actions #2

Updated by justin.sweglar about 15 years ago

What steps will reproduce the problem?
1.Start up a game and press stop repeatedly.

Seemed pretty simple to repeat but it is in window mode, dx, separate window. Pops
open a question box. "Do you want to stop the current emulation?" Yes/No
The problem is you can press stop multiple times and multiple question(stop) boxes
appear. It is simply missing a check if the box is already there or not, and I
thought might be useful if you put in a pause command while you decide to quit or not
but not a big deal.

As far as stop function itself it works well enough.

Only other problem that maybe an issue in full screen pressing esc closes out the
emulator completely instead of popping up this question box. But esc appears to be a
different function and issue all together.

Actions #3

Updated by lpfaint99 about 15 years ago

Confirm On Stop is an option that imho should be removed

Actions #4

Updated by ChaosCode about 15 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Accepted
  • Priority set to Low

not really a huge issue, just a interface issue.

Actions #6

Updated by nakeee about 15 years ago

I don't know, JP convinced me that confirm on stop is not that weird
I do think that the stop button should be disabled after you pressed stop once though.

Actions #7

Updated by justin.sweglar about 15 years ago

Also does this with ESC button in window mode... Curious if this is causing the full
screen crashes when pressing ESC too. Since it pops open a question box in window
mode, if it does that in full screen may cause some problem. Actually... Just tested
as of r4861 the full screen no longer crashes pressing ESC in DX(not sure in OPENGL)
Issue 1277

But there's a new problem... Pressing ESC now pops up the question box in back of the
full screen game... So my theory I believe is correct at least in previous versions.
The question boxes were causing crashes in the background. ESC button in full screen
doesn't work properly(not sure if I should start a new topic on this since its sorta
related to this.)

Actions #8

Updated by ayuanx about 15 years ago

The duplicate exit confirm dialog won't harm, current touble is that this dialog
usually isn't brought to front most.

Actions #9

Updated by Anonymous about 15 years ago

  • Status changed from Accepted to Fixed

This issue was closed by revision r4884.


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