Emulator Issues #2048
closedNeed Tool Tips/Glossary of All Options
Hey I was wondering if any of you developers could help me out here.
I'm on dolphins forums and I was trying to create a glossary of what every
single option in dolphin does. Even the advanced options in a plugin in.
I and a few others believe that this could lead to a breakthrough in
figuring out a games optimum settings and help the noobs figure
out/configure dolphin easier and with more knowledge.
So basically can you list as many of the ones you know of and what they do.
For example:
Dual Core - .....
Idle Skipping - .....
Unlimited JIT Cache - ....
Please help!
Thank you to all the developers who help me in anyway.
Updated by Anonymous about 15 years ago
- Status changed from New to Won't fix
Sorry, all available options are already listed in the GUI. If you'd like descriptions
you may try the forums, or just intuitively know what things like "dual core",
"interpreter", "jit", etc mean.
Updated by bboyin4life about 15 years ago
i have all the ones that when you put your mouse over them and leave it there a
second you get a description of it
but not all options do that....