



Emulator Issues #2103


Is There a Particular Reason Why Super Mario Galaxy is having issues?

Added by knowitall599 about 15 years ago.

% Done:


Operating system:
Issue type:
Relates to usability:
Relates to performance:
Relates to maintainability:
Regression start:
Fixed in:


What steps will reproduce the problem?
1.Start Dolphin emulation
2.Begin Playing Super Mario Galaxy
3.Certain cut scenes show Mario's eyes as a white. Also some of the Lumas
are glowing too much.

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
I don't want to see this problem anymore. It is bugging the shit out of
me. Please, please fix it. Perhaps it is caused by some kind of gamma
error. I don't know.

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
I am using the latest rev. This has happened for a while now. Why isn't
this fixed. It happens in OpenGL and DirectX.

Please provide any additional information below.

Actions #1

Updated by marcel.werner3 about 15 years ago

someone give him his lolly back -_-

Actions #2

Updated by HeZkOrE about 15 years ago

Oh boo-hoo!
Atleast the damn game starts and plays fine!
Monster Hunter Tri hasn't worked since r4302 and all my attempts to find out why has
been either removed or flamed, so don't start crying about minor graphical problems.

Actions #3

Updated by knowitall599 about 15 years ago

Sometimes you developers can act very idiotic and sometimes you act like geniuses.
So, which is it?

Actions #4

Updated by CuentaSpam23 about 15 years ago

Generated by r4775 , if that makes you happy

I mean , There are nicer ways to say this like Issue 1973

At least you know what revision generated it and should be easier to fix or at least
you can revert that rev

Actions #5

Updated by marcel.werner3 about 15 years ago

I'm not a developer. I just think your tone is childish and impolite and that makes
it rather improbable that the devs will take your issue on (they know about this one

Actions #6

Updated by hrydgard about 15 years ago

Yeah, of course we know about this problem. If you know how to fix it, please tell us.

Actions #7

Updated by kevinx0404 about 15 years ago

if you think that the devs are idiots, let see you fix it.

Actions #8

Updated by pedro.jedi about 15 years ago

Hey, would some knowledge in C#, C, (like threads, data base interaction, data types,
tc) be enough to help solving some issues? or does it require more knowledge in some
other technical things?
I'm just asking this because I'm having some problems while building a release in my
computer (it says fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'dsound.h': No such
file or directory....) or else I'd have already investigated the code and learned if
my knowledge would help in something.

Actions #9

Updated by pedro.jedi about 15 years ago

I solved my issue, i'll just see it now

Actions #11

Updated by skidau about 14 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Fixed

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