Emulator Issues #2543
closedCrash when attemping to compress a iso
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1.Compress a ISO
2.Compress a ISO again
3.Then Crash
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
Compress the ISO. Crash
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
5286. Windows 7
Please provide any additional information below.
It happens always when you try to compress more than one ISO.
Updated by Anonymous almost 15 years ago
- Status changed from New to Questionable
no one else has been able to reproduce this.
it could help to know exactly which games you are compression, in what order.
Updated by mery.fred almost 15 years ago
I've experience that bug too on very different versions of dolphin. I've got a corei7
and windows7 64bits, what are your specs fmendez89?
Updated by fmendez89 almost 15 years ago
yea mary I've got that system too. The process is, open dolphin, compress one iso, when
you are going to compress the second one, it crash. But I tried in lastest version 5312
and it is not happening.
Updated by kolano almost 15 years ago
I've seen issues with the ISO compression in which the compression causes Dolphin to
hang. However, I've not noticed it being related to re-compressing something
compressed before. Unfortunately, I've been unable to work out a consistent set of
steps to reproduce the issue so I never reported it.
The one case I have been able to consistently reproduce a hang with is when
compressing already small ISOs (i.e. ~<10mb)...
-Game Boy Player Start-up Disc for EUR (E) (UGPP01)
-QFC: The Tower of Druaga (J) (PKBJ01)
Updated by kolano almost 15 years ago
I should probably open a separate case for that rather than hi-jacking this one.
Updated by fmendez89 almost 15 years ago
No kolano, what you said is true, i doesn't realize until you said it. I was not
getting crashes of dolphin re-compressing, but compressing ISO. Compressing .gcz files
causes not crashes, ISO files yes.
Updated by Anonymous almost 15 years ago
- Status changed from Questionable to Duplicate