Emulator Issues #2549
closedSparatan total warrior laggy
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1.starting the game as normally
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
in the menu ,videos,and ingame always it lags like it goes for 2 secs
normal speed and then about 5 fps for another 2 secs and so on it is very
very annoying and makes the game un playable
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
im using r5300 on windows 7 64x
Please provide any additional information below.
if anyone has encountered this problem and getten over it or someoe just
happens to know a way to fix it,help would be much appriciaited
Updated by ReaperFIN almost 15 years ago
i got the lagging fixed from the graphs but sound still lags so its pretty annoying
but the video runs good now but the sound still lags ingame but not in cutscenes and
my specs are something like this (if i remember them right):processor: amd phenom II
X3 720 Processor 2.80 ghz ram:8gt
Updated by MofoMan2000 almost 15 years ago
"I got the lagging fixed"
How? Even if it isn't important to the issue it could help others who have problems with games lagging
like that.
Updated by snaketzy almost 15 years ago
yeah,I have the same problem with the games lagging like that,how can i get it?
processor:amd althon II x2 245,ram:2GB,graphs:ATI HD4200
Updated by ReaperFIN almost 15 years ago
well remember i only got the video lags fixed but theres no unique way to do i just
disabled dual core changed some graphic settings and the video lag pretty much
stopped i think its pretty much only with this game :( STILL THE LAGGING OF THE SOUND
MAKES IT PRETTY MUCH UN PLAYABLE IN MY OPINION,but if anyone has any ideas of how to
fix the sound i would appreciaite it