



Emulator Issues #2672


Regression (maybe?) in Wii Menu

Added by alikfed almost 15 years ago.

% Done:


Operating system:
Issue type:
Relates to usability:
Relates to performance:
Relates to maintainability:
Regression start:
Fixed in:


I know that the wii menu issue already exist, so if you think that it not
worth creating a new issue, please delete it or mark invalid.

What steps will reproduce the problem?
1.Run Wii Menu or Mii channel

What do you see instead?
Dolphin crashes

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
R5442 Win7-U x86

Please provide any additional information below.
In R5054 runs just fine at full speed. In R5442 Wii menu crashes or
freezing at black screen, Mii channel works if I disable dual core.
Also in some old revisions I noticed that revisions compiled by Orleans run
Wii Menu fine, same revision but compiled by Mamario or EmuCR crashes or
freezing at "Health and safety" screen.(configs, tickets same) Can you
please explain why is this happening?

Actions #1

Updated by Billiard26 almost 15 years ago

I have no problems running the Mii Channel in the latest revision with Dual Core enabled.

Actions #2

Updated by CuentaSpam23 almost 15 years ago

Same here, The system menu crashes at the "Health and safety" screen

Actions #3

Updated by alikfed almost 15 years ago

Oh, almost forgot to attach logs:)
In R5054 loads wii menu ok
In R5447 crashes right after emulation is started, without showing any graphics or
playing any sound.

Actions #4

Updated by lpfaint99 almost 15 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Work started

not exactly a duplicate, issue occurs because you are loading the wiimenu from a wad
and do not have a required file installed (shared contents or ticket)
working on a patch to fix this

workaround with current builds:
right click on sysmenu.wad in the gamelist and install to wiimenu
launch wad from gamelist or open menu (Tools > Load wiimenu will only work with a
nand dump)

Actions #5

Updated by lpfaint99 almost 15 years ago

should be fixed in r5448
installation is still required

Actions #6

Updated by alikfed almost 15 years ago

I also have a full nand dump, but it freezing at health and safety screen or crashing
like a wad on R5447.I will test R5448 soon

Actions #7

Updated by alikfed almost 15 years ago

Ok, just tested on R5449. Full nand dump loads ok, but when I select wii settings it
crashes(in R5054 there was black screen and playing Wii Menu music).
now interesting...
Mii Channel(WAD) - crashes(like in R5447)
Photo chanel(WAD) - 2 times crashed but then loaded and now it works.
Wii Menu 4.1(WAD) - still crashes
Wii Menu 4.0(WAD) - crashed ~10 times. Then it loaded(FPS ok, strange glitch with
date - not showind day and year).Then I tried to load it again ~20 times... crashing
Attaching log of all that I described
If you need I can upload logs of testing each WAD seperately.

Actions #8

Updated by alikfed almost 15 years ago

btw. when I press Tools-Install wii menu It can't show any WADs.

Actions #9

Updated by lpfaint99 almost 15 years ago

i left in some code that would require the filename to match the filename as it is
extracted from a disc (RVL-WiiSystemmenu-v*.wad) which just made it easier for me to

log file for the most part looks normal
with a clean build (no nand dump) it works for all of versions of the system menu
that i tested (installing and than launching from the tools menu or from the same
wad your results may be because if the system menu wad does not match the installed
menu version (no idea really but a possibility).

I have not tested mii/photo channels in a long time so not sure about those

Actions #10

Updated by alikfed almost 15 years ago

Just tested on R5450.
installed clean build, tools-install wii menu- choosed RVL-WiiSystemmenu-v482. Then I
closed Dolphin(because it still shows install WM). Opened emu and tools-load wii menu
Still crashes...

Actions #11

Updated by lpfaint99 almost 15 years ago

v482 works here with a clean build :/

Actions #12

Updated by lpfaint99 almost 15 years ago

just tested mii and photo channels, both work. mii channel needs ztpbloom hack

Actions #13

Updated by alikfed almost 15 years ago

Still don't work for me...
what am I doing wrong?

Actions #14

Updated by lpfaint99 almost 15 years ago

seems 32bit build is not working...
looking into it

Actions #15

Updated by lpfaint99 almost 15 years ago

  • Status changed from Work started to Fixed

This issue was closed by revision r5459.


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