Emulator Issues #2691
closedBetter compatibility with some bluetooth dongles and Microsoft bluetooth stack
What steps will reproduce the problem?
- Use some bluetooth dongle
- Pair up the wiimote
- Try to play a game
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
The game doesn't detect the wiimote
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
Last dolphin svn version (r5459) and dolphin 2.0. Tried x64 and x86
versions. Windows 7 x64
Please provide any additional information below.
You have a lot of info in this thread:
But the most important is:
- There are people that cannot get to work the wiimote in any game.
- There are two ways to solve it: use another bluetooth stack (bluesoleil,
toshiba...) or use another bluetooth dongle with the Microsoft Stack - Other software (like wiinremote) work perfectly with the "bad" dongle and
microsoft bluetooth stack, so there is a correct way to get it working.
So my petition is that you try to get it working, with a "bad" dongle and
Microsoft bluetooth stack. I'm ready to try anything you want.
Regards and thank you for this awesome software!!
Updated by snzgoo almost 15 years ago
Please try a revision lower than 5313 and check if the dongles still are not working.
Updated by mcgivergim almost 15 years ago
Hi! I've tried versions r5312 and r5153 and nothing. Neither of them work for me.
Do you need that I test other versions?
Updated by snzgoo almost 15 years ago
In first place I would need a debuglog (dolphin debugbuild neded) from you trying to
use your not working wiimote @ingame. Then check debug within the logginwindow, and
disable everything in the bottom checkbox expect stuff that starts with WII.
I just needed you to test 5312 earlier to make sure u werent suffering from a certain
issue (different issue which I'm aware of).
Updated by mcgivergim almost 15 years ago
Where can I get a debugbuild from Dolphin? I can't compile it, I've problems with one
of my computers, and I can't install VC in the other.
If there isn't a debugbuild accesible, I will try to compile it when I solve the
Updated by snzgoo almost 15 years ago
You can use this one here, if you can't compile it yourself or don't know where it to
get it elsewhere from.
Dolphin (Debugfast Build, Win x64) R5459
Updated by mcgivergim almost 15 years ago
Hi! Thanks for the version.
Here you have the log. I hope I've do it well ;-)
If you need something more here am I.
Updated by snzgoo almost 15 years ago
I think u have forgotten to select the "debugfast" wiimote plugin within your
main/plugin settings, make sure u select it, and make sure u really selected
everything that started with WII within the logger, wiimote_plugin as well, cuz it
seems its missing.
Updated by mcgivergim almost 15 years ago
Sorry, I didn't check the wiimote plugin...
Here you have a new log...
Updated by agabsch almost 15 years ago
Hi I use the a Yakumo dongle and with the mircosoft stack there was no chance to get
it work. With the BlueSoleil stack it get it work one time. It is a bug of the
dolphin build. Because the build crashes sometimes if i close the Recording windows.
If the programm doesn't crash after closing the recording window everything works
fine even ingame. With wiinremote everything works at any time. Maybe it helps to
solve the problem. PS: I know my english is not the best at all
Updated by mcgivergim almost 15 years ago
Using the logs this version generates I have made more tests:
26:19:299 .\Src\wiimote_real.cpp:361 D[Wiimote]: Found No of Wiimotes: 1
26:39:752 .\Src\wiimote_real.cpp:480 D[Wiimote]: Real WiiMote allocated as WiiMote #0
26:39:752 .\Src\wiimote_real.cpp:203 N[Wiimote]: wiiuse_io_read: unexpected
disconnect. handle: 00000000
26:39:752 .\Src\wiimote_real.cpp:493 D[Wiimote]: Using 1 Real Wiimote(s) and 0 Emu
26:39:752 .\Src\wiimote_real.cpp:203 N[Wiimote]: wiiuse_io_read: unexpected
disconnect. handle: 00000000
26:50:721 .\Src\wiimote_real.cpp:361 D[Wiimote]: Found No of Wiimotes: 1
27:07:113 .\Src\wiimote_real.cpp:480 D[Wiimote]: Real WiiMote allocated as WiiMote #0
27:07:113 .\Src\wiimote_real.cpp:493 D[Wiimote]: Using 1 Real Wiimote(s) and 0 Emu
27:07:121 .\Src\wiimote_real.cpp:203 N[Wiimote]: wiiuse_io_read: unexpected
disconnect. handle: 00000000
I use the wiimote plugin to pair it up, all ok, but when I press OK to close the
windows, it appears the
"wiiuse_io_read: unexpected disconnect. handle: 00000000".
If I enter again in the wiimote plugin, the wiimote appears like connectd. I push
the refresh button and it rumbles and appears in the logs:
Using 1 Real Wiimote(s) and 0 Emu Wiimote(s)
If I push OK, in the logs appears again the "disconnected". So, it seems thst
something is wrong in the OK?
Updated by snzgoo almost 15 years ago
Thats why I was asking you to use a version prior to 5313, since this problem is
caused by 5313 on some bt dongles, only on ms bt stack. 5313 won't cause problems on
Try to use the newest dolphin x64 revision, and replace the wiiuse.dll with this one
here: http://archiv.to/GET/FILE4BFD4ADD83850
Updated by agabsch almost 15 years ago
Is this dll compatible with the x86 version?
Updated by agabsch almost 15 years ago
Edit it isn't compatible. Can somebody post a link for the old wiiuse.dll for the 32
Bit version?
Updated by snzgoo almost 15 years ago
It's almost impossible to support every bt dongle since the ms stack has it's
limitations and flaws unfortuantely.
However here is the x32 build of the wiiuse dll that I just compiled for you, its
only for testing purposes. It should unwind problems caused by 5313, but it won't
help on explicit bt dongle incompatibility etc. Just don't forget that not all issues
u guys might have, are of the same nature. There might be always a different cause,
so don't put everything in one and the same bowl.
http://archiv.to/GET/FILE4BFD5D6ABCBCF x32
http://archiv.to/GET/FILE4BFD4ADD83850 x64
Updated by mcgivergim almost 15 years ago
I've tried your wiiuse.dll and nothing. It doesn't work for me. I'used last version
r5476. It isn't a debug build, so I cannot give you some logs.
I tried it too with you debugfast r5459 version (I don't know is it have some
sense). I attach the logs generated.
Updated by agabsch almost 15 years ago
It doesn't work at all. I can't get the plugin Recording. Witch bluetooth dongle do
you recommend?
Updated by agabsch almost 15 years ago
Ok lovely bug. Like mcgivergim sad it is a bug with the "OK" Button in the Wiimote
menu. If i klick the "OK" Button nothing works. If I use instead the little red X
Upright everything works fine. I can reproduce the bug.
Updated by snzgoo almost 15 years ago
It is no bug. On clicking OK, your wiimote will usualy get assigned to a slot, and
the corresponding LED on the wiimote will be enabled. A wiiuse_io_write must be
issued, but it fails, since either the wiimote handle already got already deleted(cuz
timeouted, but since my wiiuse.dll didnt help, thats not the case) or it is about to
timeout, or it just delivers unsupported dataformat which might cause a handle
closing. Like I said, It's not possible to support every and each bt dongle,
especially not with the default stack. I'll dig into it, but no promises.
Updated by agabsch almost 15 years ago
I use Bluesoleil not the default stack. Maybe this helps to solve my problem. I've
played some games and if i don't push ok it does work. But I think there will be a
problem if i try to use 2 wiimotes.
Updated by mcgivergim almost 15 years ago
For me it doesn't work using the 'x' in the wiimote plugin.
I hope you get to a solution, because I cannot change my dongle (it comes with my
Updated by mcgivergim almost 15 years ago
I don't know if it can help you, but I've made another test.
I've opened the wiimote plugin, pair it up, and when all seems ok, I've pressed one
by one all the buttons of the wiimote. In the logs appear all my key-pressed:
35:20:767 .\Src\ReadWiimote.cpp:76 D[Wiimote]: A pressed
35:22:247 .\Src\ReadWiimote.cpp:84 D[Wiimote]: ONE pressed
35:23:417 .\Src\ReadWiimote.cpp:86 D[Wiimote]: TWO pressed
35:25:206 .\Src\ReadWiimote.cpp:82 D[Wiimote]: MINUS pressed
35:26:406 .\Src\ReadWiimote.cpp:83 D[Wiimote]: PLUS pressed
35:28:311 .\Src\ReadWiimote.cpp:77 D[Wiimote]: B pressed
35:29:361 .\Src\ReadWiimote.cpp:81 D[Wiimote]: RIGHT pressed
35:29:861 .\Src\ReadWiimote.cpp:80 D[Wiimote]: LEFT pressed
35:30:552 .\Src\ReadWiimote.cpp:78 D[Wiimote]: UP pressed
35:31:372 .\Src\ReadWiimote.cpp:79 D[Wiimote]: DOWN pressed
35:35:602 .\Src\ReadWiimote.cpp:87 D[Wiimote]: HOME pressed
I attached the logs. So it seems clear that the wiimote plugin can detect all the
wiimote keys until I press the ok button.
Updated by snzgoo almost 15 years ago
I'll investigate this some time , but like I said, no promises or even deadlines.
I'm already fully occupied with other projects.
Thx for the logs.
Updated by mcgivergim almost 15 years ago
Finally I've compiled my own version of dolphin, to try to help you to find the
Looking at code I will start seeing the allocate and initiallize methods in the
realwiimote, if you don't have another advice.
Only one question: If I press any button while playing a game, It must appear in the
logs like in the wiimote plugin?
Updated by snzgoo almost 15 years ago
No, it won't directly. Button events will be handled in data reports sent by the
wiimote. http://wiibrew.org/wiki/Wiimote#Data_Reporting
Updated by mcgivergim almost 15 years ago
Hi! Today it have worked one time:
- I've modify the "Allocate" method
- I've commented the next line (117 in wiimote_real.cpp):
#ifdef _WIN32
// F|RES: i dunno if we really need this
And it worked!! Two problems:
- The wiimote rumbled all time
- I've lost the allocate changes and now it not works
I don't know if it has been a casuality or not. Tomorrow I will try to do it again.
Is the line that I've commented important?
Updated by mcgivergim almost 15 years ago
Hi! more info.
Today it worked again, but it is not the code, it is a casuality. I've put a lot of
logs in the code and now I see how it moves...
I've observed more things, if it can help:
- Usually I must to press exactly 3 times de pair it up button to make de bluetooth
pair. Why three? The number of devices connected? Keyboard, mouse and wiimote. - Usually, after the tree tries, It find it, but it gives an error in the line:
// Activate service
DWORD hr = BluetoothSetServiceState(hRadios[radio], &btdi,
&HumanInterfaceDeviceServiceClass_UUID, BLUETOOTH_SERVICE_ENABLE);
but the strange thing is that seeing the code, it continues without problem. And it
seems that the pair it up have worked ok (I can continue with the rest).
- When it pairs, it must vibrate on, light it up, vibrate off. Usually I must press
a button between actions because it remains in a state without going to the next
until I press the button. Maybe a problem with the messages queue that it sends to
the wiimote? Maybe a lock?
I will continue making test, I don't know if it helps to you or you prefer that I
not continue.
Updated by mcgivergim almost 15 years ago
Me again...
The three times you can forget about it...
It happened to me because it needs some time to find it.
The first time I press the pair it up button, it doesn't find it.
The second time it finds it, but without name.
The third time it finds it with the correct name.
If I wait 15 seconds before pushing the button the pair it up works the first time.
The next error, the BluetoothSetServiceState, I think is not an error of the
connection, it is an error of the code:
if (!hr == ERROR_SUCCESS)
I think it must be:
if (hr == ERROR_SUCCESS)
acording to the documentation... http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa362894
And when it disconnects:
NOTICE_LOG(WIIMOTE, "Pair-Up: Automatically removed BT Device on shutdown: %08x",
I thin nPaired must be --
I'm wrong?
Updated by mcgivergim almost 15 years ago
My last tests from today.
If I'm not wrong with the corrections I commented in the previous post...
I've gone to the Initialize method. After the call to wiiuse_find I've played with
the rumble and the leds adding some code. I can control the leds OK, but If I try to
make it rumble it doesn't work well. It doesn't rumble until I press a button in the
wiimote. Is like it was an event queue that locks ander some situations.
I will try to make a code out of dolphin to try wiiuse and the wiimote. If it has the
same problems, then the wiiuse library is wrong. If it works, then dolphin makes
something wrong with wiiuse.
This will take me some days (I can't develop in the machine where dolphin is
Have you some VC project that mades that I want?
P.D.: Sorry to all for my spam of today ;-)
Updated by mcgivergim almost 15 years ago
From my two corrections only one is valid.
nPaired maybe must see ++ , but I'm not sure because the function has not commented
what it must to return.
The other correction I think I'm not wrong.
Updated by snzgoo almost 15 years ago
npaired++ is correct, it will return in case of pairing wiimotes, the amount of new
paired wiimotes, and vice versa on unpair, the amount of unpaired wiimotes.
Like I already said twice I don't have the time right now to investigate this
further, but I have put it into my todo list. I'll check it out at the earliest when
my motionplus project is finished.
PS Your oberservation is right. The pair up routine will "fail" if the device hasn't
delivered a servicename yet. I was aware of that and if you believe it or not, it's
unfortunately a bluetooth protocol feature, allowing this stupid behavior.
I was about to put the routine into a small loop in the future.
Updated by mcgivergim almost 15 years ago
Ok, I don't want to put pression on you ;-)
What about the condition (my other observation)? I think is wrong and always makes an
error log when it connects without problems.
Thanks for all, I will continue my tests but trying to put less information here until
I be sure of it.
Updated by mcgivergim almost 15 years ago
My last tests. I think I found the problem but not how to solve it.
I've put a lot of logs in the code, and I've found that the wiimote->handle turns to
0 after a write or read operation. Usually it appears after a "setleds" operation (in
the initialize or allocate functions), but not allways. Sometimes it appears after
starting a game. One or two times it worked some seconds in a game.
Taking a look at the code, the only place where it can turn to 0 is in the
wiiuse_disconnect() method.
It is called in the wiiuse_io_write:
i = HidD_SetOutputReport(wm->dev_handle, buf + 1, len - 1);
dw = GetLastError();
if (dw == 121) { // semaphore timeout
return 0;
This only happens with the Microsoft Stack, bluesoleil has other code and for this
reason is because with bluesoleil it works without problem.
Now I can't compile Wiiuse, Can you compile wiiuse adding logs to this lines to
confirm the problem is here?
I don't know if you knew before that the problem was here, but it gives me a lot of
time to arrive ;-)
Updated by snzgoo almost 15 years ago
Yes, I know this was causing trouble for some users, as I already stated in one of
posts aboves, the handle gets closed on write. That was the reason why i was offering
a compiled dll(see again above) where this part was removed like back in the days.
This simple means if ur stick wasn't supported before my commit, my commit also didnt
break that kind of support for you. Your dongle just handles stuff different via ms
bt stack.
The most efficient (temporary) way around this problem is by using bluesoleil, since
bluesoleil does the wrapping and keeps all those error handles very normalized unlike
the ms bt stack, where the behavior can be pretty different depending on what dongle
u have used.
Quote from my old posting:
A wiiuse_io_write must be issued, but it fails, since either the wiimote handle
already got deleted(cuz timeouted, but since my wiiuse.dll didnt help, thats not the
case) or it is about to timeout, or it just delivers unsupported dataformat which
might cause a handle closing.
Updated by mcgivergim almost 15 years ago
Hi. Sorry for not understand yo you the first time ;-)
Now that both are sure were is the problem, I will try to make tests on this lines to
see if I get something. I will try to compile wiiuse in Visual Studio 2010. If you
have and idea I will try.
Looking these days at the code, I've seen what I think are mistakes (I don't know it
it was):
- wiimote_real, line 717, ERROR_SUCCESS is returned when all is ok, now it gives an
error when it's ok. - wiimote_real, lines 352 and 432. g_wiimotes are initialized in initialize() and
allocate(). I think there is not necessary to make it twice. - wiimote_real, line 388. The IR BAR is allways configured WIIUSE_IR_ABOVE. It must
be WIIUSE_IR_BOTTON if it was configured in this way in the config window.
Updated by mcgivergim almost 15 years ago
Hi! Have you got a link to the winddk that I need to compile wiiuse? With the last
version (7.1) it gives a lot of errors.
Updated by mcgivergim over 14 years ago
Hi! Finally I've compiled the wiiuse library. I will try to make some tests this week.
I've tested the "original" wiiuse example from wiiuse.net, and it works. I'can see the accelerometer values and the IR values without problem. It is a little inestable (sometimes it disconnects) but it works 90% of the time.
Updated by mcgivergim over 14 years ago
Hi! More tests again. Finally I've understand all that you said to me in earlier posts.
Putting more logs I've seen (I've made some modifications to the code but I think they do not affect):
- With the wiimote plugin opened, it works. If I open the record window it records all the movements of the wiimote. To help other people to try it you must press the + key in the wiimote to start the recording. The problem in my case is that it lasts 5 or more seconds to start since I press de + key, so it must seem that it doesn't work if you close it before it worked.
- When I close the wiimote plugin, it changes from the ReadWiimote to the ReadData method to obtain the wiimote info. Both call to the wiiuse_io_read so I suppose that if the record window work, in game it must work too. Sometimes it seems that it disconnects but usually it connects ok and it seems that the data is not passed to the core.
snzgoo, what do you think of this? If it works in the record window it must work in the game or not? The methods are not the same, but the call to the wiiuse_io_read is the same.
To othe people, please test the record window presing one time de + key and waiting 5 or 10 seconds to see if it starts working. I will try if it works only with my modifications or the original works too.
Updated by mcgivergim over 14 years ago
More questions, to see if someone could help me ;-)
I've put some logs in the ReadData method, to print the buffer before the wiiuse_io_write and after the wiiuse_io_read.
After close the wiimote plugin window, if I press A button in the remote, it appears in the logs:
10:48:064 Src\wiimote_real.cpp:180 D[Wiimote]: ReadData read from wiimote: a1 30 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 90 24 fd 02 80 f8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
10:48:074 Src\wiimote_real.cpp:180 D[Wiimote]: ReadData read from wiimote: a1 30 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 90 24 fd 02 80 f8 f8 00 00 00 00 00 00
10:48:154 Src\wiimote_real.cpp:180 D[Wiimote]: ReadData read from wiimote: a1 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 90 24 fd 02 80 f8 f8 f8 00 00 00 00 00
10:48:159 Src\wiimote_real.cpp:180 D[Wiimote]: ReadData read from wiimote: a1 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 90 24 fd 02 80 f8 f8 f8 f8 00 00 00 00
30 00 08 - button pressed two times
30 00 00 - any button pressed two times
Is normal to detect two times all the actions?
If I start a game, it assigns a channel:
11:36:032 Src\main.cpp:325 D[Wiimote]: Wiimote_InterruptChannel
11:36:032 Src\main.cpp:326 D[Wiimote]: Channel ID: 0041
11:36:032 Src\main.cpp:328 D[Wiimote]: Data: a2 17 00 00 17 70 00 01
11:36:033 Src\wiimote_real.cpp:159 D[Wiimote]: ReadData write to wiimote: a2 17 00 00 17 70 00 01
11:36:055 Src\wiimote_real.cpp:180 D[Wiimote]: ReadData read from wiimote: a1 21 00 00 f8 17 70 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 f8 f8 f8 f8 f8 f8 f8
It seems that it can write and read from the wiimote without problem.
The logs continue writing and reading from the wiimote. Some time after:
12:03:845 Src\wiimote_real.cpp:215 N[Wiimote]: wiiuse_io_read: unexpected disconnect. handle: 0000027c
This seems like the wiimote is disconnected. I've modified wiiuse to make it not disconnect in this errors, and after this log, it seems that it can write and read from the wiimote without problem. For example, some time after:
12:05:346 Src\IPC_HLE\WII_IPC_HLE_WiiMote.cpp:913 I[Wiimote]: ====================
12:05:346 Src\IPC_HLE\WII_IPC_HLE_WiiMote.cpp:914 I[Wiimote]: Callback_WiimoteInterruptChannel: (Wiimote: #0)
12:05:346 Src\IPC_HLE\WII_IPC_HLE_WiiMote.cpp:915 D[Wiimote]: Data: a1 33 60 40 7f 71 93 6a 28 46 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
12:05:346 Src\IPC_HLE\WII_IPC_HLE_WiiMote.cpp:916 D[Wiimote]: Channel: 65
12:05:349 Src\wiimote_real.cpp:180 D[Wiimote]: ReadData read from wiimote: a1 33 00 60 80 71 93 6a 28 46 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
12:05:355 Src\wiimote_real.cpp:180 D[Wiimote]: ReadData read from wiimote: a1 33 60 60 7e 6f 92 6b 29 46 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
So, if it can write and read after a disconnect, it seems that it is only a warning and not an error. It can continue working.
Updated by mcgivergim over 14 years ago
Another log, this made with latest version of dolphin (r5791) without any modification.
I've not seen any disconnect, but I've seen the Callback_WiimoteInterruptChannel with value 30 00 08 (pressed A button) and dolphin doesn't react to it:
56:09:300 Src\IPC_HLE\WII_IPC_HLE_WiiMote.cpp:923 I[Wiimote]: Callback_WiimoteInterruptChannel: (Wiimote: #0)
56:09:300 Src\IPC_HLE\WII_IPC_HLE_WiiMote.cpp:924 D[Wiimote]: Data: a1 30 00 08 16 07 16 80 7d 83 02 99 94 98 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Updated by snzgoo over 14 years ago
oki one more try:
It should be all set up already.
Just start dolphindf.exe and check if its set to DEBUG under LOG and only select WiimotePlugin as debug output in that checklist. Write to console only needs to be selected.
The only thing is, u cant use the .logfile itself(write to file), since wiiuse debug wont be posted in there unfortunately:&
So u have to copy paste me ur console log after ur done, since it will contain wiiuse output as well.
To start now open the wiimote debugplugin select input type real wiimote. Try to pair up your wiimote now by pressing 1+2 and press pair up.
It should rumble(?!). When u press on okay only led1 should show up on your wimote. Now directly start a game and press a couple of buttons and see if the game responds. If nothin happens, just directly pause the game, and copy the console output into a file and pass it to me.
http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?03vd17xwda2sqsk dolphin debugfast r5978 x64
Updated by mcgivergim over 14 years ago
Hi! Simply to "solve" this issue. I've changed mi wiimotes and now they work. The old wiimotes worked with wii and other software, but not with dolphin. The new wiimotes works with dolphin, wii, and other software. I've tried 4 differents dongles, all with the same result.
So, maybe, some little difference in protocol that dolphin doesn't support?
My problem is solved, but maybe is interesting continue looking at this issue.
Regards and thank you to snzgoo for his efforts.
Updated by skidau about 14 years ago
Please test r6654 with your old wiimotes. This revision fixed this issue for me.
Updated by mcgivergim about 14 years ago
Sorry, but the old wiimotes were sold. I can't try it. I think that this issue can be closed if nobody can verify if it is solved or not...
Updated by Antonio.Iacobone about 14 years ago
how to fix this problem? I have the same problem with a thirdy part Wiimote. My system is Win7 x64 and I didn't fix the problem using other bluetooth stack...who can help me? What shall I do?
Updated by MatejDro over 13 years ago
I still have issue with r7719M. Bluesoleil fixes it, but I want to use Microsoft stack. WiinRemote works without problems.