Emulator Issues #276
closedEnhancement - two additional fields in game .ini file to allow a brief comment on game
This is an enhancement request to add a two additional fields to the
game's .ini file (and corresponding columns in the main interface) to
allow for game status information to be displayed in the main interface
beside the Emulation State. The fields would allow the ability to add
addition info about the state of the emulator relative to the game.
The version would state the last Dolphin version where the game was
formally tested (where formally could mean anything you wish), and a
comment such as "fully functional with minor graphic glitches"
or "Standard TLB error; not yet functional", or "fully functional under
OGL; DX9 has issues". This would cut down on the number of issues
reported on games where the issues are known.
Updated by nakeee over 16 years ago
- Status changed from New to Accepted
- Issue type set to Feature request
- Category set to ui
- Priority set to Low
- Operating system N/A added
instead of putting it in the ini we want to make a new list.
either in simple XML or JSON will the following fields:
name - the name
serial - full serial number
status - the status from 1-10 (1-doesn't work 10-fully playble)
comments - for bugs special notes and so on
This list can be downloaded both in web (with Banner/id.png and GameConfig/id.ini)
and can be used inside Dolphin (stars to indicate how well the game works,
easy downloadble ini and a way to see the comment)
Updated by nakeee over 16 years ago
I forgot
last checked - the version where it was last checked
Updated by prismsub7 over 16 years ago
Or you can use WxSQLite, they already have a GUI version which should be able to
integrate with dolphin (the sql file is also usable for the online compatibility
list) without much new code written (possible even for the cheats).
Reference: http://wiki.wxwidgets.org/WxSQLite
GUI: http://sqlitecc.sourceforge.net/
Updated by Anonymous over 16 years ago
keep in mind that GameConfig.inis are used for multiple purposes, and not just for
the GUI/comments/etc. for example, they are checked for core overrides in
bootmanager, and for mem patches and ar codes too. If we used non-ini files for
GameConfigs, we would either need to have seperate files for such things, or modify
the "backend" parts to use the new format too.
Updated by nakeee over 16 years ago
just to make it clear:) I was not talking about touching the gameconfig.ini
but about using some other file.
Updated by nakeee almost 16 years ago
Yea, I think we lost track of this bug.
I suggest closing it, and reopening it in a cleaner way if needed
Updated by daco65 almost 16 years ago
- Status changed from Accepted to Fixed
ye i did
closed (i myself forgot about this issue lol)
and if op (zenmanorg) thinks its changing let us know :)