Emulator Issues #2872
closedDX9/11 and OpenGL plugins missing after r5805
What steps will reproduce the problem?
- Start Dolphin and go to config->plugins
- Wonder why only Software render is available
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
I can only choose the Software render after updating to the latest build.
DX9/11 and even OpenGL are gone from the dropdown list.
Dolphin version with the problem? Other Dolphin version without the
r5805 was the first build with this problems, so I'm still using r5804
32-bit or 64-bit and any other build parameters?
OS version and versions of tools/libraries used?
Windows 7 64-bit
Please provide any additional information below.
Updated by CuentaSpam23 almost 15 years ago
Did you compile the build yourself ?
Updated by benjamin.f.krause almost 15 years ago
No, I downloaded it directly from: http://dolphin-emulator.com
Updated by CuentaSpam23 almost 15 years ago
NeoBrain said:
"Apparently mamario is enabling OpenCl in his builds, so you'll need to have installed OpenCL.dll to see ANY of the hardware accelerated plugins."
if you don't have OpenCL my guess is that you will need to download your builds from somewhere else
Updated by felipe.andrade almost 15 years ago
Make sure to update to the latest DirectX SDK available here: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/confirmation.aspx?familyId=2da43d38-db71-4c1b-bc6a-9b6652cd92a3&displayLang=en
Even if you already have DX11 installed.
Updated by caso.grande over 14 years ago
Any idea what to do if this happens on a Mac? "Latest version of DirectX" won't help on OSX.