



Emulator Issues #3184


Metroid Other M Infinite Sector 2 Elevator using Dsound Audio backend

Added by SpiderTECH611 over 14 years ago.

% Done:


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What steps will reproduce the problem?

  1. Using Dsound as Audio Backend

What is the expected output? What do you see instead? Elevator to Sector 2 Keeps going and going and never reaches destination. games does not crash. you can move around like normal. Also there is a Audio Alert sound clip that doesnt finish... says about half a sentence and then stops.

Dolphin version with the problem? Other Dolphin version without the
problem? currently using 6156

32-bit or 64-bit and any other build parameters? 64bit

OS version and versions of tools/libraries used? Win7 64bit. current directx (june)

Please provide any additional information below.

Switching to OpenAL Audio Backend seems to solve issue however.

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Is duplicate of Emulator - Emulator Issues #4452: DSP HLE has various instances of producing the wrong and/or no outputInvalid

Actions #1

Updated by luis12014 over 14 years ago

this game i can play this game 100% and finish this game 100% too in dolphin emulador 6099 x64

Actions #2

Updated by Billiard26 over 14 years ago

I experience this issue as well.

Actions #3

Updated by ling.weak over 14 years ago

I had no elevator problems completing Other M 100% on Windows 7 using Dolphin-r6204(JIT64DC) with DSound audio.

Actions #4

Updated by keithvsmith1977 over 14 years ago

Seems to be some change made to the Audio Plugin after Dolphin 2.0. This bug also happens during the beginning training area just after you kill the first batch of enemies. Using Dolphin 2.0, you can create aa save & import it into a newer build or use the OpenAL as listed above. Also, the audio doesn't skip anywhere near as bad in 2.0. The audio sounds much better, granted the lighting is screwed up in 2.0. Anyother problem is thaat the audio in not in sync with the gameplay. The audio will finish something 30+ second before the end of the cut scene. I believe the people not having problems probably are running much faster machines so the bug doesn't effect them. Seems like the game is locking up, because the audio track gets "lost".

Actions #5

Updated by skidau over 14 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Accepted
Actions #6

Updated by skidau about 14 years ago

  • Category set to dsp
Actions #7

Updated by Anonymous almost 14 years ago

Please provide a save as close as possible to the issue area. A save for the USA version would be best :)

Actions #8

Updated by m4rc3l1n0 almost 14 years ago

stuck too
doesn't matter using dsound or xaudio2
i will provide the save file as close as possible
i'm using dolphin 32 bit build 7392 , windows xp sp3

Actions #9

Updated by m4rc3l1n0 almost 14 years ago

I tried dolphin latest build 7411
and almost all my savestates are not working
i think it is getting worse for metroid other m then

Actions #10

Updated by m4rc3l1n0 almost 14 years ago

I tried dolphin build 6204 and it passes the glitch just fine

Actions #11

Updated by BhaaL almost 14 years ago

Please upload the save elsewhere (RapidShare, MegaUpload, FileServe, MediaFire, just pick one), link to it and remove the uploaded files from the tracker. Googlecode provides us with storage space for that, but we're not exactly having a lot of it left.

Actions #13

Updated by Anonymous over 13 years ago

  • Status changed from Accepted to Fixed

Either fixed or invalid...m4rc3l: you're talking about something else.

Actions #14

Updated by SpiderTECH611 over 13 years ago

I haven't played Other M in a while. since I'm the one who posted this issue I'll check sometime tonight if this issue is fixed. If not I will see about providing a save file. Sorry about the delayed response. I had forgotten about this issue.

Actions #15

Updated by SpiderTECH611 over 13 years ago

So just to give an update. This issue is sort of fixed. Using Dsound LLE works. Game passes the elevator part just fine. Using HLE the issue pops up again. Problem is for peeps that cant run the emulator at full speed with increased quality enhancements like me LLE is out of the question. Now I couldn't test the low quality settings much cause both of my wiimotes batteries died so I will test more tomorrow night. And sorry wasn't thinking of savestate (was using in game save).

Actions #16

Updated by SpiderTECH611 over 13 years ago,

So it seems for me that this issue still pops up but only if emulation speed drops below 70% in the elevator. I've played around with all the settings and could not find any specific option that caused this. If I choose any option that brought my emulation to below 70% I get this issue. Once I adjusted the settings to bring emulation speed above 70% then I had no problems getting passed this part. Seems to be another case where Audio/Video de-syncing prevents some actions in game. I'll let the you guys decide if this is fixable or not.
Here is the savestate which btw I've noticed is picky. once you start and actaully in the game you then must load the savestate. But once you load the savestate if the sounds are looping (repeating) then your audio is out of sync and therefore you must close and reload. seems to be a 50/50 chance.

savestate is for NTSC USA version and puts you right in front of the elevator for Sector 2.

Actions #17

Updated by Anonymous over 13 years ago

  • Status changed from Fixed to Duplicate

OK...then it is just another dsp hle issue, albeit one which only happens under very rare circumstances with slow computers :p
perhaps the dsp hle sync will be better in the future, so I'll merge with the dsp hle issue.

Actions #18

Updated by keithvsmith1977 over 13 years ago

This happens no matter what settings you use, LLE doesn't fix it. I've tried every audio setting I can think of even no audio output & it still freezes up.

Actions #19

Updated by keithvsmith1977 over 13 years ago

Managed to get past the Tutorial by going into morph ball mode & staying in the upper left corner of the room. This increased performance to over 70% speed. It'd normally get stuck in 2 places, just after you kill the Geegas & again during the fight with the space pirate. Both times, they guy behind the glass says "Ok, looking good Samus". As has been said, it seems to be a problem of audio becoming too out of sync with the game play.

Actions #20

Updated by hatarumoroboshi over 13 years ago

You may try to disable destination alpha pass in the graphic options: I gain almost 10 fps in this game...

Actions #21

Updated by cen-silver over 13 years ago

Guys, That's just an Audio CFG Issue. Destroy your current game, Enable DSP LLE (Right after the DTK Music option, in the Audio Tab) And THEN rerun the game.

Will work. ;) Enjoy the game. ^^

IF you wish, more intel on the subject here:

Actions #22

Updated by Fateful.Irony almost 12 years ago

If you are patient, you can turn the sound off when you are in the training part. I don't know about the later issues, but it's still worth a try.


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