Emulator Issues #3355
closedWii Sports, Sports Resort and Wii Play freezes
What steps will reproduce the problem?
Play one of this Games: Wii Sport, Sport Resort or Wii Play
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
The Picture freeze randomly. Sometime after 2min, sometimes after 20min playing this games.
Dolphin version with the problem?
Any that i tested. For example 2.0 and many last SVNs
32-bit or 64-bit and any other build parameters?
OS version and versions of tools/libraries used?
Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit
Please provide any additional information below.
Its happen on all three Games. I thing it use the same engine. In the game the Picture freeze randomly, the sound works.
Updated by skidau over 14 years ago
- Status changed from New to Duplicate
This is due to FIFO problems. Please test the special fixed build in this link and let us know the results.