Emulator Issues #3587
closedXAudio2 Backend Fails to Initialize
What's the problem?
Any game I try, it immediately crashes upon loading when I enable either the HLE plugin's or the LLE's XAudio2 backend. The only difference is that the HLE's crashes Dolphin completely whereas the LLE's allows Dolphin to proceed without sound.
The exact error messages are:
"XAudio2 init failed: 0X80040154"
"Could not initiliaze backend XAudio2."
"Sound backend XAudio2 is not valid."
"Error starting up sound stream"
These are the same with all games.
Dolphin version with the problem (as it appears in the title bar, Ex.: "R
4779" or "R 6403M"):
Operating system and version:
Windows 7 with all the newest updates, runtimes, and drivers.
32-bit or 64-bit:
Please provide any additional information below.
My system is:
Asus Rampage II Extreme
Core i7-920
Geforce GTX 480
Creative X-Fi Titanium
XAudio2 initialization and sound works wonderfully in all other emulators using it.
Updated by mylek4 over 14 years ago
You probably need to update your directx runtime files:
If it was compiled using the June 2010 version of XAudio2 it's probably looking for that version specifically.
Updated by mylek4 over 14 years ago
Let me know if updating the runtime files doesn't fix your problem.
Updated by cascardian over 14 years ago
I have had the DX June 2010 redist installed since it came out (perhaps I should have been more specific instead of just saying that I got all the newest runtimes). This is a peculiar error and nobody else seems to have it.
I don't have my compiler tools installed here right now, so I didn't compile the build myself and just grabbed the newest one off EmuCR. I'll try to reproduce this with my laptop tomorrow, so hopefully that'll provide some clues.
Updated by cascardian over 14 years ago
Okay, found the problem. Somehow, my system DLL paths in the registry got messed up. Fixing that got XAudio2 to initiliaze again. How the other emulators could still init the backend, I have no idea. Maybe they somehow search for the DLLs by themselves.
Anyway, this is closed :)
Thanks for your time, still!
Updated by mylek4 about 14 years ago
Issue 3762 has been merged into this issue.