Emulator Issues #3766
closedRayman Arena: In-game Freezing and Video Issues
What's the problem?
Rayman Arena doesn't show the videos and the videos sounds are "slow-motion" like. The game is only 50% playable since when a person enters in Rise & Shrine level in any of the two battle modes, it freezes.
Dolphin version with the problem (as it appears in the title bar, Ex.: "R
4779" or "R 6403M"):
Dolphin SVN R 6659
(optional) Dolphin version that does not have the problem:
Operating system and version:
Windows XP Professional
32-bit or 64-bit:
Game ID (as it appears in game properties, Ex.: "GZ2P01" or "RSBE01"):
Build command-line (not on Windows):
Was the ISO a plain dump from disc, compressed and/or scrubbed?
Plain dump.
Please provide any additional information below.
Updated by Sonicadvance1 over 13 years ago
Issue 4557 has been merged into this issue.
Updated by robocoddess about 13 years ago
Not the solution you probably want but I think I've found a workaround for time being, at least in Windows 7 64-bit - pressing A just when the level loads should help avoid the freezing if done right; so far I've only seen it work with Globox as opposed to the other characters so give it a try. I only found out about this when I looked at a save file and realised I made it past Rise and Shrine another time ago. -Stace