Emulator Issues #3796
closedF-Zero GX perfomance issues in recent revisions
What's the problem?
F-Zero GX runs more or less like shit with any recent revision. Every time I update Dolphin I find the game running slower and slower. It used to run always at fullspeed when the game started to be playable (TLB issues and stuff). The whole game is between 15-30fps 95% of the time now.
Dolphin version with the problem (as it appears in the title bar, Ex.: "R
4779" or "R 6403M"):
Any recent vanilla revision. Compiled by me with VS2008 SP1.
Operating system and version:
32-bit or 64-bit:
Vista x64.
Game ID (as it appears in game properties, Ex.: "GZ2P01" or "RSBE01"):
Was the ISO a plain dump from disc, compressed and/or scrubbed?
Plain dump from disc.
Please provide any additional information below.
Core i5-750@4,1GHz, ATI 5850. SSAA, resolution, EFB copy, EFB access, etc. don't matter, game runs slow even with the lowest settings. If I'm missing an option or something, please tell me and ignore this issue.
Updated by NeoBrainX about 14 years ago
Did you disable efb format change emulation? ..
Updated by bgtsetso about 14 years ago
I'm having the same performance issue with Resident Evil 0 Wii, things were kind of alright around r6553 (constant 23 FPS), after that the game gradually started to perform worse and worse and now (r6686) the game runs with 19 FPS at its best, but most of the time it drops to 14-15FPS. I understand that emulation accuracy requires performance sacrifices, but at some point the game will become unplayable. Interestingly the GC version of the same game (it was a straight port to Wii) does not suffer the same issue, so this might be platform dependant (maybe).
Updated by javimi.wan.kenobi about 14 years ago
@Neo: Yes. None of the settings (and I think I've tried all of them) have any effect so far.
Oh and I forgot, when I say it used to run I mean 2000-3000 revs ago. Due to lack of time I can't test all these revs, but I've warned the devs about it in some of those revs since then, like in one of the recent FIFO changes where 5-10fps vaporized from the game. This is not caused by an isolated change, but more like a continous slowdown.
Updated by wespipes69 about 14 years ago
This is valid. See here: http://code.google.com/p/dolphin-emu/issues/detail?id=3733&can=1&q=fzero
That issue was a bit more specific (and actually a dupe I guess of the Fifo defects thread) but performance in the game is aweful now. Unplayable whereas is used to be 100% speed for me.
Updated by javimi.wan.kenobi about 14 years ago
Good to know specific revisions. However, the game's perfomance has suffered a lot more, not only that rev unfortunately.
Updated by bgtsetso about 14 years ago
@javimi - many games have performance problems, that does not mean we should open new issue for each case. The only really helpful reports are when you state the exact revision that causes an issue. In this case I suppose the culprite again is r6572 (issue 3694), you might want to check the difference between 6571 and 6572 in order to make sure.
Updated by javimi.wan.kenobi about 14 years ago
I'm sure you have a lot of free time you can waste looking for a perfomance regresion between 3000 revisions, but I don't. So I do all I can. And as I said, this is not caused only by one revision.
Updated by wespipes69 about 14 years ago
Well, for me r6572 did kill the performance of the game. Before the rev, it was playable. However, it wasn't exactly full speed so I'll agree with Kenobi to an extent in that there were other revs that have gradually slowed this game down (or just a side effect of a culmination of accuracy improvements - hard to tell).
BUT I will be completely happy when we get back to pre-r6572 speed; as I fluctuated between 80-100%, and that is absolutely fine. :)
Updated by bgtsetso about 14 years ago
@javimi: But neither me nor the dev have the free time you are talking about. That's why stating "Game X has a very bad performance now but it was fine 500 revisions ago" is simply useless and you have to be more specific if you really want to get the problem fixed. Otherwise you are just wasting your time for writing the issue and the time it takes the devs to close it without even analyzing it.
Updated by javimi.wan.kenobi about 14 years ago
I can't be more specific, is that hard to understand? Plain user here.
That's what issues are for, reporting issues. And this is an issue, I provided information, wespipes provided more information. If a dev has time and will he'll look at it if we are lucky. You are the one wasting everyone's time by not doing anything useful.
And who are you again? What the hell are you doing writing stuff here? If you don't like this issue go troll somewhere else. God, I wonder if these guys have more interesting things to do that spamming every issue and every commit...
Updated by bgtsetso about 14 years ago
So instead of being grateful for telling you which is the rev that drops considerably the performance you behave like sh*t, which you probably are. Go screw yourself.
Updated by skidau about 14 years ago
Yes, r6572 dropped the speed substantially (halved it). It is caused by the ProcessFifoAllDistance line.