Emulator Issues #3908
closedDolphin crashes with my DirectInput Game Pad
Dolphin crashes when I try to change input settings (by clicking GCPad or Wiimote on the toolbar). This only happens when my game controller is present (a Saitek P2600 Rumble)
Having build a debug configuration and running DolphinD.exe I've found the error to be specificity as follows:
Unhandled exception at 0x000007fefa882d52 in DolphinD.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0000002809e50010.
DInputJoystick.cpp, line 318:
if (SUCCEEDED(m_device->CreateEffect(force_type_names[f].guid, &eff, &pEffect, NULL)))
Data dump that may be helpful:
&eff 0x000000000012e140 {dwSize=80 dwFlags=18 dwDuration=4294967295 ...} DIEFFECT *
&pEffect 0x000000000012e1d8 IDirectInputEffect * *
eff {dwSize=80 dwFlags=18 dwDuration=4294967295 ...} DIEFFECT
eff.cbTypeSpecificParams 4 unsigned long
f 0 unsigned int
force_type_names 0x0000000001780b20 force_type_names {guid={...} name=0x0000000001045178 "Constant" } const ciface::DInput::<unnamed-type-force_type_names> [7]
force_type_names[f] {guid={...} name=0x0000000001045178 "Constant" } const ciface::DInput::<unnamed-type-force_type_names>
force_type_names[f].guid {13541C20-8E33-11D0-9AD0-00A0C9A06E35} _GUID
m_device 0x00000000003905f8 IDirectInputDevice8W * const
pEffect 0x00000000003a57f8 IDirectInputEffect *
this 0x000000000a9d7b80 {m_device=0x00000000003905f8 m_index=0 m_state_in={...} ...} ciface::DInput::Joystick * const
Revision: 6827
Operating system and version: Windows 7 Professional x64
Updated by Billiard26 about 14 years ago
- Status changed from New to Invalid
This also happens with my "Saitek P2500 Rumble".
The Windows gamepad properties window for the device crashes as well.
Therefore, I don't blame Dolphin, I blame poor Windows 7 and/or x64 drivers.
Updated by adam about 14 years ago
I don't get this issue in the control panel, that opens fine.
Updated by Billiard26 about 14 years ago
Try checking the "Test Rumble Effects" box and pressing various buttons.
It always crashes eventually for me.
Updated by adam about 14 years ago
Fixed this issue by reverting to an older version of the driver provided by Microsoft. Also deleted a registry path as described in this thread: