Emulator Issues #4034
closedSin & Punishment - Star Successor: issues
What's the problem?
framerate drop often, graphics problem, out-of-sync cutscenes, and way to partially fix it.
Dolphin version with the problem:
Operating system and version:
Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
Game ID:
Was the ISO a plain dump from disc, compressed and/or scrubbed?
plain dump.
Please provide any additional information below.
The first screenshots show that the screen seem to be duplicated in smaller sizes, with the red lights more pronounced on the smaller duplicates.
This can be fixed by selecting "EFB - Copy - Texture" (instead of RAM by default).
But the framerate still drop to around 20-30fps sometimes, and it have difficulty reaching 60fps all the time. And audio is always not in sync with the cutscenes, even with Audio Throttle setting disabled. You can't see this problem happening in-game because the sound files (explosions,lasers, SFXs) are small, while in cutscenes, they must be big sound files made to be in-sync with the real-time 3D renderings.
Additionally, in the main menu, i think there's a graphic issue with something far in the background. It doesn't look like a "tower" far away, it seem to be a texture glitch (can anyone tell me if you can see this issue on the real hardware?)
Updated by seapancake about 14 years ago
I can confirm this issue on 7060 when not using EFB Copy Textures although I only see one repetition of the screen in the top left.
The "artifacting" you have pointed out is actually part of the game as you can see here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njDLyQ3jUCg#t=0m30s
For some reason I can't get past the start screen though even with all controls binded but I'm thinking it's probably due to the use of the zapper.
Updated by Anonymous almost 14 years ago
Issue 4063 has been merged into this issue.
Updated by Billiard26 about 12 years ago
- Issue type set to Bug
- Category set to gfx
Updated by Autoran1 about 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to Fixed
Game works fine now with both Virtual and Ram copies, except the fact that upper left square goes unscaled on EFB to Ram