Emulator Issues #4146
closedMamario's builds on the official website are randomly broken (VS2010 issue?) - games crash soon after boot
I'm unable to run any (wii/gcn) game on new revisions.
I'm using Dolphin r7223 for Windows 7 x86
The Dolphin r7129 (which is not in archives for some reason) doesn't have this problem
ANY game (MSM, NSMBW, PMTTYD, SMG, SMG2, SPM) doesn't work
All of them were compressed (.gcz)
Tried to check some options like double core, using no adiuo, etc.
Updated by DimitriPilot3 about 14 years ago
No problem with SMG1 (game ID: RMGP) and SMG2 (game ID: SB4E), using my own compiled VS2010 build...
Updated by DimitriPilot3 about 14 years ago
However, this crash occurs in Mamario's builds of r7222 and r7223 (for x86 at least).
Could that be an issue with VS2010? Using "Build All" can cause this issue, whereas "Rebuild All" doesn't...
Updated by gamedevistator about 14 years ago
yeah i have this issue too. The game starts then it instantly crashes doesn't what game or how i configure it.
Updated by raphaelcorrea007 about 14 years ago
Wow, i just downloaded dolphin for the first time today and thought I was the only one with this problem. Btw it seems to have extended into x64 as SSBM, only game I have so far will load then instantly crash. I am also running r7223
Updated by DimitriPilot3 about 14 years ago
- Operating system Windows added
Yet another issue title modification... I hope this is the last time...
Updated by DimitriPilot3 about 14 years ago
Issue 4150 has been merged into this issue.
Updated by Anonymous about 14 years ago
Issue 4148 has been merged into this issue.
Updated by Anonymous about 14 years ago
Issue 4149 has been merged into this issue.
Updated by Anonymous about 14 years ago
Issue 4153 has been merged into this issue.
Updated by gflas about 14 years ago
I want this issue to be reopened. r7232 (latest) has this issue as well.
Updated by Xtreme2damax about 14 years ago
There is no issue, the issue is with mamario's build environment and something he will need to fix. The developers cannot fix it as it isn't a problem with the code or any commit.
Updated by Xtreme2damax about 14 years ago
Forgot to mention, just use a build from another member for now until mamario can fix his setup for builds.