Emulator Issues #4377
closedEternal Darkness Menus broken post 6980 projection hack fix
Game ID: GEDE01 (1.4 GB)
Settings tested under:
Windows 64-bit
Dual Core
DX11 plugin - Enable CPU access, copy to texture, Accurate texture cash (safe)
r6980 broke the menu in eternal darkness such that all 'overlayed' items like the map, selections, items, etc do not appear (for reference in dx9 they appear but nothing else does)
r6950 did not have any projection related issues that I could find.
Around r6976 the dialog boxes were broken (did not appear)
at r6978 the dialog boxes were still broken but the menus were fine
at r6980 and all revisions thereafter (that I could check including 7360, 7300, 7212 and 7005) the dialog boxes are fine but the menu elements do not appear
Updated by dmitri.chouchkov almost 14 years ago
Disregard this, the issue is that the projection hack fix changed how the projection hack worked. All that is required is the use of a different projection hack
2000 [check]
1.99998 [check]
works and doesn't seem to screw anything up (yet)
Updated by skidau almost 14 years ago
- Status changed from New to Invalid
Looks like the custom projection settings according to dmitri should be:
000 [check]
1.99998 [check]
Updated by hatarumoroboshi almost 14 years ago
For Dx9 seems to be still better the usual
000 [check]
0.1 [uncheck]