Emulator Issues #4732
closed3D Vision issue list
Added by wespipes69 over 13 years ago.
There's several things at the moment; probably more since I just got my 3D tv tonite ;). So I thought it would be good to start a thread so we can list out the issues here.
Cannot alt+tab out of fullscreen. Doing so usually locks up the emu.
General instability. After a few minutes of playing games like Fzero and Mario Kart Wii, the emu just freezes.
Mouse cursor does not hide.
Any other known bugs atm?
My specs:
Win 7 x64, Sandy 2500k, Nvidia 460gt
Dolphin x64 r7679
P.S. - Since 3D usually requires a special resolution/hz, it would be great to have the resolution tied to the backend like most of the gfx settings, ie have DX9 at 1280x720 while DX11 stays at 1980x1080. Is that possible? Should I open a feature request for that?
Updated by wespipes69 over 13 years ago
- Always crashes on exit.
Remember the keyboard is disabled when 3D is active preventing a clean exit. This is confirmed here:
Also, I think there's been either a regression introduced or there's some setting active for me that causes ALL games to hang after a couple minutes. So for me, 3D vision is not usable at the moment.
Updated by Eivindjorgen over 13 years ago
On rev 7478 the controllers doesnt work, im using Xinput on motioninjoy Win 7 x64
Updated by optical10 about 13 years ago
I would like to concurred with the four points that user wespipe...@gmail.com, has listed.
I am a member of a 3-D forum called MTBS3D.com (meant to be seen forums as Silversurfer) and I was just about to recommend Dolphin emulator 48 hours into playing Skyward Sword when the above-mentioned issues caused the emulator to become unresponsive on restart after crashing on exit.
I had to clear the "User/ShaderCache folder", as suggested by a Dolphin emulator forums member just to get Dolphin to restart at all, and then obviously only in 2-D mode.
It would be nice to know somebody is looking into the issues as 3-D vision is becoming more and more purchasable with PC users due to the stronger competition and choice in 3-D monitors etc, so your efforts will not be wasted.
I would like to say thank you to the developers in general on making big strides in the Dolphin emu as the last time I tried it in 2004 I was left wanting more, which you have definitely given with wii and motion plus support, such a shame if 3-D vision isn't sorted .
Please keep up the hard work, a definite fan.
Updated by Billiard26 about 13 years ago
Issue 5144 has been merged into this issue.
Updated by parlane about 13 years ago
Issue 4503 has been merged into this issue.
Updated by wespipes69 about 13 years ago
I think the solution to all of the general 3D vision issues may be resolved by simply using DX11 and using the nvidia hotkey to toggle 3D effect. Works perfectly for me and I don't see any difference in 3D imaging between this method and using DX9+Dolphin 3D Vision setting active. I could be wrong though, but give it a try and report results. Depending on the results, maybe we can reevauluate what we're doing in DX9. For me, the only issue with 3D now is that DX9 doesn't function like DX11 and they should remove all the steroscopy code as all it does is break the experience.
As far as the games themselves go, some games will have issues in 3D with shadows, HUD and markers, but there's nothing Dolphin will ever be able to do about that - they can't change the game code. It's just like any PC game, some will work fine, some will have some issues. So far though, about half of my GC/Wii games work just fine with true 3D, including DKCR, Rayman and the Resident Evil Chronicles games.
Updated by skidau almost 13 years ago
Issue 5380 has been merged into this issue.
Updated by shinra35888 about 12 years ago
I can confirm TC's 1 and 3.
For comment 7: You cannot use 3D hotkey on DX11 on this emulator.
Updated by shinra35888 about 12 years ago
I would also like to confirm that the controllers do not work when playing wii games on DX9.
Updated by NeoBrainX about 12 years ago
Issue 5830 has been merged into this issue.
Updated by wespipes69 about 12 years ago
Did I just make that up then? You can. Maybe not you...maybe not in certain configs, I'm not sure. That's part of the problem here also, 3D stuff in general (types, monitors, etc) hasn't been too standardized. This is what I have: http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2402335,00.asp
I do stand by my comments though and would love for a dev to comment.
Updated by shinra35888 about 12 years ago
^which version of the emulator do you have wespipe? your comment back then was in Feb. It is Dec now. Many versions have passed since then. Download Dolphin Git 3.5-80 and retest just to see. Also make sure your Nvidia drivers and DX are up to date.
Updated by shinra35888 about 12 years ago
In DX9 mode, the controller only works if you click on the checkbox "allow background input". Since this happens, it is like the emulator classifies the picture as the foreground while everything else is considered the background when the nvidia 3d vision box is checked. This is probably connected to why the hotkeys on the keyboard do not work when in DX9 mode (windows button seems to work though). Unchecking the nvidia3D option allows you to use your controller and hotkeys again without checking allow background input in the controller section.
With dx9 mode on and nvidia3D mode on, pressing the windows key on your keyboard to get out of fullscreens gives you several errors of:
Warning1 - Device Lost
Warning2 - DX9;;FramebufferManager;;FramebufferManagerFailed in Src\FramebufferManager.cpp at line 55; Create color texture (size; 1280x1056; hr=0x8876086c)
Warning3 - DX9;;FramebufferManager;;FramebufferManagerFailed in Src\FramebufferManager.cpp at line 61; Create color Read texture (hr=0x8876086c)
Warning4 - DX9;;FramebufferManager;;FramebufferManagerFailed in Src\FramebufferManager.cpp at line 65; Create offscreen color surface (hr=0x8876086c)
Warning5 - DX9;;FramebufferManager;;FramebufferManagerFailed in Src\FramebufferManager.cpp at line 83; Framebuffer depth texture (size; 1280x1056; hr=0x8876086c)
Warning6 - DX9;;FramebufferManager;;FramebufferManagerFailed in Src\FramebufferManager.cpp at line 102; Create depth read texture (hr=0x8876086c)
Warning7 - DX9;;FramebufferManager;;FramebufferManagerFailed in Src\FramebufferManager.cpp at line 106; Create depth offscreen surface (hr=0x8876086c)
Warning8 - DX9;;FramebufferManager;;FramebufferManagerFailed in Src\FramebufferManager.cpp at line 119; Create color reinterpret texture (size; 1280x1056; hr=0x8876086c)
Warning9 - Failed to create D3D vertex declaration!
Updated by Linkinworm about 12 years ago
NVIDIA allows for checkerbox now has anyone been able to test how well this woks?
Updated by wespipes69 about 12 years ago
Hmmmm, I can no longer toggle 3D with the Nvidia hotkey regardless of what Dolphin backend I use, window focus active/inactive or the "Enable background input" option on/off.
I'm tried several recent revs (~3.5-100) and I'm also using a new GT660 with the latest drivers. Who knows what triggered this, but now I HAVE to use the broken Dolphin 3D option+DX9 instead of being able to flip 3D on/off whenever I want. Damn. Wonder what changed....I'll try to find out but this will not be fun.
Updated by Billiard26 about 12 years ago
- Issue type set to Bug
- Category set to gfx
Updated by ahenryn.12 about 12 years ago
Not sure when this started or if it's been like this since the beginning, but since it isn't mentioned here...
In the current rev (3.5-356) you must have "Use Fullscreen" unchecked in whatever backend you are using. If it is checked the game will start, but there won't be any 3D rendering. When fullscreen is unchecked and 3D vision on, the game will start in a windowed fullscreen mode. Dolphin's default windowed resolution is 640x480 and I could not find an option anywhere to change this, so I had to go into the dolphin.ini and change it to something more like 1280x720.
Though I was able to play several hours of Mario Kart Wii and Kirby Air Ride with only minor graphical glitches (Characters, item boxes, and others were all black in Mario Kart. Just minor issues with 2D objects in Kirby).
I hope this helps you guys :)
Updated by htnisme almost 12 years ago
Thank you developers for adding 3D Vision support. It is great. But can you please comment out/remove the code that prevents access to the keyboard if 3D Vision is active. There is no need to set 3D Vision while using Dolphin. 3D Vision only has 1 active profile that can be set in any game and is shared in every game that supports 3D Vision including Dolphin. There is no need to fiddle with this profile in Dolphin. Also, the hot key bindings for 3D Vision can be changed in the Nvidia manager so that they do not interfere with any key combinations used by Dolphin even if someone wanted to change the profile while using Dolphin. Finally, when a key is binded by Nvidia, the graphics driver receives the input regardless of the 3D app that is being run. In other words, the 3D Vision keys will always work so you do not need to disable the keyboard for them to work.
Updated by rachelbryk almost 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to Won't fix
3d vision is gone with d3d9.
Updated by Armada over 10 years ago
This build should restore the 3D Vision functionality: https://dl.dolphin-emu.org/prs/pr-506-dolphin-latest-x64.7z
Use the D3D backend and make sure "Render to Main Window" is disabled. Enable 3D vision in your driver and then start a game in fullscreen.
Updated by shinra35888 over 10 years ago
@Jules: Most problems are fixed with your download. However, pressing escaping when fullscreen crashes the emu. Also, cursor is doubled (it is supposed to be unphased by the 3D).
Updated by Armada over 10 years ago
Thanks for letting me know, I can reproduce it and will make a fix.
What do you mean by the cursor? The Windows mouse cursor or something within the game?
Updated by Armada over 10 years ago
Problem solved, please try the new build (same link).
Updated by shinra35888 over 10 years ago
Sorry Jules, maybe link wasn't updated? Still having same issues. Also, I would like to add that if you have programs in the background that have taskbar popups (like x-notifier plugin for firefox), the popup causes the 3d effect to disable and the user would have to minimize and then remaximize in order to press ctrl+t to bring the 3D effect back on.
Updated by Armada over 10 years ago
Yeah I quickly noticed the fix wasn't working. The real cause will take a while to fix.
The exclusive fullscreen state not restoring after focus is shifted is also a known problem.
I'll report back once they've been fixed.
Updated by Armada over 10 years ago
We're currently undergoing testing of this feature on the forums, please try it out and provide feedback: https://forums.dolphin-emu.org/Thread-exclusive-fullscreen-mode-and-3d-vision-testing-needed
Updated by JMC4789 over 10 years ago
- Status changed from Won't fix to Fix pending
Updated by JMC4789 over 10 years ago
- Status changed from Fix pending to Fixed
Fixed in 4.0-2286 > https://dolphin-emu.org/download/dev/8e865f38489f204ea2fabf2cee3acad1a215deff/