



Emulator Issues #5386


Snow Leopard compatibility fixes

Added by davem about 12 years ago.

% Done:


Operating system:
Issue type:
Relates to usability:
Relates to performance:
Relates to maintainability:
Regression start:
Fixed in:


Name of clone: davem-dolphin-emu

Purpose of code changes on this branch: Snow Leopard compatibilty

After the review, please pull into branch: master

Related issues 5 (0 open5 closed)

Has duplicate Emulator - Emulator Issues #5263: resident evil remake crashes at launch on OSXDuplicate

Has duplicate Emulator - Emulator Issues #5360: Post 3.0-458 Mac OS X releases crash...Duplicate

Has duplicate Emulator - Emulator Issues #5396: Mac vs of 3.0-601 crashes while attempting to open dolphinDuplicate

Has duplicate Emulator - Emulator Issues #5548: Dolphin quits unexpectedly when opened (Max)Duplicate

Has duplicate Emulator - Emulator Issues #5562: Post 3.0-458 versions crash before loading (mac os x). Duplicate

Actions #1

Updated by davem about 12 years ago

Another thing probably worth mentioning is that I can only build a working binary using static wxwidgets - the dynamic one crashes on loading dols.

Actions #2

Updated by skidau about 12 years ago

Issue 5360 has been merged into this issue.

Actions #3

Updated by Anonymous about 12 years ago

The diff is

clang path change:
ok, whatever.

environment path change:
well that's there for a reason...see the comment

min version changes:
fine i guess, i'll have to check to see if it still works on my vm

wxw-gl addition:
shouldn't be required.

Actions #4

Updated by davem about 12 years ago

Yes, I saw the comment on the environment path change, it still shouldn't be there. If you're building OSX binaries for distribution then you shouldn't have fink/macports/homebrew anywhere near your machine.

I had to build clang from source in order to build dolphin so clang/clang++ are in /usr/local/bin

I have several versions of wxWidgets on my machine for various purposes and the one for Dolphin is in /opt/wxW-2.9-dolphin. I need /opt/wxW-2.8 for building CodeLite etc

having the path changes in CMakeLists.txt prevents using clang and any test version of wxWidgets I want to use. In fact explicitly reducing paths in a build system without warning violates the Principle of Least Surprise - it took me a good 10 minutes to figure out why the heck cmake wasn't picking up my freshly built from svn wxWidgets. Surely other developers have similar problems?

The build here failed to link without wxw-gl addition ...

Actions #5

Updated by skidau about 12 years ago

Issue 5396 has been merged into this issue.

Actions #6

Updated by skidau about 12 years ago

Issue 5263 has been merged into this issue.

Actions #7

Updated by Anonymous about 12 years ago

OK, that is good enough reasoning.
did you look at ? using that configuration should solve the wxw-gl inconsistency(?)

Actions #8

Updated by Anonymous about 12 years ago

ok, i finally tested on my vm - seems good. will commit after the wxw-gl thing is figured out...

Actions #9

Updated by davem about 12 years ago

Yes, I used the options from to build wx locally although I added -with-macosx-sdk=/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk --with-macosx-version-min=10.6 --enable-universal-binary=i386,x86_64 to make sure it supports 10.6 & 32/64bit.

I get a link error as follows without the addition of wxw-gl

Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
"__ZNK14wxGLCanvasBase10SetCurrentERK11wxGLContext", referenced from:
__Z18OpenGL_MakeCurrentv in libvideoogl.a(GLUtil.cpp.o)
"_ZN11wxGLContextC1EP10wxGLCanvasPKS", referenced from:
__Z13OpenGL_CreateRPv in libvideoogl.a(GLUtil.cpp.o)
"__ZN10wxGLCanvasC1EP8wxWindowiPKiRK7wxPointRK6wxSizelRK8wxStringRK9wxPalette", referenced from:
__Z13OpenGL_CreateRPv in libvideoogl.a(GLUtil.cpp.o)
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
make[2]: *** [Binaries/] Error 1
make[1]: *** [Source/Core/DolphinWX/CMakeFiles/Dolphin.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2

Actions #10

Updated by skidau almost 12 years ago

Issue 5548 has been merged into this issue.

Actions #11

Updated by skidau almost 12 years ago

Issue 5562 has been merged into this issue.

Actions #13

Updated by lazyflow over 11 years ago

This revision still not working on 10.6.8

Actions #14

Updated by NeoBrainX over 11 years ago

@ godisgovernment: for some reason we're enabling the wxgl code in GLUtil.cpp on osx. No idea why we don't just use our platform specific code as well there. So linking against the wx gl lib indeed is fine, but the change should be restricted to the OS X platform

Actions #15

Updated by parlane over 11 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Fixed

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