Emulator Issues #5604
openWiimote Extensions aren't saved to .dtm files
Currently dolphin makes no attempt at all to make sure a .dtm is playing with the same settings that were used to record it. It's often impossible to playback a movie without playing a game of 20 questions with the author to figure out what settings/files are needed to make it sync.
A much simpler solution to this would be to simply save the necessary settings/information to the .dtm, and automatically load the appropriate settings, and throw warnings to the user about any mismatched files.
Things that should be saved:
a hash of the game.
if any save file exists, and if so, a hash of it
dual core setting
idle skipping setting
whether jit/interp/jitil are used
hle/lle dsp
attached memory cards, and controllers (code for memory cards at http://code.google.com/r/bradenb95-tas/source/detail?r=b8df731de331e0ad843669f6c75742a8a8fa33ef)
Graphics backend
All Graphics settings under hacks, as well as progressive scan.
For wiimote recordings, connected extensions, as well as sideways/upright settings
For wii games, a hash of Wii\shared2\sys\SYSCONF
EuRGB60 option
Those are all of the important things i can think of that should be saved. There's probably more.