Emulator Issues #5709
closedOn-Screen Display Messages Toggle Button
Name of clone:
Purpose of code changes on this branch:
Adding a button to toggle the display of the On-Screen Display Messages.
When reviewing my code changes, please focus on:
I felt it made the emulation window look a little cleaner without the little On-Screen Display messages :P. The default mode for it is set to ON, and can be found in the interface tab under config to toggle the status of it. I didn't see any option to toggle it, so I figured I would make one for maybe somebody else like me wanting to turn them off.
After the review, please pull into branch:
Updated by xtrafear over 12 years ago
Nevermind, I just took it out of my git anyway haha.
Updated by NeoBrainX over 12 years ago
Why did you remove the patch from your tree again? It actually was very nice...