Emulator Issues #5832
closedRune Factory Frontier Audio Problem
When i turn the game on using Dolphin x86 i runs smoothly but after a while it'ill get buggy in the sound.There's this bzzzz sound like broken tv.I use Dsp HLe so please help fix this problem.Everytime the game start making the sound,the only thing i can do is close and reopen the game.
- Rune Factory Frontier(can't find ID xD)
2) What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
Runs normally except audio buggy and lag and annoying.
3) Did the game ever work correctly (i.e. not have this problem) on an
earlier version of dolphin? Please specify the exact revision when the
problem began.
yes it work correctly except audio
4) What steps will reproduce the problem?
1.Close Dolphin and load save data(but after few minutes it start to get buggy again.
5) What version of dolphin are you using (32bit/64bit along with the
version as it appears in the title bar, etc)? Do not say 'latest version'
this changes multiple times a day.
On what operating system, drivers, and hardware? Be sure to list OS,
graphics driver information, and video card model if you are having
graphics problems, for example.
I use Dolphin x86 3.0-917
6) Please provide any additional information below.
whenever i play this game,at the start it is pefect but only after a few minutes around 10 or less it will get the bzzzzz sound.
7) Attachments. IMPORTANT! We have a limited storage quota on
GoogleCode, so please use a 3rd party host for screenshots or any other
files (http://min.us/ for example).
Updated by AbangMohdAllif about 12 years ago
My game have the same problem.Been trying to fix it .
Updated by RyuKuroi about 12 years ago
I have the same problem tried 6 different version of Dolphin(dolphin_x64_r7671, x86_r7719 v3.0-885 3.0-906-x64 x64-v3.5-112 x64-v3.5-124) both x86 and 64.
Some details about this sound glitch:
Sometimes this sound distortion start after 5 minutes sometimes after 15. Once I was playing like 40 minutes without this feature, so there is not clear time pattern.
It's not an ingame sound, because I've tried to play with ingame Music / Voice / SFX levels and even if all of them are at 0 this distortion is still present.
If you call Wii home menu sound stops, when you return to game it continues.
This distortion is saved in the save state and continues where it left off after loading.
Sometimes after loading from a normal save state you get this distortion. If you reload from the same save state again distortion goes away, but it's only true if you saved before ditortion started(if not see above).
Rarely I hear little bits of normal phrases inside these distortions.
Updated by darkemperorofdoom over 11 years ago
i have the same problem as well. i kinda gave up on the issue and play the game with the auidio backend set to no audio output.
Updated by pauldacheez over 11 years ago
People still having this issue: use a current fucking development build, 99% of audio issues have been fixed. And no, 3.5-367 isn't the latest, nor is stable 3.5. Use 3.5-1054 or newer from here: https://dolphin-emu.org/download/