Emulator Issues #608
closedCannot add AR cheats using Properties menu
What steps will reproduce the problem?
- Open Dolphin
- Right click on a game in the game list, then click Properties
- Click on the "AR Codes" tab, then click on the "Add" button
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
The expected output would be a window to add an AR cheat. Instead of that,
nothing appears. The "Add" button seems defective.
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
Using Dolphin x64 SVN R2313 on Windows Vista x64 SP1
Please provide any additional information below.
Updated by marcus about 16 years ago
You have to click the Edit Config button (right above the AR Codes tab) and add it
manually, as per the instructions here (start at step 5):
However, this is a valid issue. The add button does NOT work, in the AR Codes tab,
or in the Action Replay Manager. Someone fix it please?
Updated by marcus about 16 years ago
Wait, there isn't an add button in the Action Replay Manager. My bad!
Updated by sl1nk3.s about 16 years ago
I've made a patch for this,
it fixes both the add button and the edit button of the ArCodes properties window.
So you can now add codes or edit codes through this much easily.
here's the patch : http://pastebin.com/m5b6d947f
hope it gets added soon if it's fine :)
Updated by Nintendo.Wii.DS about 16 years ago
In fact, after a few tries, even by editing the ini file, the cheats doesn't seem to
work. At all. I've tried, with Zelda Wind Waker, the following cheats :
C4329400 0000FF00
$Maximum Health
003CC531 00000050
They were included with Dolphin. Then I noticed they had a missing line for each
cheat comparing to Codejunkies ones. So I've tried these :
02041EB3 98000000
C4329400 0000FF00
$Maximum Health
02041EB4 18000000
003CC531 00000050
They didn't work either. Then I opened the Action Replay Manager while in game. I've
checked the "Enable AR box" and clicked on Update. Nothing appeared. Blank window. I
suppose it's not supposed to happen.
Can someone confirm this issue so I can write a new ticket ? Thanks
Updated by XTra.KrazzY about 16 years ago
- Status changed from New to Fixed
Go to config and tick "Enable Cheats" :)
Slink3, thanks for the patch, I also clarified some stuff in the regular Patch add/edit.
Updated by Nintendo.Wii.DS about 16 years ago
"Go to config and tick "Enable Cheats" :)"
Hmm ... It works better with that option enabled for sure ! Thank you and excuse me ;)
Updated by OMEGA345 over 10 years ago
Hi, This issue is not fixed, the issue is still there. Even editing the ini doesn't save anything nothing added. Gecko will save though and the cheat code is added in the list.
Dolphin 4.0-4758