Emulator Issues #6785
closedFigure out if we still support Windows XP or not
Title says it all. JMC says WinXP complains about Dolphin not being a valid Win32 application since the vc12 merger.
- Figure out if there's a way to restore Windows XP compatibility
- If there's a way, implement it.
- If there's no way, reflect this in the places that mention Windows XP compatibility.
Updated by maartenpeters over 11 years ago
Couldn't this resolve that problem?: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=30679
Updated by JMC4789 over 11 years ago
I don't have the Windows XP machine, it was someone else that tested it. I did notify them to get the VS2012 runtime beforehand. If they listened, I don't know. When I don't have it installed on Vista/7, it gives a different error though.
Updated by Anonymous over 11 years ago
It is still possible to run dolphin on WinXP, but you need to make changes to the configuration.
See this page for details:
Essentially, someone wanting to build for WinXP needs to change PlatformToolset to v120_xp (Note: the link currently describes vs2012 version incorrectly). After that, it should work, but I have not tested this at all.
WinXP in general should move to our current WinXP x64 compatibility status: "it probably works if you do some small twiddling with the build, but we don't support it and won't add support/promise it works in the future".
I updated the Windows_Build wiki yesterday and it already says Windows Vista or higher is needed. I don't know what else needs to be changed.
Updated by Anonymous over 11 years ago
maartenpeters@hotmail.nl: No, that is totally unrelated.
JMC4789: Dolphin uses VS2013, not VS2012. The runtime is now included with dolphin, so people don't need to install anything extra, in any case.
Updated by parlane over 11 years ago
"The June 2010 DirectX SDK is required if you are building on or for a version of Windows prior to Windows 8."
Technically we don't support Vista or Win 7 atm then...
Updated by JMC4789 over 11 years ago
Okay, thanks. When I first tried it you needed to install it.
But, what you're saying is that Windows XP can work, but isn't supported. That's completely fair from my perspective.
Updated by Anonymous over 11 years ago
parlane: I'm not sure why this is so hard for people to grasp. Yes, we support Vista and anything newer. Just because a dependency is optional does not mean it's unsupported.
JMC4789: Yes.
Updated by parlane over 11 years ago
The June 2010 DirectX SDK is REQUIRED if you are building on OR FOR a version of Windows PRIOR to Windows 8.
Maybe this is why it's hard to understand.
Updated by comexk over 11 years ago
I can confirm that master presently successfully builds and runs on Windows 7, so this statement is incorrect.
Updated by parlane over 11 years ago
I'll update the wiki to be:
The June 2010 DirectX SDK is REQUIRED if you are building on OR FOR Windows XP.
Updated by Anonymous over 11 years ago
parlane: why does that make it hard to understand? It says "required" so people won't opt out, and then complain about not having XAudio2/XInput backends available.
Just look at the code if you have any further confusion:
Updated by parlane over 11 years ago
It says that June 2010 SDK is required for Windows 8. This is false. Seeing as people have built without issue without even having the 2010 sdk.
Updated by JMC4789 over 11 years ago
Umm, Xaudio2 is the audio backend I've been using all along on Windows 7. Am I missing something? Is it not supposed to be working on Windows 7 or something?
Updated by Anonymous over 11 years ago
Additionally I have not even tested building on < Win8, without June 2010 SDK. It should work, but it seems like a pointless configuration to me (for that scenario, June 2010 SDK was required in the past, so why change it?), and a waste of time to test.
Updated by Anonymous over 11 years ago
Updated by Anonymous over 11 years ago
parlane: That just means I rule at planning for scenarios without testing them, I guess? :)
Updated by JMC4789 over 11 years ago
Oh, that makes sense. Thanks for the quick explanation.
Updated by Anonymous over 11 years ago
Also, googlecode does not warn me to refresh the page if someone has entered a comment while I'm typing. Annoying.
Updated by comexk over 11 years ago
godisgovernment: I have, and it does build. Just no XAudio backend.
Updated by Anonymous over 11 years ago
Wait...I missed comment #12:
#12 parlane
I'll update the wiki to be:
The June 2010 DirectX SDK is REQUIRED if you are building on OR FOR Windows XP.
Yeah...don't do that. DirectX SDK is unrelated to the XP issue. The XP issue is the runtime library, as I stated in comment #3, with a link to the msdn info about it. Also as I stated, we don't support XP, so don't put it on the wiki.
Updated by NeoBrainX over 11 years ago
- Status changed from Fixed to Accepted
"- If there's a way, implement it.
- If there's no way, reflect this in the places that mention Windows XP compatibility."
I can't be bothered to read this whole discussion with every second post revising what the previous one said. Anyway, if Windows support is still possible, it has not been implemented in the build bot yet, and if it's not possible and/or wished (and if it's the latter, ffs I'm this close to just revert the whole vc12 crap again) to support XP any further, there are still loads of places where XP is mentioned to be supported. Most importantly this includes the GoogleCode frontpage.
Updated by parlane over 11 years ago
We will make x86 builds XP compat and 64 bit will only be vista+ compat.
Updated by Anonymous over 11 years ago
NeoBrainX: read the responses, you are the one who requested them.
parlane: why. why do you have to be so annoying about this. Drop XP. Let it die. It will be unsupported by MS in 2 months. XP is an old, outdated, unsupported, and archaic platform which hinders usage of new features which have been developed in the FOURTEEN years since XP's release. Let it go, already.
Look, now the googlecode front page says Vista+. Wasn't so hard.
Updated by parlane over 11 years ago
XP is not officially dropped until April 2014 http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/enterprise/endofsupport.aspx
And I think it is a good compromise as people who are using 32bit builds shouldn't be using them on Vista+ anyway as Vista came in 64bit.
Updated by Anonymous over 11 years ago
That makes no sense. XP came in x64 too.
Updated by parlane over 11 years ago
We don't support XP x64! lol
Matthew Parlane
Updated by tueidj over 11 years ago
x86 is an old, outdated and archaic architecture that was developed nearly 30 years ago. Let it go already and move to WinRT ARM.
Updated by comexk over 11 years ago
Nah, we need to drop ARM support too, it's an architecture with no less than three instruction encodings from 1985 (same year as protected mode!). I hear ARM64 is all the rage. Or maybe we should switch to Mill...
Updated by comexk over 11 years ago
- Relates to maintainability set to Yes
- Regression set to Yes
- Easy set to Yes
- Priority set to Urgent
- Milestone set to Current
- Category set to gfx
- Operating system Windows added
Updated by Anonymous over 11 years ago
tueidj: I think the actual parallel would be with itanium/alpha/8086/etc :)
Updated by Anonymous over 11 years ago
Guys, does dolphin run in 16bit unprotected mode? This is important feature.
Updated by comexk over 11 years ago
Unfortunately even with highmem we would be limited to 1MB of memory. This is why we shouldn't have used C++, since the binary is 12MB. I suggest moving to Rust.
Updated by tueidj over 11 years ago
You can bypass that limit by making it a UEFI application, then you don't even need to worry about these pesky OS related issues. HF audio can even be used for netplay! #bottlenoseBIOS
Updated by Anonymous over 11 years ago
Wow, that's a good idea. We can also use echolocation to warn oculus rift users of impending dangerous objects in the real world! BE the dolphin with #bottlenoseBIOS!
Updated by JMC4789 about 11 years ago
Windows XP still errors out with "Not a valid win32 program"
Is anyone interested in fixing this, or should Windows Vista become the minimum requirements?
Updated by parlane about 11 years ago
- Status changed from Accepted to Fixed
The hard decision is made: No XP support going forward.