



Emulator Issues #7167


[Intel GPUs] Texture glitches on D3D backend since 4.0-1288

Added by hosode almost 11 years ago.

Won't fix
% Done:


Operating system:
Issue type:
Relates to usability:
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Regression start:
Fixed in:


Game Name?
New Super Mario Bros Wii, Mario Kart Wii

Game ID?

What's the problem? Describe what went wrong in few words.
Small flickering multicolor texture glitches can be seen in various spots, mainly on "ground" texture in NSMB, but also more clearly near the edges of some 3d objects. See attached pictures. The glitches change just a bit when the picture moves, so they kind of pop even more when playing live.
OpenGL works, and there would be no problem using that, except vsync only works (on my Intel HD 4600) on D3D, and it makes especially this game much smoother, removes effectively microstuttering.

What did you expect to happen instead?
See glitch-free non-flickering textures, as up to 4.0-1282.

What steps will reproduce the problem?

  1. Open Dolphin version 4.0-1288 or later
  2. Change graphics backend to D3D.
  3. Open NSMB, wait for title screen. Pay attention to the ground.

Dolphin 3.5 and 3.5-367 are old versions of Dolphin that have
known issues and bugs, so don't report issues about them and test the
latest Dolphin version first.
Which versions of Dolphin did you test on?
See above, forked down the problem, culprit seems to be 4.0-1288, no problems before that.

Does using an older version of Dolphin solve your issue? If yes, which
versions of Dolphin used to work?
See above.

What are your PC specifications? (including, but not limited to: Operating
System, CPU and GPU)
Win 8.1 64 bit, Intel i5-4670S, Intel HD 4600.

Are you using the 32 or the 64 bit version of Dolphin?

Is there any other relevant information? (e.g. logs, screenshots,
configuration files)
Forked the issue using portable versions of 64-bit Dolphin. Below are 3 images that illustrate the problem. ; Working 4.0.1282 ; Glitches on the ground 4.0-1288 ; Glitches on objects 4.0-1288

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Has duplicate Emulator - Emulator Issues #7319: Distorted Graphics in various gameDuplicate

Actions #1

Updated by JMC4789 almost 11 years ago

Unable to reproduce, though; I'm on the NTSC version of the game.

Could be caused by two things, realistically. 1: PAL version of the game has a bug the NTSC one doesn't or 2: The HD4600 is doing something wrong.

There were lots of graphics pipeline changes, and I do know that 1288 does introduce other bugs, so, I'll be curious to see what's going on. A fifolog would be very nice.

Actions #2

Updated by hosode almost 11 years ago

Thanks for the quick checkup! I wouldn't be surprised if it indeed is related to HD4600 (for which I do have the latest 3/14 drivers, btw). I'll see what I can do about the fifolog, haven't done those before :)

Actions #3

Updated by JMC4789 almost 11 years ago

Actions #4

Updated by NeoBrainX almost 11 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Questionable

Tested New Super Mario Bros Wii with my Intel HD4400, rendered fine. Please provide more accurate description of your graphics settings.

Actions #5

Updated by NeoBrainX almost 11 years ago

.. Nevermind, you said OGL works fine. I'm on Linux and hence cannot test D3D :/

Actions #6

Updated by hosode almost 11 years ago

I'm not able to reproduce the glitches on my other computer using the same game dumps & Dolphin versions. This other computer has a much older cpu (Q9450@3,2GHz) and Radeon HD 7850. On my newer computer the problem is reproducible with default graphics settings. I originally noticed it with 4.0-1340, and tested every option separately (per pixel lighting, forced filtering, efb to ram, xfb, openmp, fast depth, cache accuracy safe-fast and the rest). Only change from D3D to OGL fixes this.
So it seems to be GPU-related, but I'll get to those fifos later. Based on my 4months ownership of Intel HD, generally DirectX has been more "compatible" than other backends, but not this time.

Actions #7

Updated by hosode almost 11 years ago

Managed to record with Fifo player (seemed to give errors and crashes on -1288, worked fine on -1340). Shows the glitches clearly, but textures are not loaded, so objects appear black. Can you make something out of this?

Actions #8

Updated by hosode almost 11 years ago

And again, the glitches are not visible on my other computer when playing the fifolog, so here's a screenshot. Especially the eggs looks like a christmas tree...

Actions #9

Updated by hosode almost 11 years ago

Another user confirmed the same glitches ( ) with Intel HD 4000 (NSMB, PAL version). So far it seems (as to my understanding) that Intel HD GPU/drivers are not able to do something that the recent D3D-backend wants. I'll leave it to developers to decide, if this should be addressed by changing dolphin (since the glitch only appeared after 1288 merge) or if we'll wait for Intel to provide more able drivers.

Actions #10

Updated by JMC4789 almost 11 years ago

All I can ask in the meantime is that you keep us updated as new versions of Dolphin and Intel Drivers come out. If there is a new version of Dolphin that we may think affects this issue, we will post in the issue.

Actions #11

Updated by hosode almost 11 years ago

Most appreciated!

Actions #12

Updated by magumagu9 almost 11 years ago

This suddenly started showing up on my computer: . Using an Intel HD 4000. And by "suddenly", I mean I just noticed it today, and it didn't reproduce for me before.

I hate to suggest it, but my best guess is that it's a hardware defect: given that this suddenly started showing up for me, and the glittering effect happens even with a 1-frame FIFO, I can't think of any other explanation.

Actions #13

Updated by hosode almost 11 years ago

Ok... so I'm a bit afraid to ask, but is there anything to do about it?

I found out that the issue emerged with commit 4f82d6f7af "PixelShaderGen: Implement tev combiner lerping in a faster way which … ". The code has evolved ever since, but is there any way to implement a bypass for situation if ApiType = D3D AND GPU includes words Intel HD, so that lerping would be done the "old way"? My copy-pasting in the code didn't bring me more than a bunch of crashes.. :)

Actions #14

Updated by magumagu9 almost 11 years ago

Until we actually understand what's going on, I don't want to blindly mess with the pixel shader code hoping that we'll get lucky and cover up the driver/hardware bug in some cases. Changing around the code and praying it works isn't a sustainable solution.

I'm going to try and see if I can get any information out of Intel.

Actions #15

Updated by hosode almost 11 years ago

That sounds very reasonable, you're right. I don't want that kind of ugly hacks, either.

I kind of got a little carried away when I could with VS2013 build the non-glitcy version and then with one cherry-picked commit (the one mentioned above) I could reproduce the whole issue. I might play a little more with my "fork", but more profound approach (the one that involves Intel) is the only right way.

Actions #16

Updated by hosode almost 11 years ago

I edited the code on my fork , the hack bypasses the new lerping formula and uses the old one, if [Video_Hacks] / OldTEVLerpOnD3D = True is set in gameini (ShaderCache needs to be deleted after this option is set to clear the glitches).
This is a questionable fix (fallback to old inaccurate code) to a questionable issue (HW/driver problem), but it works for me. Does this make the issue (questionably) Fixed-In-Branch, I don't know.
I suggest the issue title to be changed to "Texture glitches on Intel HD+D3D backend since 4.0-1288"

Actions #17

Updated by hosode almost 11 years ago

(A current build at 4.0-1574 can be found at , not planning to publish these in the future so other users need to build their own copies)

Actions #18

Updated by hosode almost 11 years ago

EDIT for comment #17, I sorted out the GitHub remote repository, and the link above won't work, instead I have a dolphin -repsitory which is basically the same as master (only outdated), and it has a branch called oldtevlerp , that has a single commit 1d5b15c2b704d901a61a15f5a96907b096304750 that adds the option to use old TEV lerping.
Address is .

Actions #19

Updated by hosode almost 11 years ago

Any chance this could survive as a pull request to master..? ;)

Actions #20

Updated by magumagu9 almost 11 years ago

If I don't have any better ideas, I'll adapt into a proper patch.

Actions #21

Updated by hosode almost 11 years ago

Great news, that looks elegant! I tried to play around with those bit shifts and change those into something else, but I'm not quite there yet with my programming.

Actions #22

Updated by MayImilae almost 11 years ago

Issue 7319 has been merged into this issue.

Actions #23

Updated by MayImilae almost 11 years ago

  • Status changed from Questionable to Accepted
  • Category set to gfx
  • Regression set to Yes

Reproduced by another user in issue 7319 and on the forum. Marking as accepted.

Actions #24

Updated by NeoBrainX almost 11 years ago

Judging by comment #21, this very much looks like an issue with the Intel driver. In this case, the issue is on the vendor's side, and should be reported through the proper channels to the driver development team.

Actions #25

Updated by hosode almost 11 years ago

NeoBrain: I agree, this should be addressed properly with driver update, it's just that Intel drivers don't update that often ;)
Anyway, has someone reported this to Intel (I haven't, since I don't have the insight of the code of what might be wrong. Although magumagu's #21 fix narrows it down to incorrect handling of some bitwise operations, doesn't it?)? I can fill out a report, there is a support "form" on Intel's webpage, let's see if they have somethin to say...

Actions #26

Updated by hesham1441999 over 10 years ago

Isn't it possible to check for the driver's version using the code? this way, we can force the new option only for other drivers. Another solution is simply set the whole thing using an option as in replay #19.

Actions #27

Updated by jimmyli1528 over 10 years ago

Is this the same glitch as massive texture corruption?
Dell Inspiron 15R SE switchable HD4000 or AMD 7730M.
When using HD4000 D3D11, textures are seriously glitched, especially semitransparent textures.
MKWii title screen covered with grid-like noise on my laptop. Intro movie unaffected. Menus are seriously affected. In game, ground is covered with grid-like pattern of darkened or lightened areas.
MKDD Nintendo logo glitched, menu icons glitched. In game, ground is glitched.
Dolphin 4.0-2246.

Actions #28

Updated by hosode over 10 years ago

That sounds somewhat like the glitches related to this, but I can't relate them to semitransparent objects, nor is the grid-like pattern so pronounced. More like scattered pixels, but only on some objects.
Since the problematic line of code is known, the 100% sure way to check whether your glitches are of same kind is to test it with a build that has the fix implemented (and nothing else).
I would do a 64bit win build for you (if you don't have the tools installed), but I won't be at my desktop pc until next week, sorry.

Actions #29

Updated by hosode over 10 years ago

Okay, here's a link to the latest win x64 version of Dolphin with the D3D TEV fix, the person who posted #28 can check, whether your graphics problems persist. If they do, then they are NOT the same as reported in this issue. This is a portable version (includes portable.txt in the Dolphin.exe folder), so that your old shader cache can not mess this test...

I also included the lighting fix (to remove the "dark goombas" glitch from SMG2, it hasn't been merged, yet, but is suggested in Git. So this is the build I intend to use also for the near future...

Actions #30

Updated by NeoBrainX over 10 years ago

  • Status changed from Accepted to Won't fix

As explained in , we will not introduce a workaround to this in our software.

I suggest asking the Intel support for updates on how they plan to address our bug report at .

Actions #31

Updated by hosode over 10 years ago

Ok, thank you, for you clearly have given enough thought for this decision :)

I'll try to keep the bug report open on Intel forums and bump the issue every now and then. Plus I'll make a post on Dolphin forum so people will find the resolution there, also.

Actions #32

Updated by hosode over 10 years ago

Hey, I found out something rather interesting. My intention today was to make a fraps-video of Donkey Kong Country Returns, that would show the glitches at their worst, just to demonstrate. This was not the original title that I used to narrow down the issue (I used NSMB), so I had not checked all the Dolphin options (especially Fast Depth) with this game.
There was another discussion recently on forums about flickering sun in DKCR and the resolution was not to use fast depth in this game, so I changed this to off. Otherwise I intended to do the recording with D3D default settings.

So I almost fell from my chair when I launched DKCR and the glitches were gone. At least the most apparent ones, I did not play long.

So next I tested NSMB, I was kinda hoping that the issue would have been totally fixed here, too, but it wasn't. And I would have seen that in my original tests. The gift ribbons, cannon etc are still affected. BUT the title screen ground gets fixed with fast depth turned off, I honestly don't remember noticing this before.

So this gives me an impression, that the depth of the glitched pixels is somehow involved. Could it by chance be, that the depth receives an invalid value on some objects / depths? Maybe this could still be fixed within Dolphin (without altering The TEV formula) by applying some adjustments to depth calculations..? Just a thought.

Actions #33

Updated by hosode over 10 years ago

I did some more testing with New Super Mario Bros Wii, and saw that Fast Depth really affects how the glitches look. Turning Fast Depth off makes some objects almost glitchless, then again some objects get even more glitches. So this doesn't really fix the issue, but kind of "shifts" it. Still interesting.

I did test this issue with the depth matrix shaders -fix (PR #823, still unmerged atm, but fixes a LOT of depth related issues). This fix only affects EFB to Texture related bugs, and this issue is the same regardless of EFBtoTexture/EFBtoRAM selection.

Actions #34

Updated by JMC4789 over 10 years ago

It's likely whatever driver bug is occurring is related to depth then, maybe? That is merged as of now, so, hopefully things are more playable for you until a permanent solution comes up.

Actions #35

Updated by hosode over 10 years ago

Here are some screenshots:
Fast Depth on:
FD Off: (especially the eggs cleaned up)
FD On:
FD Off:

Actions #36

Updated by hosode over 10 years ago

JMC: Yeah I just noticed that PR #823 got merged, great!
I'm kinda obsessed with this issue, but things are very much playable for me since I'm using the "workaround" in PR #509 and I only have to compile a new version when something big comes up. Like this #823 :)


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