Emulator Issues #7499
closed19-Jul-2014 Dev Builds and Up are Severly Broken.
dolphin-master-4.0-2217 and up, OpenGL is broken and when exiting out of the game, the gui freezes and becomes unresponsive as well. Some game graphics are garbled and some are upside down.
ConfirmStop = False
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ShowLogConfigWindow = False
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ThemeName = Boomy 2
ThemeName40 = Clean Blue 2
ExtendedFPSInfo = False
Open = 79
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SaveStateSlot3Modifier = 4
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SaveStateSlot4Modifier = 4
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SaveStateSlot5Modifier = 4
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GFXBackend = OGL
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Author =
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EnableShaderDebugging = False
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HackedBufferUpload = False
FastDepthCalc = False
LogRenderTimeToFile = False
ForceBorderlessFullscreen = False
ForceFiltering = True
MaxAnisotropy = 4
PostProcessingShader = FullScreen_Smoothing + Scanlines_ShinRa358
Enable3dVision = True
EFBAccessEnable = True
DlistCachingEnable = False
EFBCopyEnable = True
EFBCopyDisableHotKey = False
EFBToTextureEnable = False
EFBScaledCopy = True
EFBCopyCacheEnable = False
EFBEmulateFormatChanges = True
ForceDualSourceBlend = False
PN03: https://forums.dolphin-emu.org/attachment.php?aid=11738
Beach Spikers: https://forums.dolphin-emu.org/attachment.php?aid=11739
Edit: Seems to be a problem with the shaders I put together that work fine on previous builds but no longer work on the builds stated above, but even still, the gui still freezes when exiting games or navigating through the emu.