Emulator Issues #7743
openVarious Action Replay Codes and Gecko Codes don't work
What's the problem? Describe what went wrong in few words.
On Dolphin, button activated Action Replay Codes and Gecko Codes don't work.
Dolphin 3.5 and 3.5-367 are old versions of Dolphin that have
known issues and bugs, so don't report issues about them and test the
latest Dolphin version first.
Which versions of Dolphin did you test on?
I tested it on 3.5 and many 4.0 development builds with a variety of Gamecube and Wii games.
Is there any other relevant information? (e.g. logs, screenshots,
configuration files)
It appears that Dolphin isn't able to interpret button activated codes correctly. Pressing the code specific buttons don't activate the code.
Updated by skidau over 10 years ago
Do you have an example button activated code that does not work?
Updated by gamemasterplc over 10 years ago
It only works for some action replay codes
Updated by Korados over 10 years ago
Yes, here are some of the codes that don't work for me. There are many more, so I just give you examples:
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year-Door (NTSC) [G8ME01]
Max Crowd (D-Pad Up)
B5EC4746 08000000
0A3CA398 00000008
4241EBE0 E78A4316
Pikmin 2 (PAL) [GPVP01]:
Press D-Pad Up Freezes Day Timer
C5E2DD89 18000000
1A507D08 00000008
041274B8 380001CE
Wii Sports Resort (PAL) [RZTP01]:
Infinite Jetski Training Time [Bully@Wiiplaza]
2886E45A FEFF0100
04582224 38000000
CC000000 00000000
04582224 801B0050
E0000000 80008000
Press 2 to toggle ON/ OFF
Flytime [Romaap]
04428250 60000000
04428244 38004650
2086E454 00000700
04428244 38000000
E0000000 80008000
You have unlimited Flytime, Press 1+2+B to Finish
Super Mario Galaxy 2 (PAL) [SB4P01]:
boulder mario/luigi rolls until he hits something [ardemii]
0443F018 60000000
28756102 00004004
0443F018 386000B3
E0000000 80008000
press C+down to stop rolling if you can't hit anything
Updated by Korados over 10 years ago
Isn't there any possibility to make them work? Why isn't Dolphin able to activate these codes?
Updated by JMC4789 over 10 years ago
I got some button based ones to work, but they weren't working correctly, unfortunately. I don't know why though.
Updated by JMC4789 over 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to Questionable
Action Replay support is pretty sketchy in Dolphin, so I don't know if this should be its own issue.
Updated by OMEGA345 about 10 years ago
This issue is still there, pressing the button to activate codes do not work, it's a hit and miss you have to keep trying it. Often times during loading sequences it may trigger it to work. Also i'am unable to edit the ini file to add my own AR codes. After adding and saving the ini they never appear in the AR tab list. I believe this issue is #608 which is marked "fixed" but the issue is still there. cheers!
Updated by Korados about 10 years ago
I'm still experiencing this issue. Button activated codes rarely ever work. If they work, they do just one time until I reset the game.
Why was this issue marked as questionable? There's something what doesn't work on Dolphin, so it's an issue, isn't it? Please don't underrate this just because it's about cheating.
I really would like to see this issue fixed! Why don't button activated codes work in the first place?
Updated by OMEGA345 about 10 years ago
The way Dolphin handles input maybe messing these type of cheats up. If we hold the button it's not reading it as held. So instead it's polling the controller constantly only seeing it held so often.
This will probably not be fixed at all due to it not being a "high priority" sadly.
Updated by OMEGA345 about 10 years ago
Forgot to add that, the trigger codes in Zelda Wind Waker, don't work at all.
Updated by JMC4789 about 10 years ago
I'm currently ripping an action replay disc to apply the codes the same way they would be applied on console. Once I do that, then we can know more about what's going on.
Updated by OMEGA345 about 10 years ago
I look forward to your results. Thanks for attempting.
Updated by JMC4789 about 10 years ago
I have the answer; it totally worked. I was able to do the Hold R to megajump and flew up in the air.
Updated by OMEGA345 about 10 years ago
JMC will you post your findings plz? and how can we make this a priority haha.
Updated by Korados about 10 years ago
I really hope that it will be fixed soon, too. This would be very good! Many of the codes I'd like to use are button activated. I find it a bit sad that this issue is handled so low in priority because it's about cheating. I hope that the Status might be changed to Accepted, because it's not questionable.
Strangely, there is one button-activated code that partially(!) worked for me. Maybe you can use this as a lead? Toggling the code sometimes worked for me, sometimes it didn't.
Super Mario Galaxy 2 [SB4E01]
antigravity jump toggle Z+2 [wiiztec]
28750A02 00002100
CC000000 00000000
48000000 807ECEF8
DE000000 80008180
28750A02 F7FF0800
140006A4 BF800000
28750A03 F7FF0000
140006A4 3F800000
E0000000 80008000
on by default
unlike a moon jump this can actually save you from falling
Updated by OMEGA345 about 10 years ago
That's the thing. Codes are a hit or miss it may trigger or not.
Updated by OMEGA345 about 10 years ago
Make sure you STAR this issue so they will see people care.
Updated by delroth about 10 years ago
- Status changed from Questionable to Won't fix
Go do your brigading somewhere else.
Updated by OMEGA345 about 10 years ago
I was told to STAR this within the Chanel on Irc, I don't get that comment.
Updated by Korados about 10 years ago
I already starred this issue. And why is it set to WontFix now? Didn't JMC found something about this issue? How would you know that this is unfixable?
To be honest, I find it a bit ridiculous that this issue seems to be treated as if it's not worth anything. For me, it's pretty important, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks so. Sure, it's not high priority but just shoving it aside won't fix it.
Updated by OMEGA345 about 10 years ago
I've tested, Dolphin-x64 3.0.749 and Dolphin-x64 3.0.862 the issue exists with these versions too. I can't find anything older where they actually worked.
Updated by shadoxfix about 10 years ago
- Status changed from Won't fix to Accepted
You guys seem to get wrong message. First and foremost. The developers definitely do care about the issue but you have to understand that Dolphin is an open source project with a lot of different developers working on different parts. Developers mostly pick out the issues/parts they want to tackle and thus it may take a while for the issue to be resolved as it seems there's currently no developer looking into the issue; this has nothing to do about this issue being about cheating.
As for why delroth put it on WontFix. It's because OMEGA345 was telling people to star the issue to make it seem like you care. Developers know you care and the star feature is not intended for this purpose and it shouldn't be encouraged to blindly star an issue. By allowing such behavior the star feature loses its value since it becomes a popularity contest.
I'll be marking the issue as accepted now but please do not ask for people to star this, they can decide this by themselves. If anyone disagrees (delroth in particular) feel free to change the status and preferably leave a comment explaining why.
Updated by JMC4789 about 10 years ago
I recorded a video that features this particular issue at hand. Even if this report iself was invalidated for abuse of the "starring" feature, I would have just made another one.
Updated by OMEGA345 about 10 years ago
Sorry i had said that, i had no ill intent but i can see your points both of you's as to why, there is no need to explain delroth. I look forward to seeing the developments of this "bug" and JMC4789's video and findings will perhaps help.
Updated by Korados about 10 years ago
Thank you, shadox! I know, this issue is not exactly vital, so I guess it maybe was just overlooked. But it really makes me curious why Dolphin isn't able to properly handle button-activated codes, while the others are working. Is there any kind of connection which is missing? I'm looking toward to your video, JMC!
Updated by OMEGA345 about 10 years ago
Just want to add none of the trigger ones for Metroid Other M work too.
Also, many non-trigger ones do not work. These are all Gecko based cheats.
Inf Health
Rapid Fire
Inf. Ammo
Updated by Korados about 10 years ago
I just tested the button-activated codes for Wii Sports Resort and Mario Party 8 on 4.0-5525. The codes for Wii Sports Resort don't work at all. There's an infinite flytime code. It stops the timer and when you press 1+2+B, the timer should set to zero to finish the flight. On Dolphin, the timer is stopped, but the button combination doesn't work.
Interestingly, the codes for Mario Party 8, which are all button-activated, work flawlessly! I wonder why some codes work and why some don't. It may depend on the game, not the codes themselves.
Updated by OMEGA345 about 10 years ago
JMC4789 still hasn't posted his video and findings. Last I heard they work find with the original AR disc.
Updated by OMEGA345 about 10 years ago
Tomb Raider Legend (GL8E4F) GameCube, Gecko, the Moon Jump Hold A works fine.
Zelda TP (GZ2E01) Gamecube AR Code, Press L-Targets Glow is working fine.
Super Mario Sunshine (GMSE01) Gamecube, Gecko, Hold B to run very fast is working fine.
AR Code, D-Pad Up for Large Mario is working fine.
Mario Kart (GM4E01) Gamecube, AR Code, Prezz Z to Jump, works fine.
D-Pad Up Freeze Time, Don't Work.
Metroid Prime (GM8E01) Gamecube. Press B to Moon Jump, Doesn't work.
Pikmin 2 (GPVE01) Gamecube, Press D-Pad to advance day. Doesn't work.
Pikmin (GPIE01) Gamecube, Walk Under Water, doesn't work.
Updated by shadoxfix about 10 years ago
I actually investigated this issue a little bit a few days ago but couldn't find what was exactly wrong. I was testing out the Wind Waker Press R to Mega Jump code. The conditional part of the code works fine (press R) and after that it does a 32-bit floating add code. I initially suspected that being wrong for whatever reason however that was not the case (the addition worked fine). So I decided to change the value it adds to 00030000 instead of 00000003. To my surprise the code actually worked and shot up in the air. The value 00000003 never worked except if I was in a state where I could not crouch. Hanging on a ladder and pressing R made me go up very slowly (hanging on a ledge doesn't work). If I was standing on the ground and pressed R the height of Link would always alternate between two values. The previous height and the height + 3 (which isn't noticeable).
That's where I stopped trying to find the issue. I couldn't figure out why it was happening and there's very little documentation (or hard to find) on AR codes. The comments in the code seem to suggest that AR codes were implemented slightly differently. ("The mechanism is different than what the real AR uses, so there may be compatibility problems.")
Updated by AHeinerm about 10 years ago
This reminds me of a much older issue where action replay codes were not updated frequently enough. The value increase from 00000003 to 00030000 could be an indicator that the code either isn't being interpreted correctly or the update frequency is too low.
Updated by Korados about 10 years ago
I just tested this code on the PAL version of Wind Waker. It's similar to the one shadox used:
Moon Jump (Hold DPad Down)
0A3F5018 00000004
423D1D38 01124204
It works flawless. Link is launched into the air immediately, in the exact same way as on an original Gamecube.
I can confirm that the respective codes for Pikmin 1 and 2 also don't work on the PAL versions.
Why were the codes implemented differently? Would it possible to change this? Maybe it would solve the issue.
Updated by shadoxfix about 10 years ago
Could you guys please post the actual codes that don't work? It's a bit hard finding what codes you're using since I don't have most of those games. (Or I have a PAL version instead.)
Updated by OMEGA345 about 10 years ago
Wind Waker (GZLE01) Gamecube.
-Boomerange doesn't return, press/hold down to make it return. Yes it won't return but pressing or holding down doesn't return it.
Press Z moon jump doesn't work.
Press R to jump, doesn't work.
-stuff on the top right screen is invisable, doesn't work.
-jump to ledge of any height, doesn't work.
Updated by JMC4789 about 10 years ago
Issue 5882 has been merged into this issue.
Updated by OMEGA345 about 10 years ago
JMC4789, that code on that ticket does work indeed!
but how about many others that do not work, even for other games? I've yet to test on Wii titles yet.
Updated by JMC4789 about 10 years ago
I think this issue will get closed and we'll make a more concise issue eventually. It comes down to our Action Replay HLE not being that good.
Updated by OMEGA345 about 10 years ago
tested these ones that don't work.
shadow link
stuff on top right screen invisible
teleport to fire mountain
jump to any ledge or height
roll further
unrestricted camera
Updated by shadoxfix about 10 years ago
Are you sure the unrestricted camera doesn't work? This (http://puu.sh/g6ljL.jpg) is the behavior it produces for me and it seems to work correctly.
Updated by OMEGA345 about 10 years ago
Okay you are correct, the unrestricted camera worked fine.
Resident Evil 4
Infinite Ammo With Reloads
Turn invisible (works but enemy still finds you)
Updated by shadoxfix about 10 years ago
Could you try a few of those cheats on this build: http://www.mediafire.com/download/6nmwpny97dtb6m2/Dolphin.rar
I know that the Wind Waker R to Mega Jump works on that build. Wondering what the effects are on other games/cheats.
Updated by shadoxfix about 10 years ago
I forgot to mention. You'll probably see your FPS drop in that build since it's a bad solution to identify the problem.
I also confirmed that the teleport to Fire Mountain code works there.
Updated by OMEGA345 about 10 years ago
Just re-tested in 4.0-5580, codes don't work.
The one you pasted however codes are working great!
So what happened here? :(
Updated by OMEGA345 about 10 years ago
Forgot to mention i was using 4.0-5281 before updating today.
Updated by shadoxfix about 10 years ago
The build I sent you isn't actually 4.0-5569. It's a modified version I compiled for testing. As to why that one does work. I suspected that the codes don't get run often enough. Billiard26 noted this as well in issue 5882. So instead of running the codes once every frame I changed it to run every 1/60th of a frame (random number I used). Note that this is not correct behavior but it's merely for testing purposes.
Updated by Korados about 10 years ago
I tested the Flytime and Infinite Jetski time code for Wii Sports Resort (PAL) just now on the build you posted. Both don't work.
Updated by Korados about 10 years ago
Sorry, I forgot. The Pikmin 1 and 2 codes don't work, too.
Updated by shadoxfix about 10 years ago
The build I posted was targeted for AR codes and not Gecko Codes. So it shouldn't affect the Flytime and Infinite Jetski Time codes. The pikmin 2 code doesn't seem to be correct. It has a type of C5 which isn't a type (or atleast, not documented anywhere). Could you try to replace that with 5C, it might be that someone made a small typing mistake.
Press D-Pad Up Freezes Day Timer
5CE2DD89 18000000
1A507D08 00000008
041274B8 380001CE
Updated by AHeinerm about 10 years ago
The decrypted code from codejunkies is this one:
Press D-Pad Up Freezes Day Timer
05E2DD89 18000000
1A507D08 00000008
041274B8 380001CE
Updated by Korados about 10 years ago
Are there any news about this issue? I'm still looking forward to JMC's video.
I tried the Wii Sports Resort Flytime code on 4.0-5760, but it still doesn't work.
I also tried the Pikmin 2 timer codes but none of them work.
Updated by OMEGA345 about 10 years ago
zelda skyward sword SOUE01
Dolphin 4.0 -5580
-Guardians can't attack - don't work
-Sleeping guardians - don't work
-moonjump right on dpad don't work
-guardians can't attack toggle ++- dont work
-walk on lava don't work
-Sleeping Guardians v1. dont work
-Invisible dont work
-walk on air toggle 1+2 dont work
-time stopper dont work
-Jesus mode dont work
Updated by shadoxfix about 10 years ago
Could you test how many of those codes work on the build I posted?
Updated by OMEGA345 about 10 years ago
I just left my home I will as soon as I arrive back :-)
I know the walk on lava one worked before, but i dont recall which version of Dolphin it was. I think 4.2 something. I don't have too much time to test so i test as i require a code :P
Updated by OMEGA345 about 10 years ago
shadox, the codes in your Dolphin do not work for me, same with my 4.0 5580.
- have everything do not work
- have 600 points dont work
- 99 inf bugs+materials do not work
- walk on lava do not work
- Hold 900 Extra Rupees do not work
Updated by shadoxfix about 10 years ago
Do any Gecko codes work at all for you?
Also, this issue should probably be split up into two separate issues since it's hard to track what is related to AR codes and what is related to Gecko codes. They also seem to be caused by two separate bugs.
Updated by OMEGA345 about 10 years ago
This is the first time I am trying Wii codes. I only used GC gecko/at. Also, they are probably connected is it necessary to have another ticket? The topic says clearly at/gecko from original poster.
Updated by guernzilla about 10 years ago
In Kirby Air Ride For gamecube (USA) All of the gecko codes work execpt ones that are activated with buttons, also when adding an AR code to Kirby Air Ride dolphin crashes after clicking the accept button when you finish naming it and putting in the code. In Super Mario Galaxy 1 (USA) The button activated transformation code doesnt work (i got it to work slightly but the buttons still did not work) while other non button activated codes work. (Using Dolphin 4.0-5811)
Updated by guernzilla about 10 years ago
Please ignore the thing about the AR code crash, Just read that that was fixed today in update 4.0-5815
Updated by Korados about 10 years ago
In my opinion, we don't need another thread because when I posted it I intended it to be for both kinds of codes. But I don't know if this issue is caused by two separate bugs. I can confirm that the button-activated codes for Zelda Skyward Sword also don't work on the PAL version. I tested it on 4.0-5841.
What still makes me curious is why all of the codes for Mario Party 8 work perfectly every time. What has this game what the others don't have?
Updated by OMEGA345 about 10 years ago
Some codes may work if you use LLE Recompiler Audio. But will break some other ones.
Updated by Korados about 10 years ago
I have 4.0-5901 now and I tried some codes with LLE but this really doesn't help for me! Omega, which codes worked for you while you used LLE?
Are there any progresses to this issue?
Updated by OMEGA345 about 10 years ago
zelda skyward sward usa, inf. rupee gecko-code wasnt working before, when i changed to LLE Recompiler Audio it worked.
Updated by Korados almost 10 years ago
Okay. I tried the Flytime code again with LLE on 4.0-5935 but it didn't work. The code works on the real Wii and on the vWii. I pressed the buttons again and again but it's just no use. The Pikmin 2 time codes also don't work.
I hope that this issue won't be forgotten over the time! Aren't there any clues on how to make Dolphin recognise these codes?
Updated by Korados almost 10 years ago
But what did actually happen to JMC? Didn't he say he wanted to give us a video with the things he found? Maybe this video has a clue. This is really a headscratcher.
I would've tried to change some of the codes but due to issue 7739 - which I actually also found out -, this isn't possible.
Updated by OMEGA345 almost 10 years ago
He has other things to do much like everyone else :-)
Updated by Korados almost 10 years ago
Yeah, but I hope he doesn't forget it. It's been a month now. I'm actually pretty disappointed that this issue is most likely leading to nowhere. Nobody seems to have an idea about how to solve this. Could there actually be a solution or will it never be fixed? I wouldn't like to shout against walls.
Updated by shadoxfix almost 10 years ago
JMC47 actually made a "Datel: Unlicensed Product Showcase" (https://dolphin-emu.org/blog/2015/03/09/datel-unlicensed-products-showcase/) blog post in which he mentions the bug and has a video of it.
As for where this issue is going. The problem is that the codes are executed at the wrong time causing some codes to not work. Increasing the frequency of the codes like I did #44 partially solves this (more chance to hit the right time) but is not a proper solution. AR codes should probably be handled in a way the original AR codes work.
The problem with this issue it that no one is currently working on it or is interested enough in working on it. This will likely get solved one day but probably won't happen soon.
Note that I did not look into Gecko codes at all and can't say much about why those are not working.
Updated by Korados almost 10 years ago
Thank you for the article! So JMC was able to run the original AR disc on Dolphin. I wish I could do this, too. Couldn't you ask someone who might be interested in working on this issue?
Updated by JMC4789 almost 10 years ago
Issue 8635 has been merged into this issue.
Updated by JMC4789 almost 10 years ago
Issue 7071 has been merged into this issue.
Updated by redherochildboss over 9 years ago
Here are a few more broken AR codes for Four Swords Adventures (
1: 0A52EA28 00000840 0513B4DC 0000000D . Press L+Y on the world map, press down, press A, and the following errors appear. https://imgur.com/PWhPE9X,u3S8pfm
2: DR7B-3WJ8-HCT1B
9512-QYF9-8JRHU .
This makes cut levels appear in the world select list (just keep scrolling after you reach the end of the list). Select E3 and the following crash appears: https://imgur.com/Uq3wtdc
(Reported both of these in Issue 8749 , but JMC said to put them here.)
Updated by redherochildboss over 9 years ago
The Walk Through Walls code in Four Swords doesn't seem to work properly either: FZJC-1B5A-E1JXP
GQZ8-7126-30ZTM . Pressing B+up/down is supposed to enable/disable it, but doesn't seem to do that. It does work though - I know because it somehow got stuck on for me.
Updated by Korados over 9 years ago
Four Swords Adventures seems to be a more difficult thing, I think, because I never got any codes to work on this game, regardless of button-activated or not.
I just tried the Flytime code again on 4.0-6988 but I still had no luck.
Updated by OMEGA345 over 9 years ago
Okay was playing around with the trigger codes. I was correct what i said a while ago above.. To get some trigger codes to work, keep pressing the button required during loading sequences. You may have to try a few times before the button takes effect. I just got the time in the loftwing spiral minigame to work after repeating the button during loading sequences. The time remains at 120sec now.
Updated by Korados over 9 years ago
The problem with your idea are codes which are supposed to be pressed while the game is running, like codes which freeze a timer and to set the timer to 0, you have to press the button combination. For example, there's a code which didn't work for Mario Sports Mix [RMKP01]:
Time Control [Bully@Wiiplaza]
284CDDA2 F9FF0600
0418A528 D2C30024
0418A4FC D2C30024
E2100000 00000000
0418A4FC 60000000
0418A528 60000000
E0000000 80008000
*Press 1 + B to end game instantly
I just tested the Wii Sports Resort Flytime code again on 5.0-rc-19 but it still doesn't work. The timer is freezed at 5 minutes but pressing the button combination to end the flight session has no use. Doesn't this issue have any solution?
Updated by OMEGA345 over 9 years ago
Yes i understand this. Nobody has time or cares to work on this issue as it's not top priority. If you got the original AR disc all codes work apparently.
Updated by Korados over 9 years ago
Okay, we are on the new tracker now. I don't know if anybody ever had a look on this issue again, so I thought I just write something here.
I tried the usual codes on 4.0-7960 now but they still don't work. I'm not sure if this ever will be fixed but I hope
that someone might have an idea in the future.
Updated by JosJuice over 9 years ago
- Has duplicate Emulator Issues #5135: Metroid Prime - Cheat code problem - update game ini added
Updated by Marioman1 over 8 years ago
Add Other M's button-triggered codes to the list, namely third-person missiles (NTSC-U Version). Still doesn't work on 5.0-1424.
Use Missiles in 3rd person view [Y.S.]
0454E368 38000001
0454D9F4 3B600001
0454D9CC 3B600001
0454D9AC 3B600002
0454D998 3B600003
4E000010 00000000
C2699544 00000003
80630004 48000009
32000000 00000000
20C78980 00000000
282DBEC2 FBFF0400
0454D9F4 3B600004
0454D9CC 3B600004
0454D9AC 3B600005
0454D998 3B600006
E0000000 80008000
You can shoot missiles while holding B button
I found that the code works fine in the Interpreter, but not JIT or JITIL. JIT sometimes only fires missiles even when not holding B even when out of them (or doesn't work at all) and JITIL just hangs on a black screen on boot with ANY code active.
Updated by M1CR0H4CK3R over 4 years ago
Update: On 5.0-12685, this issue is prevalent in a different way in my case.
I have found that the majority of AR codes work for me, but some AR codes properly converted to Gecko do not work (but the AR version does), notably this one:
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Moon Jump (L)
AR Max:
0A3ED84A 00000040
423CA410 01124204
283ED48A FFBF0040
48000000 803CA410
DE000000 80008180
12000224 00004204
E0000000 80008000
The AR code works, but the Gecko code does not. Personally, I believe that the current Gecko codehandler implementation isn't being given read/write access to certain memory regions. No other explanation makes sense, since the AR version works just fine.
It's been 4 years since this was marked as Accepted, and the emulator has gone leaps and bounds since then in terms of optimization, so I'm optimistic that this will be fixed before the end of this year if it gets decent priority.
Updated by JMC4789 over 4 years ago
Some things could just be timing/icache related. I know with the action replay codes, it is due to Dolphin's Action Replay implementation being incorrect in some way. With Gecko Codes I'm not sure.
Updated by Korados over 4 years ago
But why would you need Gecko Codes for a Gamecube game? Is there any difference?