Emulator Issues #7993
closedDonkey Kong Country Returns GFX bug (Intel gpu, OS X)
Game Name?
Donkey Kong Country Returns
Game ID?
What's the problem? Describe what went wrong in few words.
A visual effect is broken as shown in pics
What did you expect to happen instead?
Working visual effect
What steps will reproduce the problem?
Run the game and let the Kong hit the ground by shaking the wiimote
Dolphin 3.5 and 3.5-367 are old versions of Dolphin that have
known issues and bugs, so don't report issues about them and test the
latest Dolphin version first.
Which versions of Dolphin did you test on?
4.0-1192 *breaks the gfx
Does using an older version of Dolphin solve your issue? If yes, which
versions of Dolphin used to work?
What are your PC specifications? (including, but not limited to: Operating
System, CPU and GPU)
Mac OS X 10.10.1
Core-i7 4558U
Is there any other relevant information? (e.g. logs, screenshots,
configuration files)
GFX working in 4.0-1146
not working in 4.0-1192+
Updated by JMC4789 over 10 years ago
It's an Intel HD bug with integers as far as I know; not a bug in Dolphin.
Updated by D.Vutshi over 10 years ago
Is it only OS X driver problem or Linux is also affected?
Updated by JMC4789 over 10 years ago
Maybe. Intel HDs have problems on all OSes, but some problems are specific to OSX
Updated by D.Vutshi about 10 years ago
Linux helps with the gfx bug indeed. Unfortunately, it is 2-3 times slower than mac os...
Updated by JMC4789 about 10 years ago
- Regression changed from Yes to No
This isn't a regression in Dolphin as much as the driver sucking.
Updated by D.Vutshi about 9 years ago
The recent revision 4.0-9142 fixes this problem altogether on my mac!
Updated by JosJuice about 9 years ago
It was fixed in 4.0-9113, as described in the issue report that this issue report duplicates.
Updated by D.Vutshi about 9 years ago
Oh, I see. Haven't got use to the new issue tracker yet :)